4-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, March 9, 2001 It'ls Almost WS. Brung in your vehicle for a check-u by our lusenced __ mechanics DR~IVE before you trav- COE el Accredited Test m~. ACCESSORIES il INCLUDE: Biccl Rac Tow Bara & Draw B ars 814IN D iceRk -Wiring Kits H U T Weîght Distributing ClassiClIIsn"c toigcapabilitaes ec:e Low Profile Design Compliments the stylng oi todsy's vehîclas Go aho Smoke alarms are crcil frecpti lo ve ta rca:rr a ti hear your stony ideas. Please cati us at 878- 2341, Alarms weren't functioning in two recent housefires By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Mark Cross can't stress strongly enough how important it is for everyone to have a working ext. 234. smoke alarm in their home. But the Milton Fire Deparimeni's for Favourite Wine Shop #2 -342 Bronte St. S., Milton 876-WINE_ %pokesmnan is trv ingl- t 1 he sas si the wake ot issu residenili lires wiîhîn ih pasi week. In hoth cases there ssere nou I u ne c i on i il alarms. And whîle lou lusately ihere Mark Cross were rio latalities or injuries caused hy cither blaze, Captais Cross is rerninding local residents that the potestial tor tragcdy is always there -and il's goeatly height- esed when proper satety measures a-et' takes. "Id say 75 percent of the homes we visit on a regutar hasis don't have property tocated or lunctiosing smoke alarms,- he said. "In tanct therc's more C02 detectors than sinoke alanms, eves thîîugh the odds (il heing hurt or killed in a lire are inucti greater than of gettitîg cartion ninoxide poisosisg." Minimal damiage was caused duning thie li-st lire ios Brunie Strcet Sursday evelisg. An îîsertîîadcd electical circuit appears to i tihe cause ot thie lire. whîdî iisîk less, titan a hall hour tii knock dîwmi. The iiîllîîwing iîîîmimig îît Gluelph l Miltoni and I-tii t-luIs lire) iglers meeded seseral lîiurs iii baille hack a lire thai caused apprîîxinîaîely $801,lll10daimiiage iii a cenhiiry uld lann hiiuse. Ooiginaing iii a fi-i lîî lîreplace. the hlaze gutted thie kîtcheîî. haseiîeîî anîd an upstairs bedrîîîîîî Thle oîccupants, whîî're remîtîng ilie prîp- cliv. had jusi inîîvedi mi a lew days eaîlier anîd lîad noî inssance. Captais Cross said each homtîe shiuld tic equippcd wîth a sîsîke atarni itn the sleep- ing ai-ca as well as on ail îîîher flîîrs. The penalty lîor niîi-coiîîpliaice is $230) liii pivate residesîs ori $5ll,hlO( 1iior husi- nesses anîd coîrporatios. UTne business that considers itself imMune necesity for advertâing soner or later find itself immnune to business." Derhy Cetr For ait Vour Aito Needsl SfO Ontarlo St. N. Unit el, Miton NO4MS Mon. - Fr1 7-0. Sut 8-12 «.M uo «ongwuds and69- Devlopen Peivrofct (March 21) 01-a9ed is n ors uple byteaow oMTonni beurtcie b h 0orporaT Sevie DaTne Piunp T10 rnloca d tim One dToestae above. Specifications and formst mnay bc obtained at thse Corporate Services Department (second floor), Town Hall, 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontario, during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:30 arn. to 4:30 p.m. There is a non-refundable bid document fee of $26.00 ($24.30 + $1.70 GST). Payment can be made witb cash, cheque, Iterac or Visa. Any inquiries regarding this tender mnay be directed to Marc Rivard, Purchaaing Customer Services Representative at (905) 878-7252 x 2128. If you would prefer that this bid be couriered to, you please complete the Request for Bid Document form on thse Towns' Website: www.twn.mil- t2fl.oflc . Plan takers, current and upcomning bids and bid results are posted on tise website. Also available for pick up. Photographie Serviesa & Supplits, 01-068&Q. (March 21). m III