MILTON F~ICLIBIRARY Se.Iae kindergarten may ruKI ail day ùîî~bT~ q~ntpwn A Metroland Community Newspaper Vol. 141 No. 104 Tuesday, March 13, 2001 40 Pages $10 I.GST included) -/Spring break For ait those flot iucky enough to be down south on a warm beach, the nexi best thing sa the best siciing In years at sites like Gien Eden Ski and Snowboard Centre. Mers, snowboard enthusiasts Wes Calaguiro (left), 8, and friend Courtney Berezuk, 1l, head off for a fun day on the siopes. b amIe a OurI bi mm im r 8» buk be- . un au- qtu WbuW i u a rPMMfrb Halton dwellers say they're happy with quality of life here An Ipsos-Reid survey of Halton residents has found that more titan 78 per cent of respondents are sat- isfed with the quality of life and services in the region. Thai said, they alto wani regional gov- kPolice led on pursuit Three 16 year old Toronto youths were arrested early yesierday morning afier Halion police were led on a car chase tha( ended in rural Milton. Police allegediy found the suspecis in possessioni 1) siolen vehîctes iu Brampton and Toronto. At about t12:30 arn.. I-talion police were called to a Brorte Street address where îhey iound a Chrysler Neon with >ls igni- tion removed. Soon after, police obseLrved two cars in the area and atîempied to pull thern over. One of the vehicles stopped but the other sped off, leading police on a pur- suit 10 the ouiskirts oftiown. 'Me vehicle was found abandoned a short trne lIter ut Britannia Road and Eigbth Lise. Tbe Haion police dog Justice and handler Consi. Greg Casson were able to irack down the third suspect. Two girls are charged wiih possession of stolen property. possession of break and enter tools, and aîîempted iheit and are t0 appear in Milton court Apnil 12. A tbird girl is charged wilh possession of stolen pruperty. attempied thefi. dangerous driving, causing a pursuit and breach of probation. She was t0 appear for a bail hearing yesterday. emment 10 focus its time and money on managing health and growtb issues. The research, an issues-based public opinion scan of Hahton residenis. was designed te, assisi the regional goverrumeni in determining the content of uts strategic plan. Among the key survey resulis: -Eight out ol 10, or 78 per cent of respondents. consider Halion a desirable place 10 liye. - Nineiy per cent oil respondenis are sa(- islied with the ovcrall qualiiy ol services provided by the regional govemmeni. - When asked to give their own views on the most important issues iacing the regiori, 23 per cent of Halion residents cited educa- lion, 20) per cent said road-relaied infira- structure and 15 per cent said healih care. - Only 5 per cent ol ihose surveyed indi- cated resiruciuring local or regional gov- Ssee SU RVEY on page 7 Comment ........ 6 Datolns ....... 18 Sports ...... 21-23 Classifid ..24-26 -Future Shop * eWhMt Rose* Ennisclare Interiors 9 La-z-boy* *Twice The DealIPizza Unlited VýaY surpasses its goal 1