16-The Canadian Champion Fnday March 9 2001 Halton police creating special units to deal with major crimes By HOWARD MOZEL Specîal ta The Champion Given the financiasi constraints facing Halton Regional Police, its mouo could very weii be, 'Do More With Less'. Funher prool ol Ihis s the new Major Incident Response Tcam (MIRTI inîtîaîivc On Tucsday, 25 off îccrs compîeIed Ificir Iraînîng as part cil îwo MIRT teams, whîch can lie mobilmecd ai a moments notice and hring f0 hear on major incidents a broad spectrum ol Irainîng and invesîigativc expertise - aIl within existing resources. "Not a dollar was spent oser and above flic budget," said Major Crime Bureau Manager Dcl. Sgt. Ken Cormier. The leama will cadi lie used to quickly augment invesligaîivc personnel already in place 10 deal with such scrious crimes as homicide - which s otten labour inten- aise. In short, said Det. Sgt. Cormier, MIRT provides a more organLeed approach 1(1 major crimes wilh teams created in advance that are on catI day or niglit. "We'rc doing more with lesa and this s anot lier initiative using people in a multi- tude tif ways," lic said. Olti ways time-consuming In the pasi. he continued, Haltons hand- fuI of lead investigators could spend the first five or six hours affer a major crime kxîking for the necessary resources, rang- ing from officers to autuimobiles. linlike this brand of ad-hoc team, MIRT allows investîgators b know immcdiateîy who can lic called upon to ensure that lime. mîîncy and evidence are used lis best advantage. 'The Orsi 24 huiurs in a major îîîvcsîiga îiîîîî arc flic nîtîsi crucial,' s~tid Dci Sgt. ('iinaîcr, whîî cxplaîncd Ihat MIRT was dcsîgtîcd n rcspîinsc iii flic Caîiîpliclt ('iiiiiiiiissioii aîîd îîIhcr iîiquîîrîs's luit hs'cauisc couic s un tic ose iii ltaîiiuii. tii tact. l)cî Sgt. ('îîrîîîîer saîd il 's cîltier "Ic,îsI îîr Iaiiiiîic" lIt 11k' regitîti ss heu il ciiîiic', lii 'ucti iîccurrcîiccs. lii 21118), Iîîr esatiiple. there verc Iîîur crime', liai rcquircd the Iîîonaîîîîn tif such a feani. îîîcludîng the Septeniber inurder tif tiordîin Humphreys in Oakvillc. During Itue previ isus 18 monîlis prior 102000, thcre'werc nu husmicîdes. That said, Dcl. Sgt. Cormier inade il cîcar MIRT coufd lic used for incidents as diverse as a scoal rapist case 10 a plane crash. According 10 Dcl. Sgt. Cormier, major crimes consume huge amounts 0f' resources. 'l'hc Humplircys murder, n which the accuseti was arrested ai the scene, still requunrd 3,000 heurs of investigation. Chair guest at breakfast Membets of the communhty are mvii- cd b attend a Multon Chamber of Consmeree-hostcd breakfast with Regional Chairman Joyee Sasoline Mareh 22 ai GntniteRidgeGolfChîb. lite topie wili be ~ Utc GTSB Meana ta Milton anti Halton Region', Registration wiii staut at 7 ~m. anti breakfast will be serveti ai 7:30 am, lite coat ta $15 for chamber members anti $18 Iktrnott-ntctnbers, Cali 878-0581, "We're doing more with Iess and this is another initiative usmg people ina multitude of ways." BEI. 391. KM CUMIER He said the hunt for, and subsequent con- viction tif Burlinglon murderer Grant Beaucage. who was caughî in Las Vegas, cxpended a liîerally incalculable number ol hours. TIie hand-pîcked MIRI' iîiciîiher', li,îs c licen drasari Iriuîn a uside sanefs îîî ha..k- grîiunds Ironi ses cohiies ,înd ruilihers lii a tormer paraîncdîc and uaîliirmed off icers wîih traffa. and breathal> cer expenence who have supplemcntcd their skiîls bv tak- îng addîtional courses. "We wîlI briîîg aIl ihese skiîîs mb îhis multi disciplinary team," said Dci. Sgt. Cormier. "lis a complete mixture." The îwo MIRT feams are far f nîm enti fies unto themselves and Det. Sgt. Cormier fully expecîs members 10 help cadi other. This will come in handy, for esample, when officers have obligations n court. Ontarjo Energy Board HALTON HILLS HYDRO INC ELECTRICITY RATE CHANGE NOTICE 0F APPLICATION AND NOTICE 0F WRITTEN HEARING Parficulara rît The Application Halfon HuIs Hydro ne. (the "Utility> muaI unbundîe electricify rates mb eîectricity distribufion rates and rates for power and other charges in order fo meet the requirements 0f 118W legisiation. The UtiIity has fiied ifs submissions with the Onfario Energy Board <the "Board") wîth respect 10 rates for the distribution 0f elecfricity. The UtîIity wili, at a future date, file ils submissîons for raies for the provision 0f reguiated power supply (Standard Supply Service or "SSS") and other non-competitive electricify distribution rates related 10 the transmission 0f electricity and services provîded by Ibe Independent Electricity Market operator 10 the Ufility <"other non-competifive eiectrîcîty distribution rates"). n ihe tirai phase 0f ibis proceeding <"Phase One">, the Board wîll approve or fis juat and reasonable rates for the distribution 0f elecfricify under subsection 78<3) 0f the Onfario Ertergy Board Acf, 1998. The Board wîll approve raies for SSS and other non-com- pefifîve electrîcîf y distribution rates under aubsection 78(3) 0f the Ontarîo Energy Board Acf, 1998 n a subsequent phase (Or sub- sequeni phases) The Board has 55usd an Electrucîty Dîsfrîbufîon Raie Handbook (the "Raf e Handbook"), whîch afîpulafes that the distri- bution rate component cul the eledtrîcîfy bîlI must be sub-dîvîded into a fîxed monlhly charge and a variable charge Thîs rate resfrucfurîng. whîle having no overaîl impact on fhe Utilitys rev- enues, may resulf n indivîdual customer rafe changes. The Rate Handbook also allows a utilîfy f0 apply for a change n ifs dîstribu- lion rates in order fo earn up 10 a market based raie 0f return aller tas. The Rate Handbook was revised on November 3, 2000 incor- poratîng the provisions 0f the RP-2000-0069 Decision wîf h Reasons, concerning certain maltera relatîng la the June 7, 2000 Directive by the Minister 0f Energy, Science and Technology. The RP-2000-0069 Decision indicated thaf Utililies would be able 10 earn market based returns but would have ta phase-m any increase in rates over three years ta lessen the rate impact on con- sumera. The Utility bas applied for a rate rît relura on common equity 0f 9.88%. The Utilitys selection 0f Ibis rate rit return on common equity in an atidilional $2145786 ta be recovered n raIes. n the first year rit the phase-m plan the Utility wiIl recover $715262 0f Ibis amount. The incremenfal revenue required is exclusive 0f Payment in Lieu 0f Taxes. The rate restructurîng and rate 0f retura admusîments would increase the customer but <baseti on normalized 1999 rates) for a resîdenfial customer with a monthly electricity consumption 0f 1,000 kWh by i 6% for the f irst year rit the fhree year phase-m plan. The first year impact for general service customers with a monthly consumption 0f 2000 kWh ix an electricity bih increase 0f 1 3%. Due ta rate restructuring, individual customer bih impacts may be hîglier or lower depending on a customer's electricity con- sumption. The UtiIîty lias applieti for an increase rit 29% fa ifs 1999 rev- enue requirement in order ta normalize rates Thîs normalîzation 0f rates relates ta excess revenues the UtiIîty returned fa ils eus- tomers tbrough reduced rates between 1994 and 1999. The I S MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL FOUNDATION The Milton District Hospîtal Foundation wîII hold its Annual Meeting in the clînîcal classroom of the Milton District Hospital on Thursday, March 29th, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. Ail members of the Foundation and the general pub- lic are invited to attend. Mary Devlin, Chair Board of Directors Milton District Hospital Foundation RP-2000-0193 ar o applied for adjustment s in contravention to the Boards approved Rate Handbook. Thîs normalizafion adîustment would result n an addituonal increase for a residential customer wmth a monthly electrîcity con- aumption 0f 1000 kWh 0f 2.3% <for a total f irat vear increaae 0f 3.9%), The additîonal increase for general service cuatomera uaing 2000 kWh per month wouid be 2.6% <for a total tirat year increaae 0f 3.9%) How To Participate If you wiah f0 participate n thia proceeding you muat, witbin 14 calendar daya 0f the publication 0f thia Notice, file a letter wîth the Board atating whether you wîah f0 intervene, observe, or comment on Phase One, or aubaequent phaaea 0f thia proceeding. For information on how fo intervene in, observe or comment on the aubmissions, pleaae contact the Boards Cuatomer Service Center at 1-877-632-2727 or by e-mail aI Boardaec@oeb.gov.on.ca. Please reference Board file number RP-2000-0193. You may also vîsît the f requently asked queatîons (FAQa) section 0f the Boards Web aite at www oeb.gov.on ca Hearing If no person infervenes and requesîs a hearîng, the Board intenda 10 determîne ihe application wîihout a hearîng If any per- son requesis a hearîng, Ihe Board intenda ta proceed by way of a wrîtten hearîng unlesa the applîcant or any intervenor satîsties the Board that there s good reason flot f0 proceed by way 0f a wrîtten hearîng A request musi be made within 14 calendar days 0f the publication 0f Ibis Notice HowTo Sec The AoDlieant's Pre-fule Evîdence Copies 0f the submîssîons 0f Hallon HuIs Hydro lnc. are avaîl- able for inspection aI the Boards offices, and aI Ihe office ot the UIîliIy n the Town ot Halton Hîlîs If you întend 10 intervene n the proceeding, the Utîlîty upon request s required ta gîve you a copy 0f ifs submîssîons with respect 10 that phase 0f the proceedîng n whîch you intend ta intervene WPQBJAHI IF YOU DO NOT FILE A LETVER 0F INTERVENTION OR A LETTER 0F COMMENT, OR IF YOD DO NOT FILE WRITTEN SUBMISSIONS OR PROVIDE REASON FOR NOT HOLDING A WRITTEN HEARINO, THE BOARD MAY PROCEED WITHOUT VOUR PARTfCIPATION.AND YOU WILL NOT BE ENTITLED TO ANY FURTHER NOTICE 0F THE PROCEEDINO. Ontaria Energy Board F0 Bec 2319 2300 Venge Sireel 241h Fiosi Toronto, Ontarîs M4P f 84 Aile Mi Paxi B Puulge Beard Seereiary i 988-e32-e273 ITou ireel DATEO ai Toronis Fetîruary 20. 2001 îateî 440-785e IFaxI OFiTARIO ENEROS BOARO Ae.S~n Bod Saaey Addresses Haiton Huis H~dra me 43 Aiîee Sireel, Acton, Oniaris L7J 2A11 Aile Mi Oan Guailo Presîlteni Phane 1105-453-2222 Fax 5i98534i48