8-The Canadian Champion. Tuesday, Marcti 6, 2001 * 'tI'ampùrn VîIM us ai S487Laurier Ae 5, 8782881,, vHistorical blacksmith shop to be resurrected Major restoration planned.for Waldie's Blacksmith Shop By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion Where once stood an attractive barn-li ke structure, where local residents brought in their horses for new shoes, now stands a dilapidated shack. Waldie's Blacksmith Shop closed its doors ini 1969 aller serving Milton for more thon 100 years. But thanks tii a $75,00) grant friim the Trolliurn tiiundation ol Ontarno, Waldie's Blacksmîth Shop inay once .tgain serve the community. -Its goitig to he a historical site," said Mandy Sedgwick. a metnhcr ofl the Milton Historical Society and chair ol thc restoratiiin commitice. -We wanî to restîîre it as a uselul blacksmith shop for schools to visit. Community groups can use the hack part ol the shîîp l'or meetings. There is so much Iiistiîry here; the shop went through foîur gencrations ofl the Waldie lamily." lit addition iii the grant recetved, the Milton Historical Society lorked over $ 15,0(X) and is aim- îng to raise $225,000) or the complete resti)ratii)n of the shop, she said. ('îtîpleie restoration is expecied to take hetween otnc aîîd îhree years. -Trhe repairs tîeeded arc so nmajor," Ms Sedgwick said. -Eight windows need Ioi he redîîne, along wîth the walls and the lkundatîîîn. We need concrete lor the fbundation. We're planning to have a series oif fîtndraising programis for thîs spring." Marsha Waldie, uîwner <il the shop and great-grand daughier of the original lounder. James Alfred Waldîe, said she and her sister wanted bo restore the shop for some time. -We coulId neyer get anyone to take the Iead on i," she stîd. 1I wanted fo do this tobe ,ahle to educate people oi' the chronological evolution of the shop and increase the profile of the hîstorical society.- Toni Murison, a hîstorical iechnician who was hired iii research the shop, said he helieves tl Io be the oldesi structure in Milton. *The shop was opened in 1867,- he saîd. "Some of the naîls in the planks of wood arc Iroîn 182t1 An original salety horse stock was also kepi. 'T1e horses helly would be strapped and ihe hîolf wîîuld lit it the sttrrups and the hý)os would get îîew shoes." Ms Sedgwîck saîd a lut of te tools kepi oser the yas would nornîally lx- lound in a miuseum setiing. irtiiportatt i preserse Miuton's heritage:' she Building owner Marsha WaIdie (above lefI) and Tom Murison (above right) go over restoration plans for Waldle's Blacksmith Shop. Currently the walls are crumbling (far lefS). At lefi, the old wooden supports are still adorned with horse shoes. At riglit, Ms Waldie and Mandy Sedgwick of the Milton Historical Society show somne artifacts from the shop. Photos by GRAHAM PAINE q lu ÉOt-%Éol., ý al11"NCOGECO 14 Programming Schedule - March 6th - March 12th, 2001 9m 10,4 . NM. Pbhd bn! ta s S1 Nu. mp~d bi! sw, lem 11M mm. Phod lu! 9mu lia llo Nms Phard lu! 9aou M1..4 hou Nu. pkàd ià! it5Mf 4W'" aJ~ SeIIR MMW b S.2p4a&m:» Ci. mle! Sm u :N ý Pe la!b. * bu. b a :» m b h.,.,la SI14 4 bp Mm la! SIuMAM Cla.mu 011100 Nu." 11m tSC1,1 The hmr I. Udge 5.0. -~t I-v &3Np Sffl Ta& h." 0mb Nl.m 6:31p. Semer G.30 Mm"y 11mb vw wc.eoc uff M-110 Gm.du. Cu.cbm ShouFcae hO«" The lu.. là-. Hodm IL* Ke"r [h. ls Rgm 7«mp Osier ileal 8.14M Spots lu. NORTH HALTON STUDIO Cod ~Cuciý CamebSu 21 M3in Street Northt Pi 2eLhd Fth 2alh ton) ON L7i IV9 519) 853-4700 Filature thîs week: "Georgetown Hockey Hertage Awards" - Wednesday, 8pmn