16-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 13, 2001 Sinith dedica (cd (o citizens of Milton, says police ofi'ciai - from SMITH on page 11_________ said. We weni through a.liii ol- "He likes to see iraurialii finies îiigettier. Orie of ll ie mries ihai things done and stooid oîutin hiîs iiiid Iri ils done right." s cars ofI police service sA's s .............. herne- called Io \liltii'\ lirsi SUR KEIU GREGORY -Il uts dirvî b\ ie. ail:" lie re..alled. -The\ %wre ihroin irs le's a irirrihie sluoorer- said roicks aiid apples and kiiicked tIre siupeniierdeîîî. o iihad ail flirc wiidiius oi. They (rioti wiirked wilh Mr. Sîrîrîli lnr 1.5 ers) '-ele iîiad hecatuse -e years. "He lîkes lii see rliîngs anresied tIre ring leader. We dune aîîd dirîe i lii. He îîîade 12 arresis rIrai iriglil. eîijoy~ed rlie people lie o iîked Mr. Srîîîiîî saîd fls o le v h aiid ,% as a real pruofession- Breîîda wsas hîappy lie reiired al anid a gorîd find. lie Il be I'ronî flie force. sadlv rîîrssed liere.- -Tlree was alusas strIe ele- Mr. Sîrîîlh had earrieî respect rienr ol danrger" lie saîd. -SIe 1oirrî flire force, lie sard. vas hiappy I girl nulC "Thîr ty -oie yeaî s is a ring Sup. Kemîli Gregoîry oI lime liii he wîîrkiiL rii orne 1-allrn pîolice sard Mr. Smnithî s place),- Suip. Giregoiry sard. Ilrgîîly dedicaîed ii tire cîiiens "He saw a liit oI unpleas- nil Miltinni anrres. S Celebrating a Birthday Wedding Anniversary? Did you have A Baby - CU & SYLEA Graduation? - EYBRO SHAINGAre you REG. $22.49Iooking for a new job? s wanting to hire? Do you have LAIE PC L Something $25-OFFTo Seil? * EYEROW o Trade? REG. 79.Iooking For a New Home? an apartmenf? 5 a townhouse? Wanf f0i Sdil Appliances? Furnifure? i Treasures? REG.$92 r*ý-ýr -- jDid you lose your pet? or maybe yufound a pet? t ' ~ Need truck? boat? traîler? MiltonFax the e Classifieds 905-, 61876-2364