10-The Canadian Champion, Friday, Match 9, 2001 Sb* ' XeiosSevceD4etrý 1WHAT MAY BURY YOU COULD ALSO BLESS YOU!!!e l In our lives, there are vast. untapped resources of faith and talent that may only he discovered in moments of adversity. The strength of our faîth may only be evidenced hy our determination and resolve in times of crîsîs. A parahle is told of a wise farmer who owned an old mule. One day, the old mule felI into an ahandoned well and in overwbelming despair. hegan to hray, calling out for help from the depths of the dark hole. The wise farmer heard the otd mule's cry and immediately ran over to help. He carefully assessed the situation, but recognized that there was no way that be could lift the mule out of the ahandoned well. He sympatbized with the mule's ans îety, hut pîîssessed nu ropes strong enough 10 support the weight of the fallen mule, and even if he had sonne, he saw nu way tsi position rspes securely around the mule lu be able to rescue il. Sîs, instead of wasting his effoîrts, the wise t'armer quickiv cailed bis neighhîîurs tîrgether and tuid thein what tsad happeried... and eîîlisted their assistance in hauling dirt to the ahandoned well tu hury the old mule. lnitially, the old mule was hysterical and thought. "How could the wise farmer be s0 cruel!"' But as the fariner and his neighhours continued shovel- ling and the diii bit bis hack... the mule had another thought, "Every time a shovel load of diii lands on my hack... I could shake it off and step up!" As a resutt, with great resolve and determination, the mule refused to give up! "Shake it off and step up... shake tl off and step tip... shake il off and step up!' was repeated again and again. No matter how painful the blows, or distressîng the situation seemed to be, the oid mule put panic aside and faitbfully kept shaking it off and stepping up! It was nu! long hefore that old mule, hattered and exhausted, stepped triumphantly ysver the wall of that well. What seeîned like il would hury hiru, actualiy blessed him... ail hecause of the manner in whichbch handled his adversity. In life, we mnust cars to face problems positiveix. We must put aside panic, bitterness and setf-pity. For if we are faithfut. we may find that the adversities thsît is seeming lu bury us also possesses the potentiat to lift us tu a hîgher level. Buried or blessed... the choice is ours! Annie Johnson Flint, author of over 6.000 gospel songs and hymns, began her life as an orphan. Crippling arthri- tis ctouded her adulthood. Late in life, cancer eonsumed much of her energy. yet her faith in Christ remained strong! In shaking it off and stepping up. she penned: H1e gireth more grace as the burdens grow greater, He sendeth more strength when the labours increase; To added afflictions, H1e addeth is mercy, To multiplied trials, is multiplied peace. To find ou! how you can learn to handie adversîiy by shaking off and stepping up, tet roc encourage yssu tsî sisit a local chureh this week! Please consul! the Religtîsus Directory heiow for service tiînes and locatiosns! Submitted by Reverevîd Doit Rogge, Senior Poster of New Life Clîurc/i, Miltion BAHAI 0f ýON OF MANI Bito tvt, weruiftt jpor My p-or tout f.- ii tior, y(st n ei fui st,-'tý r f r firi) qfrfýnorr uon trerisures ot rerperistratie glore But by My lite' to offer Up ttiy soul is ci more gloîrous tfrieg couldst ttrou but see wif h Mine eye, from the Boira'i Writings ................................. 878-0011 RE(;IONAI, ....................... 100-433-32814 G <LOBAL: ..................... www.ahal.org MILTON SEVENTH- DAY À0e9k CH URCH Hugli Fester Hall, 43 Browcn Si. Milton la a111 -lli il \ i'r n u -îî , ý aul,.25 O.. î , . 111. 1111i 11i1, L I .. ci lii l i , il,, iii, N ill 1 < Ni 11M I n filim51 )II(1i INIVINV IM , - l 1 11 1e 111V 1 W G lio PS21flogge Worssmp Mrs. Esther Ressler Vouth Rov. Gord Clark 9 amn - Ear>y Wovship Service 9:30 amn - Sunday School 10:4.5 amn - Second Worship Service 6:30 Pmn- Evenîrug Worship Service Pastoir Don Roggol pr.oching ill Tihe Book of Revelation Supervia.nO Nursery il Dynamlc Childmwîs Program* avallable duelng WIl Servces! Feaiuurng daîly fielinp greai games. awesome aeiiles, crealîve ,aIls. speeîal musi & morei 0For Kida in Kindergarten to Grade 6 S opm.early droïo aie prck up avalable LimitudpC »P only $80'nhid - cou l t rogisiar todayl & ~ eNAG YU IC ELV Milton Bible Chuirsh Y2K+1 PRAISE-A-THON Oit Sat. Mar. lUth, NIBC wull be openilg it* doS (1011 ur UI(Àniniiny of ' aiili & <Ur ciinîuniiy ai lairge. We welcoine you t0 join us l'or oui- 1 st vrlrî'2A'lîi 'l'le MBC Worsliip 'Ièam- will hc hosting 12 hours ot music, piayer & praise- lo proclainm God's goodness & tu hring glory tu I-is naine! This tundraising event witl aid n thse re-construclion of our *Tircd Old Building* at 200 Main St. and help to maise awareness wjthin town ut our ncw location. Su lctee fec tu drop in & help us out wîth a song or two, hetwecen flice hours of Bain & 8pm. Ail donations arc wetcome and appreciated. I r MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontar ic St. N. - 878-3873 10:00 a.m. - The Lord's Supper 11:45 a.rm. - Sunday Schooi 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesdny 7.30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Siudy 1 give unto my sheep eternal life; they shall nover perish, neither shall any man pluck themn out of my hand. John 10.28 SOUTHSIDE COMMUNIT CHURCH of The Christian & isionary Alliance (onnery knws as Mollon Alliance Chinreh) 2S50 DERRY RD. * llitint e 78-566-1 - Fins 878-66176 Pestoir Greg MICEtnmhs 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE *SDVENTUIîELAND (for kids age 3.gr.6t 6.4X P.M. ALPHA COURSE FOR ADULTh (dirinvin &einain'ial, r.oes.lrnl Fer moîre inle on eur rnrgulssr wely ministrisr, isicase cati the churcb office. 4 We welcome you to... ST. PAULVs UNITED CHURCH + 123 Main St. E., Milton This Sunday - LENT Il Worship >0300 am. 'Nursory & Church Schoo Easter Pie Parade - order your pie by Aprii 1 Rev. John Benham & Reji. John Ambmose Judy Hunter. Director of Music (-I Church office, (905> 878-8895 b ý www.stpaulsmilton.org HOLY ROSARY PARISH htri1i5.er ffrir ....airrfr hrr ,'s i h 878-6535 (T.T.Y 878-9044) VHOLY ROSARY CHURCH 139 Martmn Street Maus at 5:30 p.m. Saturday 9:00 amn., 10:30 a.rn. & n000 Sunday ST. PETER CHURCH 9tb Line e Brtannia Mass at 9:00 ans. Sunday Rev. Earl Talbot, PRP To advertise in the Retigious Directory ail Cindy at j ~878-2341 VICTOq BIBLE CHURCH Iii toda "5. woîr1d, there are inatns pressresu hat~ Pull uis ini varions directions. I BCis a s hurt/r focused on learning how le applv the Bible to a ll aspects of life. loin us for aur services so you andvYourfa;niv can have victor' ii your life. But thanks bie to God, which giveth us the victory tbrough our Lord Jesus Christ. (I Carinthians 15:57) 10:00 A.M. - Sunday Momning Worship Milton Leisure Centre (Boardroom) (separate services for chitdren 9 years and under) Wednesday Bible Study 7-8:30 pal Milton Lelsure Centre Boardroom (chitd cave provided) 'Living A tutriu Liiè Bv 17le Word Q (;uxi" Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 Email: cboyeh i1nterhysp. net The Salvation 11:00 arn - Morning Worship il1:00 arn Sunday School 100 Nlpissing Road, Unit 3 Pastors: Lieutenants Sheldos & Claire Feener For more information about our services, and other programmtng piease cati 876-2420 Grace Anglican Church 3t7 Min St. E. '.iltn lhe C hurci on (lhe ui Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3005 ~vs cr sto/G race.% tittoîs Rev. Dr. Mark McDernaott SUNDAY SERVICES SIX) ai I lui\ ( uî iii ii f litircl Ss.iiîsi è & Cîtfee I Iîir 4:1)X) - 5:30 pi -< iitii C rouîp THURSDAY 1 , Wlelu to' tr r t irk i IAt ixse 1 mmaummumanný IIIIIIR