2-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Match 6. 2001 GoHalton CAS get much-needed t'unding! hoost Province grants Halton Children's Aid Society an extra $548,0OO toward operating budget I 11) scoop? Please let us know about it. Ca/i us - at 878- 2341, ext. 234. sociemes.- The exîrîf $548,000 wili ite appiied lu lte $9.7 million operaling budget of lte Hatton CAS. -Thal amount otf public dollars is signit- icani, said Roy Walsh, executive direclor oi te Halton CAS. About $180,0)00 witi go loward operai- ing cosîs. Mr. Walsht saîd titis woutd reduce lthe percenlage of lte budget (trom 6.7 per cent lu 4.9 per cent) thal te agency must raise itself. The remaining $368.000 wîtt go int group home care. Mr. Walsh said the extra money is goixi news. Chî(dren's aid socielies arenit lied 10 a slnic operaiing budget, but are iunded according 10 provincial "benchmarks" or miles which govern how much îhey receive per chî(d. For exampte, Mr. Walsh saîd ihis year*s budget was esîimaîed ai $9.4 illiion. Instead, il nous sits ai $9.7 iilionî LOT 0F G0O0O#UT3. j. ~S - ~ ~jJ Žrq Enter the Ontario Siots at Rocetrocks MMO MRMCMVO TOUP$AMIIf T storting Mondoy Morch fith and you could win é1OO.01O. Oni Mondoys, TuesdoysUU ond Wednesdays untii Mardi 28th there wîii ha 8 sessions a day where you con rack up tournomen points. Earn the mnost points and become one of the 21 f imalists ta mokeit ta the Grand Finale in Otltawa on Mardi 3lst. Third place gets $10.000. Second Place A ET gets $25,000. But go ait the way and wîn the 3M.0 3IV TOUM AMÇM andi you get the 1100.OOO grand prîze. You ily now commence daydreal ...ng..' co-eoemdw W»wM ~ 93GUoc gî>04ue kiêt~ By ANGELA BLACKBURN Special ta The Champion The Halton Children's Aid Society (CAS) wiII receive an extra $548,000 in !onding fromn the Province this year. The mutney is part tif te Province's recent annutunceineni oii $123 million in extra iuîîding for 53 Otio chitdren's aid becus te numbler ot clients has increased. 'he budget ls revised four rimes annual- 'y. The Hahton CAS cares for 210 children and last year il launched 2,00X) investiga- tions -30 per cent more thatt the previous year said Mr. Walsh, who atftnbuted the hike to increased awareness. Meanwhitihe Ontario Association ol Children's Aid Societies has asked the Province to review funding benciiiarks. tîve ol which tl said are criticai. The recent funding announcement was hased on a prosincial review ol two utilie beitctîiiarks, said Mr. Walsh. -Ohs'ouisiy lthe Province dîd recogiîe ihat ttese needed adjustnieni. Titey've aiso coniitiitted t a comnpretieiisive res eus iii ail heîîclinîarks wittsin lthe test 18 montits, lte said. Aîîtong lthe ios impsortant 10 the CAS is the slafimg required bo do lthe Joh as t lthe stantdards, which are gîîod stantdards, set oui by lthe ministiry saîd Mr. Walsht. Caseload bas increased The local CAS added eîgit stafi mîentî- bers wien the itiniisîry incicased aitiual iundiig by $ 114 mtilion l'or chiidrcit's aid socîclies across lthe province fast May. However, ihe caseioad (tas încreased. -We're stîli rutînîng îhrc iii tour siali meibers iii excess ci ihe provincial l'und- ilg formnula,- said Mr. Walsh. Olter henclntarks considered critîcai bv lthe CAS are program suppht (administra- lion) and (egal services. John Baird, (lie innster respîtusible tor chiidren, saîd lthe Provintce (tas iînprtved standards and accouniahiiiy, iîîcrcased iundîng bo hîre mtore iront-liue workers. boosîed fosler parent raies and betier trained staff. lu 1998, the Provitnce aîtnounced $170) million over îhree years ('or chiidren's aid societies lto hire ntore staff, and împrîîve training and fosler care. Minimum basic daiiy raies l'tr ('osier par- ents were bumped front $144io $25.71 and ioster parent training is being standardi.'ed. Froni uine wstrkers atso use a citmnn "iisk assessmleil sysîem and a province- wide dalabase hetps them îrack high-rîsk tamities. Evergreen Cemetery Board invites Rights Holders and Neighbours lu an informai Information Session ai Milton Evergreen Cemetery Works Garage Sat. Mar. 10, 2001, 3 p.m. f0 5:30 p.m. information wiII be available on planned changes aI the exisling Works Garage site to accommodate a crematorium. Members of the Board and experts on the facilities will be present to answer questions.