The Canadian Chamnion. Tuexdav- Match 13. 2001-15 1 sî. , , 5 U!t. jiis , k professionals cani answer, please write to: ,Ask The Professionats' dlo The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 Milton Th.rapeutic 75Masng St., S e1 I L I 7MaiSg e . 10nI (ars rmZksPhaMancy) IU l ri 878-0800 »lln Criard Registered Rpn W.8We (HORS . Sc., Fm Massage Therapy 8.3c., RMT TENSION HEADACHES Tension headaches are describi.d as pain associ.ittd with the base oif the skuli or any other pari of the hcad and face. They are différeniiated front vascutar (migraine) headaches and are patients* inotis irequentiy ruade corrpleits. Due ta the mnany causes tof hcadachesa case h tstîîry tîtusi ha careiuity cîinsidered tii mie oti iîrganic dîscase and te asseriain the cause and Iypa tif headache. Ciitton causes cri tensioni headaches inc ida trigger poinot referrai, mutscle spistti. cervical snblnxatiiin. poîstural stress, ani environ- ittaîial stress. Syîtiptiîs incltuila astili and tender îîack. aod ashing or vise-iks paîi nonor oreîr aecas otîlîaehaad The paiitit iiay ai ti ex parieuse rîîîgîng ot ihc cars, redoced attecntiîon and phîîîîîsensîiîsîty. tielerretipain ti tha lîeaii itusi suiiiiiîiiiy ocsurs as a rsult et tiger pîîîîîs tri tha îîck andt shîuIîiîci ragîîîn For instance,.tha rippecr iraiiczius Iiuilder tiiusle)r i he mutsce c siiiiitrad îîîîsi tikcty tir iceteIop iriggcî pits e.hîsh raiers paîin behîtit ha car trto tie temîplc t riggei Pints ti thc spiciti musscs (base oftthe skilrater paitî îward iii caseîs a dcep scaîit( hcadachc ihai coit cntrales hciîîu iic eye anîd utticî cxiend, ts (ic top ii tha bead. Aditiiiitatty, sierîîciisaiiui i 'hapaîl muiscles in tha irn ofi ho tieck) iiîgger Pointts nit iînty ictar pain Ioi the car, teîmplîe, andt arotitt tlie eya. but iiay a) si cause îtîacîîess, disenanntatiiîi, adtie sytii)iititis iii tigeîîînat octiraigia. ireaiiîii oft ensionî headashes ssii) incnde tiiriough essets- tit, trigger tit therapy. anîd hydriiiheraipy iii reduce pain and mutscle spastii andî încrc,îse circulaîtion Ii cîiipriised tissue. The therapisi wîlt sîreish shtiicned muisctes and encoiurage tha patient tii ha aware ofi anti itinîiiiii.,ecntriuoing factoirs. Pleate cati Ryan or Jillian ai the Milaon Therapentic Mannage Clhnic, if yen have any questionn eancerning masnage iherapy or ivanld like la baok an appaintment. 878-0800. F~ BU1M®. 437 Main St., Milton Debra Job 875-4010 B.Sc., C.D.A., P.D). Q: Can tanning cause wrinkles? A: Excessive exposure, particulariy to high intensity UVA, can destroy the resilient fibres of the Iower skin layer, thereby causing the top skin layer ta sag. Thus, elastosis or wrinkling appears. ULVA, if flot blocked by pigmentation and skin thickening in the outer skin layer, can penetrate to the dermis and destroy skin elas- ticity. Thus, if one makes the decision to tan, if is recommended that a light source which con- tains both ULVA and UVB is used. Even if a person uses a sunscreen, if it does flot block bath UVA anda UVB, damage ta the lower skin layer can stili occur upon overexposure. Remember! Fabutan is committed ta giving you the best tan, tanning products and service. We believe education is paramount and we want Our customers to be knowledgeable about ail aspects of indoor tanning. If you have any questions or concerns regarding tanning, ninoi-qp atnk me I'd he more than haoov ta helD. r~~Q1 I IN~TERIRS xez6t__ Carpe)- Vmnyl Ceramics - Hardwood -d I'~ IPaint nWallcoverings ~ -~ 15 Martin St. 905-693.-9594 Showroom RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Krlstsa Faley Fi Geraline Henketh 845te Heati ae .Muer nd Welns 878-4280 B H d I : hava trled just about every diet ln the Inn) Virtually Anything Goes These Days & Why Not yarn, nnd 1 cnn't naem te, ke.p my weIght off. Lîfe wouid he honing if me ail okad the same & ihis goes for aur A:thanne ety ut ipe:dendn haines ion :Tease sral uil ipe it o' Obvîousiy ihere are stme ground raies as ta cotours matchîng Unforlunatey, there are a lot of "quick lis" promise entsting iteis we aiready possess. from "fat-eating" pis ta ali-protein diets ta, muscle Untess you ment your paînier living mîth yen. generally the choîc- as yîu mnate miii ha euIh yîîu fer qoîte saine rune, Se agaîn dot il t iiîîaich yîîur dectîr & testa. oi atways sîtîtie mîagazine, UnIess yiîn are wîlîng iii îransfîunî îîîîatiy oshether it ha carrer. mîîîd, sînryl. taininate tir seauutcs fer any arca questioîns, tata a siish- tait. fabris. parit swat.b, aic., mîîh yîîî & listai t di dsce trainitha pnuuicssîunats. Ycs, yu sas have a enaittis in tha badrîuîîî il yo wat Bot dîid suie kntte laintntie il ting scoîtues ri a eaic elfeci & ut trtt as stîlu. îbliututng hac saita idei but euth a ltl assîstînsa tu tha pruihîcît t ýatît c.tltlîapc boit1 heat tis nt it vosgue. Sut chai' Agaîtu, doii Iotut s te îiO1h. t shulîtn't tîcoirata ri buat soluutr as we itight bc sellutg the hittie Chatncecarse tha uiw tucîtrs ssutIt lke liter stlulers attymay & cari chtînge thîngi luor theur flestyle. Su, lise ti lia cuutîtît reusuin tutti Raîtîcîtuber bitta & greeît shuod iiaee bc Carpt san be a\%statutte ci uîbtse tut boirder rnners saris'd barbent etc , & hase bean scvîuug tîuuurs/soîîîetiîîîîs watts luit bondreds tif years. Santie eulh woîud: Maks tise oft yîuu avisîîîg tornshings tutti fut tha bcd eut an angle in nconer tif a targer moteu & the chutte rot is utianstuiuted. Use an uld cit rack tut heid the kîds ttys. Lattice muîrk tir e hauuuuuuuck can ashie ve acure rauuuedy tior if yîîu have a citîsainot haung used. taka off the dotîrs & yîou cen put tha had. sheives. TV ets. unsude Iut suit yuîur neais. Sa gel husy mtîh yor desuîretung & ose arcaletays hera au Ceuni tut hetp muîh yanr design questions (905) 875-0660 ;-,a-a~ea Pitresioration and paintless dent repair, A : Paint restoration ix for automobile paint that has dulled or oxidized from sun & wcaîher. At Moffatt, wce offer a 4 stage paint revitalizing system sîarting with buffing compounds which eliminatas oxidization & small scratches. Each stap of the huff- ing brings your paint back to life, one step aI a lime, right up 10 the final polish. Old dead paint is now new again. This docs flot only make your car look new but also increases il's salue for sale or irade-in. Painuless dent repair has to bc the best kept secret in the induhtry. Have you ever experienced an annoying ltlle dent in your car's side panel or doors after visit- ing the maIl or shopping centre? Not to fear, Moffait Autoworks has the Dent Wizard for make ibis problen magmcally disoppear by manîpulating the inside pani- dling with wires & rods. Your dents magîcally disappear without the use of paint or hody work! Once agaio bringing il back 10 likec ncw condition. For a quote or appointmeni cal Moffati A uioworks ai 8 78-0660. thUr.. Why le îork! s, ranging stimulation inntead of enercise. The common denominator among thene ns that they offer short-tm solutions ta a iong-term weight prob- lems. Mont make onproven dlaims of "weight ions", and cao be potentialy dangerous la your beaith! At Herba) Magic, me onderstand that achieving iong-term weight ioss resuits requires focun on the underlying cause of weight gain: poor eating babils! There must bu a change in the may one approachus food on a DAILY basin. With this in mind, Herbai Magîc bas designed a sensible, wuli-baianced eating plan that oses oniy your own grocey store bought foods (na shakes or pru-packaged meals). Sale, ail naturai herbai nuppiements are osed ta bulp contrai apputite and boas) meta- bouic rate, makîng it euniur ta adapt ta a heaithiar, eatîng lîtestyle. The traîned health counselors ait Herbai Magîc knam how bard ( is ta break aid habits, so onu-on-onu counseling and guid- ance is provided eacb and evury nîsit. For more information, stop by or caet us ut: Herbai Magîc, 15 Martin Street (Carniage Square) 693-9594. Maxin. Stanley han a B.A. in Sociofogy and an S.S.W. In Social Work. Sh. han worked with the Hantant Magic progrann for oee four yearn, and is a trained nutritionai counn.Ior. Kristen Foley aino han a B.A., an extensive background in hettain, andine a trained nutritional counnelor as wel. % TootFiT lk __ Tony H. Wan M Iton Mail - 55 Ontario St. B.Sc., O D.S. (905) 876-1188 Enamel Fluorosis Q:Whal is ratamel fluitrosis? A:A shild îîîay face the condittion salied enaîtiet fi îîrîsîsî if ha tir shre gels tee inach flutîrîde durîng tha years tif tîîîîh devetîîpînenî. Tee îîîuch Ibainde ctn resu lis delets in îîîîth enaîtîci Q Why ix enamel fluorusis aconcerta? A lu severe c.ases of enamel fluortîsts, the appearont.e af the ieeih is iuarred hy dissoloration or brao markîngs. The enamel may ha pît- ted. roughr, and bard ta clean. lu inîlti carie of fi uorasîs. tbe Iiny white specks or streaks are tîfien unnoticeahie. Q: Hew dures a child gel enaînel fluorenîs? A. Hy smallaming tuer mach fluonide for tha chid's sîze andi weîght turing the years tif îooîh devetopînieni This con happes in severai different mays. Firsi. a shtld may take more of finoride suppleinent thon the ainoant prescrihed. Second, a chutd may taka a fluainte snp- plamnent mhen ihere is already an optimal amornt of finonide in the drinktng mater. Third. some chîldeen sîînpiy lite the fa.ste of fauon. dated toaîhpasie They may use tee inach tooipasie. then swallow it însîead of spîtîîng it out. Q; How cari enamel fluornais be prevented? A: Tait te yeur dentîsi as tha firsi siep. Ha tir she can tait yîîu hem much flaointeîs in yeir drinig ater, Ifyoiitnnk malt wa.tertor bottled mater youe losai public heath ant can halp yon Sund ibis informnation. Ahier yen knem hum îîîuch flunonde yîînr chtld receives. yen andi yaur dentîsi tan decîde tîgaîher mhaîhar yeur chiid needs a flutînde suppietinent Wait.h (ours chld. uose tif fluîîrîdated tixiihpaste as tha seconsd step A pasized aimount on the brush is pieniy for flutunde protectioný Teach yoorschîid Ioi spît ont the toothpasie. oi swalium tI, afier bmushing