Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Mar 2001, p. 14

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'Ask The Professionals" c/o The Canadian Chamnpion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 nir Fax io: 878-4943 roffamGRG J LAWRENCE Bs., D. CH. MONEY~aaeaFOOT SPECIALIST I CHIROPODIST Mc muNPte 350 Main St. E., CONC PTS~ s. L~~1Milton, Ontario, L9T 6 Gi tt""""' (905) 8867 Ltea satl 1lA Princaiis Anna Dr., Tel 905 87-094 anramGeorgetown, Ontario L70 4W4 Fax: (905) 876-094.twa Gg .wac (905> 702-1611 420 Main Street East, Mitton, Ontario L9T 1 P9 BkOC uera The Otae SCoae f Ch! eoPOdlsts Q Whanrar4sbvtararaue Shaldefirigtawly'Y l: My famiiv doctor bas racommended an la logelber? A:- A cotmun mistakte trar people makte vs o file as rocsa as bley gel lhaîr T4 slips even rhvugh rhey have invesrimeits, ravin gr accourir, Savrngs torils or have dîne an RRSP. Your employer mrrt niait the T4 hy Fobruaey 25th but invsvrrnent companiesltsanks do sot have ou issue T ti 13 slips unaîl nîd-Match. These: slips cover inrerevr earned, capiral gatos and orber tnoirri If yos have open ives tacors rush asvasavings asccooru you oay he reseiviof these slips. Mosr murual 1usd conrpa- oies iry In issue tSRSP reserprs iv% sosin as pîîsrible. Yiu shoutd sur (for these slips Io cînsurte rhar they have heuro properly sonîptered te.spousat RRSf iessiprs mtust shio% ssoirihuiiir's sanie ard socsiat i isurance nous ber as astI as asouîaans Marnîcd aod îtiriis tas spiosci shssîs ocuparc rhcii ici uros ai the sîie ohbcvavv oraoy cicitirs aie based iv îiithiosd fasIsil tusors Vîsu (Io tut busc t5 si >oysut î rios îssgethvî atîtvsugh visairiaote aod s ita t i suîaoce oomifber and tricornîe shoutd appear (tri v>snr spioses retsr aod ory tise sot yssu tra> statut ihe GSI. Chîtd Tas heil iii Ottoariîs las Crestîr Yissi site shioulit sentd ber relrna CX av she hav ail he slips. Tbis sili specil up het re(uod Yssu sbould wat tiii ihe soit (if Aprîlt risenti yîur retoro along sîrb yssr bsalance îîsîog Issu are iroi resarîted sîr payîog earty aod yoî insoghr as sdil caro ihe toteresi tus( reiheiir ir osait or e-l ht ilîrre the deadittne, If ysîu anc iceetîtîg. fle earty The (ices ger huvy ihe last seek or rso Pani cit a honancial plan inctuder tas ptanning, Wucan help ysîu set up a îîîonihty RRSP investirent ptan io reduce yîsur rases and hetp you restes your options, Contact Lou Muttîgan ai Moîey Cosscepts. Miltron for a s'titptioicntry apiiteni ai Mîie> Cioncepts fCvsupiCapsitaliCstp aidt tîVîîsune Ageous tic Ma orthotic to wear during aclivities.What la the difference between a store-boughl orthotic and a prescription orthotlc? Some drugstores and aporting good stores offer Adevicea for runnera and other athltee thal some- limes help (o alleviate painful symptoma. SeIf-trealment with store-bought devicea cari provide hi! or miss pain relief because lhey are not specifically prescribed for one person's problem. They can result in harmi some- irbere else in the body. Homever, a prescription ortholte, developed (rom a casi of your omn feet, will yield preeise control over gai! and function. Olten tl s not eust (he fîtneaa activîty that requrrea an orthottc (o control foot and lmg funcîton, but also every- day mear. Orthotîc devicea may requtre periodie adjuatment. A Chiropodiat/Foot Speciatrat's examina- lion mîlI determine if adjualments are nmcmaaary, Childrenas ortholica should be changed 10 accommo- date the gromth of Ibm foot and ahould be woro throughoul Ibm active growrng yeara,. Those who wear orthoties as children wilI pre(erably mear then for (((e. Most extended health plans offer coverage for a eus- tom-made orthotie device. ie cf mjc offert ext eeided Ireurs. No referroat iii eecevurury. Specialisto in Etectrotogy & Laser blairt Remosal Phone: 905-878-9113 or 905-878-3945 Certification & Treatmeeit Centre Why 18 a consultation 80 important prior to an electrolysis or laser treatment? While a consultation may appear time-consuming, especially when movt people lead very buvy lives and are anxious bo get on wtth the treagment, it iv impor- tant for the technologist tnt be able tri assefir a client's particular preblem and provide an explanatien et the precedure. Seînettmes a client mnay have a inedical prebleto that will af fect trearînent. For example, a dia- betrc usually takes longer te heal. Medîcatrens ria> aise have te he taken tnte accvrunl. lia pattent iv usîng accurane to relreve acne. tl will he secessary te delay electrvrlysrs or laser harr retieovîi. A censultatioîn allews the technrluogrst trr answer a client's questions. prrrvide reinssurance tior thec nervîrus newcvîner and doi a trial treatînent te sec what kind vif' reactien the skrrî1 shorws. It alsvr alltîws (tir an explarra- tioîn rtftire itnpertance of infection centre! iii tlîe practice vif laser and electrvrlysrs. If yeu have any furrher questioîns oîr would like te sehedule a cernplîmentary consultation, pleave dîn't hesitate te cal! the Electrelysis Cellege vilCanlada lnc./ Central Electrelysis and Laser Clinre at (9(15) 979-9113 or 878-3945. Hawkins Animal Hospital %dwo Debbie Hawkins B.Sc., DVM .aT IM I9a - Doctor trf Veterinary Medicine a,,, %R.EMABI0ITmAu 1TOy S 550 Ontario Street South, Miltoîn cx Bw4 ta B (Pizza But Piazal Tira Daney 86 Main St., Milton atuhia Hawkhina Phîone (905) 875-6888 PHYSIOTbf5sPISTs 876-1515 9. St. DVM Fax (905) 875-6853 Q: Lari geai, ehila piayiag renais, I niraiaad my shoulder. i'd tiba ta pre. nentinjuries an an alryieoachieeiy peflanahasin sntesporU thtn ear tarir y frier %rme iips? Q: Many cats and dogs go missing In Milton. Wtîat can w. do to stop this (rom happening? A. Su offer ny staff arnd i receive cuits and pencinat virils front. clients who have pair mhn go uslray. This ir a very dîfficuit question, mîrih no easy aner, and is tccurrence can he su dîrlrersiag for pet oecs. Thcy att have out dieear sympaihy. For the roisi pari, pet omaens do ailtihai îhey rhortd for ihaîr pais, rrctndrng armuaI sac- cinear and physîcat eramîraiors, heailmorni îesrrag and medicariors ard tha garerai overreaiag cf the pai's heath. Thora pair îraty hecoîiu pari cf tha famiy. and ihaîr tors eau ha deauraiig.Unfertnaieiy, oui nuidoor cals do mander, and me use tri beimeca ieîtiig ihenr oui or keapirg ihrn irdeonOrOca cri- dcccv, oar cars may fuît prey ro iraffie, mîtdlrfa or porscnreg, roi le mntion ihe srry kitng mho decidas ro fird a ram homne, ail cf ils omr accord. Pensonallg, i tise in the country, atd havîng crit imo verg morderfut cuir. I nom tarer lt aurge oridocrs. They ait reen very conteant' Ar fusr as degv ara cetcamaed. apart frotta the obvîcur ragultiors. mhrch requira ibai dlegs bc on a laash. omnrn car de more to ha vigi- lant. Ir mg opinion. deçv vbeutd ba praparlg ruparvinad mbea lai cal rie the hack yard, particuiaaig au aîghi. Not ail hackyardv are fercad, srei degr car clear the farce. and reine chîldrer gîvea charge ef ihe famrly dog ara toit pbyrrcaily rirorg enough io conirol ihaîr pal. Sonne omacar, mbeihar iomr or country. open ihaîr front dooir ai nîphi and let "Fido- oui io da hts or her oma îhrng. mhrcb i fird îoiallg unuscepiabte Ai the Hospial, mhen me are ptreited rîth a dog thai bas hean hîl by a caur, i have hoard owners say. as if îc telinquish iheniretrer of btame, "Wetl (ha( bacs îaugh bhni a tessor he mb t riioi mun riet the nîad aguiril Unforlrnaiely. ibis iv roi truc. 1 iss il mena Fildo navet dunes Icura hg ihai espaerce i bave deat wiih mary repa instances, oflen cndîng rn the dcaib oftihe pal. Suggestions -ge atferce. satk yarr pal an a Icash. huy sonnie fai ai invisible fenciig and ceiaint> nreset iveut deg vira yon ils osr We sec teet mary irjurad pais. do rai lai gour pet ha oea ef ihant, If gar muni any ailvice i.otraing the safeiy of gaur pet. contact your vetentusail A: Sunimer es a terrific rime iv enjoy ourdevi sports and rirsess acrisetier Oorrg soIt rn yvut choîce et sponi and havîsg fun are imsportant, hosever, equalty impontant iv prevenirsgan irtury. Earty sprg iv a greai rime to ccn- rider shethet yeu uni prepared for tho rummet. Pîrvrly. eramîne the sports you li4e mort. Wbai typa of orercise do bhey prc- vide? Oerernine shether ihe sport betpr hurild body strengrb su muscle endurance, iniprove flerîhîlrty. prcmîîle ce ordîratiro ard balance. or gronider acurdiovscutar sork ouI for youî heant aid lungs. Yvu shoutd rhîrk about aIl cf the comporeitr et îrers - aerohsc brrnevr flerîhrlrty, and strengih and par- ticipare in a varraty of acrrvilîes bhar rogerber sîlI irffer hasebits in att or mcvi cf the accus of frîress Remenihet. that the otd ragiof sno pais .. no gain" is trirbar, as old suyrsg, a niyth. Today, niake your moire "traits . dont( strain" Tbis srmply oreurs bhai ycutil remenihar vo sray sn shape rmugh the minier Io ensure thar yoor body rs ai a hîtners tevritbar sîlI altos yeu vo play sponts sithour tsjury aIl suniner. Commit iv doîng a suri ap and cool dcmn racb rime ye ariise or play a spart. Ramenihar ibai if y ou aterne o a sport, yer shor Id prcgterr gourselt graduatty in iennis of iha rime, iernrly, and frequency ihal yon panlicipale te reduce griar chances of injury. Thînh about shethet your spant bas ary repalirive mesemesis. hardrsg. twist îng or orbor morion rbat can conritue on stuscte vtutos or lîgamest sptains Work mith a phyviotharapint or paronat tainarto1 chcmse minier erercire ihai halpv te motb or the srnngth or enduranca ihal you'Ilaneid for your spacituc ranimer spart A phyvroihetapisi cas effet informnation 10 reduce paienria proienir hy asresvîrg ihe hîomechasscs tif goun sport Thar rriply nouas hom youî biody is mevîng sher you hîr yout rackets or swing your club. Lavtly. rnneniher bhar the nîcri impertant aspect of ourdoor spanrt ib te fui you'tt have uhîle srayrng hit Sec your doicr or neistread phyrroîherapirî fo the ireuin of an inrury or guidance fer întuty provesiuî Pfeara contact Tisa ar Caaaie ai the Habrat Carraaaaiy Rehabilkaiaa Cenra, 86 Mais Steeat Fant Mitona 876-l5l5,fr qaeriaau abuatphynirthaipy. B.A., B.SW., M.S.W., R.S.W., DtP. SOC. ADM. Connsrtling & Pspeholherapy lrdrsîduuts, Couples, Chitdren & Famitles Éà 11084, Slh Lina, Milton, Ontario Imyna M. Tanner (905) 854-0801 Qti1uannn tirint atiyaqaustuaboiiuetrlliellln i a hapial yau might ba able ta, hep mie aiipmay. My wife and l are dînera- iag. Wenae lied rnarylhiag lo av ta he aarriaga hat nie bath agira thai liis lime la tapanate. l'na hrard thitâ if yen Oaa rale ihiags niulh a nedi- amir yaa car tata toritai a lai af lampai's fret. Whrre da I ftad tamune and hanido1lkna ifthey'ieanyi gondl? A Youhagishy asktngpaoiptaiaotust,.ifihth nos oanyon ial rhayswostdia rseitmd.lhis issaryniushithetaeascnihatbtlayiiaiannert& Arnocit ac n. hargrosnîinithe directiorOh at, Ovrnihe geais 1have dovtripnd atoepuiattor tor piovîdîn t ansellant rervica and expart asivi. As atamut.i1huve ofiar hudstliensind oihatprofesaniciatriifticuîd taiommend soienaoe toc varous ciher concarat i bey hava had, Stria niy niputation taaons arrryîhing to nia. 1iniraiut caIo ris t urycra t 1amrilsurersiprotd thean ihttquaitr oiseia(fanir prives, In reponse, 1have dvtopdasciatvos wmvh pvioaestonaiîhatti kowîo ha bîghty quutihied. shîirid. aid exrnnvd ithait npeviiud araat t hare doncathascraanirt andhriania ntotiaionsforegou Asranesutr.Iitayne Tannerî& AsoviiatsI ire itom altniioga, ihcoideneai initeroin- pltangeoexcellentsrices ivtuding; CusiodP & Accesrad Capacily Asronnnians.Medtao. PaenigtTtain.Superted AaarsVmsts and LegaSrvicas Thasa sotois mil ovrsanyoaoy moethatitdaiii tromith honvetbook,you gatio dc ith atpatsvsin yvuîvmwnvvonimst ihat yoabrnorand ist the pis ste onan have desimonsnraodihoitus andicofidence in Elayc T artel & Ansii.cirsn tri oheitr ogsoirtfr rats i isih the sanie coidence hat weoffr utxenoded rangeisf sersvies tîtioeuriyoineets as fitty aspoosb'hta oimrmhon yorsivt lharo srvices are atmays onstsult of viiiasvsp-shopping concept makie ihat pat of gou ]trio a tfinte easi tor yîîu efaaih ., auo inef ira -Idi.ia o .-iag, . app».I.,.ati pie,,r-1 tWist O4-Oili CraieaiainuaaOd r; 14-rt' March 13. 2001

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