The Canadian Champion Fniday, March 2, 2001-19 toU evcei4rctr The secs is bioadeasi- "Two woimeu are lying in a Toîrontoi hospial dying frem a mystorious flu virus This highly contaglous. airborne virus iv srueeping across Nrthl America. Top medical researchers and specialisis have united their efforts to hind a cure and Io develop an antidorte for the deadly disease.. tu ihis pint. no recmedy has hemn lound, Your heart iegins to pound. pour braio is harraged with aoxiely and worrp, but lien pour attention is brought bavk to a lise breaking new'rconfcrence of medical pro) exsiirais. "We have successfully hrriken the uode A cure has heen found. A vaccine can ho made. Hieve. rue have to mid an uninfected indîvidual wioh tho prîrper hioi type cho would hc villing vi drînato blîrrol We ire askiig eieryoio acniiss North Atriei and arîrund the orld vi do oce simple thiog: Go il) the nocaresi hospital and hav e a seolple oft hlooid token Thon' ail ce ask. Emiergency sirens wiIl go i in revery neighirurhod Picase ruake yoar wap quickly and qutetly île the neerent hiispital loîînedîaiy. pu and pîrur laiiy rovpîînd. The scenle ai tho hiispital vs chaoic Plare lil the air. A loîng line of ilosperote porsoos file past teiiporr blitid tesling statiolns chere harried diicîirs and nurses prick fingers anil take blond sample laheiling [hem hastily. e hile a rescare her cillcls hieint for prtcesstng. Nitre Ils pour tues. Siiberly poui lanîîly shuffies paît the otakeshîit courtiers and yîîu are insslmcted lt watt in tho parking lot iii hear il yeuc name vs called. Persitis chose narres arce nol calied uîihîo on hîtuncan got home. Yîîu stand around îîuîsîdr - scaredi Ftiettds, ieighbiturs. faîîîîly menihers îeît îtu. Eserpene iv wîînderîng whether thep ruili lise tIo see antither day. s tibis the enoe hoîrld' Yîîu pull yiur chtldren iti a tîght embrace Yîîe lîght hock ttbreak - Imagi Sudely ayori ocorcote m in g ou fte sialwt hior sruigsicn* ae hc run hog yorumn Heyisi agai Yrrer son epgs on ot vînac bot aid Caps, "That's niec" Betlr irie uk oil, t. hey have grahhod pour boy "Watt a mincie. Hiild iii"' ou say. But thep assure pire. *t: okap. lis blirid is cean. Hrs blirid is porc Wc suant iii ho certain bhal hc dis no haie tho disease. Wu thum he bas gi the rîphe birtod tpc" Frve rise minnutes taler, tho diectis aid ourses. cryrng aid heggrng uire anîtrihn "Thank pou. Virr errer hiernd type sN puer.t îlean. i iv pore, aid se con niake tho vaccine, Woerd qerckly epreads îhnîeugh tho parking lot T'he cnirvd releases acletv srghý The dircirrs pull vir acide. "We necîl ire peak surîh y'ie lier a rrîîeren We drd no( anticipat: bat tho drenîr oeld ho a ire non aid an a teit. eue trecel pir ti sign a consent fr. As pou cemplele tbe papercierk. pou sec bai tho tine bhat specires the aireont rot blîrîd ire ho takcun bay hoon lcft cnpiy. "Hor iu ch blîrîd ancre o akînge pou qeerp. The head of the ruedtcal teau soerny violes. "We had ne idcc tl ruuld ho a tiale chiid. We ceccolt pceporcd. We need it alle "But ..but. ."yen itrrnpt "Yen don't ndenviaid! Wc are talktng abount the sol valiîon rît the sîrld berce" another dettrr iteetcs "*Please signe" pleodv o îî,îddie.agod nurvc' "Wc need il ail"' "But con't pou grve hîru o tronsfeston i" pou bof. il' sue had viras hloiid se wuiuld, Con prie pleàso sîgo Wtieid pu hurry up and stgn' In neubi silence. yîîu do, Then tho niedica euant quevtions po)u. "Miied pu lîkeaomîîent %vithl iiur son Irofore rue hegîn" Con ptu ruatk rock? Cao pou watk hock ir that rilotî cherce ru sts on atable sayiig.-Dladdy'î M iirviv Whai's going on Cao y:ee take his hands and say. "Soi. asiwrie Moîîîîîîî aid iaddy. suc love vira. and rue cîtelî nevei ecir lei anyihing happen fir vino that dîd nit luit have Io happen Mary people are sic k and dytof and pou can hclp boeni suith a cure. Doi yîOu undersiand har 1 Th cri a dsti conetri aid sais. 'Tlin nor. wcoie guui lger staried Peuople aill )ert ho %ould are waîtîng lîîr a cure foribhs deadis divoase>" C'an ou ieave'Cati v salk îîît[ chue piet nson cries, *Moii'.i)ad i Why, %%îhy haie rie teirnake re i Aid týien. ceeki later. cher there us a cercitiiiiy i) hîînîur prier son. aid sorttie foîlks slcep lhrîîugh tl. aid suite flks dîot' ceci coite (recause thep cent li the lake. aid site foiiks nucitiecî a protontiie scile aid lest preteîd te cane, ruld pie ruant tii lump ep aid say. "MY SON l)IED FOR YIU DON'T YOU CARE" Ontl yoe îhînk thais chat 00) suants Ir rap tront lime te tinte, "MY SON DI)ED FOR YOU. DON'T YOU KNOW HOW MUCH 1 CARE i' Visit o local church hbie sueek tii bear inite about Godes sacrîfîcîai irive' Please cîosuilt ho Religions l)recorp heloru for service unies aid loceations' Submitied hy Reverend D)an Rugge, Senior Panier o! Nec 14fe Church, lton BAHAI 0 FLEETING SHADOW! Pass beyand the baser stages of daubt and rite ta the exalted heights of certain) y. Open the eye of truth. that thau mayest behold the veiles Beauty and exclairmn Hallawed be the Lord, the mas) excellent of ail creatars! tram the Baha'i Writings LOCAL: -......... -....................878-1)011 REGIONAL: ..........-........1-800-433-3284 GLOBAL:- - - --..................www.bahaiLorg MILTON koÇi CH URCH IlIt - o l o ru k vl Sititritti Hugh Foster Hall, 43 Brown St. Milton 'rît 1:0 I 1ni i , iiiie S'ii' FREE BIBLt SCH<)OL (i e Is i lv .iiii.ti'ii iiil' i isi lite' tivt-rtil ri i'ti rr ani (Ilve' rie ici ai ha.pipy lite' F-i tRIFi' tutti' L.l'rriNr \relit, i ii 2S0Ii. On [ilîîT.îîRr iF Mlirîi iîi ii' iA,0 ii tre'ttFeNt u tt sevi R iuq i rN E W r., ii.uiiil e i itt'iter'I 'n i Senir Psto AI. DnRog Children Worstnip Youth Mra. Natalle Roge Mrra. Esther Koelsir Ras. Gord Clark 9 arn - Eorly Worshijp Service 9:30 amn - Seendoy School 10:.45 arn - Second Worship Service 6:30 prn- Evening Worship Service Poster Don Rogge precching in Tihe Book of Ravatnion Supternrised Nursery & Dynamlc Childrn'a Il Bibl Churoh lm 200 Main Street E. d4 10:00 AM Worship Service Full Children's Minstries running concurrently Rev. James A. DeMarsh, Pastor s>ur 876-3586 inrt in.nau.r ,.P MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. - 878-3873 10:00 a.m. -The Lord'n Supper 11:45 arn. - Sundruy School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wedneduy 7.30 p-m. Prayer aund Btble Study 1 give unto my sheep eternal lite; they shall neyer perish, neither shail any man pluck themn out of my hand. John 10.28 SOMTMIE COMMUNIT CHURCH of The Chiistian là Missionary Aliance llernmerly kaewn an Milton Alliance Church) 2850 DEIRRY IRD. *Phonc 878-5664 n Fax 878-6676 Pusst<,r (.rcg MeCnmbs 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE fNcarysn, pr'înicdvn) 'ADVENTVRELAND (for kidu upc 3-pnb>) 6-00 PM. ALPHA COURSE FOR ADULTSj (diiiio,' & in.nteri,'i jn.'ax.issl -For more infra on our regular weekip ministries, pcasc- c-ai the church office. &tt ý Milton BaolisI Church 900 Nipissing Rd. (905) 875-1626 Featurrog dilry tred tnpo. great garnec. awesortO1:0anWose evc activitres. creative crats. speca mueî &t morer mh*pSlo For Kids in Kindergarten to Grade 6 ~ f 9 arn te ap. reearucdroplelpickop avartabte 11e N ,- Limlt..d space - oenty $BW1cild - coltro r.gister today! 1ROV.Gre.MaaulaY- B.A., M.DIv. We welcome you to.. ST. PAULUS UNITED CHURCH 123 Main St. E., Milton This Sunday - Aduit Confirmation Transfer Communion Worshtp 10:30 amn. * Nursery & Church School Wed. Mar 7, 7:30 pm -4 week Lenten Study begins &Rev. John Benham & Rev. John Ambrose Judy Hunter, Director of Music Church office: (905) 878-8895 b L HOLY ROSARY PARISH hîlrotîtie retio(le n-ts5iînrlvoi/p holyroîary ex brui 878.6535 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) rHOLY ROSARY CHURCH e 139 Martin Street Mass at 5:30 pin. Saturday 9:00 arn., 10:30 a.m. & noon Sunday ST. PETER CHURCH 9th Lise I& Britannia Mass at 9:00 a rn. Sunday Rev. Earl Talbot, PRP To advertise in the Religious Directory catil Cindyjt aman70 I I VieOR BIBLE OHURON In today's worl4 there are many pressures tisai pull us in various directions. VBC is a churcis focused on learning how Io apply the Bible to ai aspects of life. loin us for our services so you and your family can have victory in your life. But thanks bie to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (I Corinthians 15:57) 10: 00 A. M. - Sunday Momlng Worshlp Mîlton Leisure Centre <Boardroom) (separate services for children 9 years and uider) Wednesday Bible Study 7-8:30 pm Milton Lelsure Centre Boardroom (child care provided) "Living A VictoniowUafoe B)' %, Word 0f God" Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875.2162 Email: The Salvation vo Milton 11:00 arn - Morning Worship il1:00 arn Sunday School 100 Nipisulng Road, unit 3 Pastors: Us1urtenants Sineiden à Ciare Feener For more information about our services, and other programming please cali 876-2420 Grace Anglican Church :317 Main St. L., ilfltoît the (alure h ont the iliIt l'el. 878-2411l Fmx 878-30053 Rev. Dr. Mark MlcDennott SUNDAY SERVICES S10:18) aiit - St'iiug Eticlî.înst (loîircli SchImir, &C(ofhuw lieur -1:001 - ý5:3t prit - Youlut Group THURSDAY 10..0 t-Il îîI llois Comu nivîuonu M EN[-ARCE YOUR CIHULL «ý- LUTt