The Cartian Champion, Fndcay. ýMch 9, 2001-7 New chair Penman honoured for his, work in conservation elected to CH board Jean Williams ot Mississauga was elci- cd chair ot Coinscrvation tlalton ai the envirîînmental agenicy, inaugurai meeting Match t. -Cohnservation fi lllii*îs watershed has siime tif the niost sigiiicant saturai lands in Ontario,"' she said. "A key issue nîîw and in the future will hc to ensure ihat iiur creeks aîîd escarprnent areas remaîn pro- iected for generaitions ii corne. As chair, 1 ant coiiitiitd 10 ciiittuing and sirength- eiig Counscervationi lalliiuîi excellet cons- servaititn efforrts- Fortîhc pasi 16 years, Ms Williams has heen a directiîr iif thc walershed environ- mental agency as a cîitizen appointee trom the City ot Mississauga. She replaces Miltoîn Councillor Brain Penman. whuî was chair for the pasl nine ycars. Meanwhile, Clark Stîmerville, councîllor and represenlalive from Halîtîn Hilîs, was clecled vice-chair. Keilh Bird ofi Oakville was elected chair of the conservation areas and dîîmmunîty relations citmmiltee. Carol D'Anelto tif« Burlinglon was elecied chair oîf the resource planning and waîershed management cîîmmittee. These cummit- tees, alîîng wilh the execulîve commilee and geiseral direcîîîrs nmeetings, help guide Coinservatioîn Hallîîn's priigrains. Ciinscrvatiiii Halion has a tottal of' 17 dîrectuirs who are appointed tîy the munic- ipalitics in the watershced. Tes new dîrec- tors were alsît inductcd ai the inaugural meeting includîng Rick Craven, Dotuglas MacDoînald and Chrîs Walker trom Burlingtîîn. David Paîterson trîîm t Oakville, Milton Councîllor Ken Keates, Rîtî Challeit (rom Haltits Iilîs, Margaret McCarthy trust Hlamnilton, Danny Sunîîutî front Mississauga and Stephes Peehles tromi the Toîwnship uftislinch. 'lie îîew isiernhers werc joined hy reîum- iîtg dîrcctîîrs Andrea Bradford and Gien Powell tri)m Oakville and Milton Mayor Gord Kranl,. Marc h Break activities held at local parks' Conservation Halton will otier many activities over the March Break to keep kids husy. Ski and snowboard manufactures will be on hand Match 12 to 16 aI Gien Eden Ski and Snowboard Centre 10 show thse lalesI in ski and snowboard equipment. Ski and Snowboard Adventure Camps will also be held Mardi 12 to 16 aI Gien E-den. lite package will include lessons with a prolessional iitlclor. rentals and daîly lift tickets. Match 17 fealures a St. Patrick's Day treal ai Gien Eden - lift tickets, dinner and snowbutard tuning for $5 cadi. A Sweetwater Day celebralion for chul- dren will held ai Crawford Lake Conservation Area March l1t, with hands- on maple syrup miaking densonstrations. Match 18 is also Spning Festival Day ai Crawtord Lake and Mountsherg Conservation Atca. Kids can create a dummy and enter it in a race for a chance to win prizes. For admission fees or general informa- tion. MaI 336-1158. Town Councillor Bnian Peimant was recog- nized for his outstandîng contribution at Conservation Halton's inaugural meeting Match 1 . Mr. Penman had chaired Conservation Halton (CH) for the past nine years. "In ail my public fle. 1 have neyer enjoyed more my work with Conservation Halton along wigh having great pride in thse jewel we have cme- ated with the conservation lands of this area," hc said. Thlese lands will be here for generations to come.' He represented Milton at CH for 22 yeara and served as chair froin 1992 to 2000. During Mr. Penman's tenuire. CH acquired thou- sands of acres of signifi- cant natural lands includ- ing wetlapds, forests and Bian Penman areas on Ontario's Niagra Escarpment such as Crawford Lake. Rattlesnake Point and Hilton Falls conserva- tion areas. He also helped enhiance these lands with faciliies like the Gien Eden Ski and Snowboard Centre at Kelso, the Iroquojan Village and Conservation Centre at Crawford Lake and the conservation education prograros and raptor hos- pilai at Mountsberg. Mr. Penman helped to, build CH's reputation as a leader in watershed management and environ- mental planning. During. he past two years, lie served aa chair of Conservation Ontario. the umbrella organization that works on bçhaif on Ontario's 38 conserva- tion authonities.