The Canadian Champion Tuesday, March 13. 2001-17 ,ýIFreewhee1in' EaMiton Loves INoRTH END NISSANI 610 MARTIN ST., MILTON 878-4137 îN 1 0 e M 1rr DIVEN.- ,- - 0n ar- rn. .ra< r a51 &-0 a N N N N N 0 N N N N 0 N N 9 w Little five-year-oid Mitchell MacDonald scoots along the sidewalc on his shiny scooter decked out in ail his safety gear - heimet and knee poids - yesterday afternoon. ba M gi Photo by -Ls pt b.w GRAHAM PAINE e No prepackaged toods, * One-on-one service by trained counsellors e No EMS or harsh exercise aedon fll program. Excludes prodact. umYOUR WIH Milton Community Resource Centre 8 ++++++++Lauie lost It: tikee a communlty to roi"e a fa9m1ly 2b an 32ice Milton Cornirnunily Resource t * Centre Construction Cainpaign. Please lend your support. For furtiier information coui (905) 876-1244 ext. 16 O *2001 Sentra 2001 Lease Soufra XE with Or special cash parchase Leasa Alima OXE with Or apeci cash purchate Vflu Oin Pckg prîce si Canveniece Package price ai fioor mob $ frlyl -126-HP 1.8-litre enieAir conditioning * 4 speaker 2 8n$,Wdo. AMIFM wîth.ÇD audio systere * colour-keyed body sid * 155-HP 2.4-litre DOHC engin. * AMIFM with CD moulings * 60/40 aplît foidîng beach seat * Centre con- audio system - 4-speed automnatic, trnasmiasson* sole arreeal Vasmity mirrors - And more... Air conditioning * Power windows and locha.- Fo afl, 2 more par nni out ise Soutra Tornog Package. Power heated mirrors -Anti-theft syatem - 6-apeak- inrludes alloy wheeln. diset/ acanger, tuer $palier and or 100-watt AMIFMcaasete with CD audioi oys- sialOils gigot esilausl finis/Wr. tom - And more...