1S-The Canadae Chanpion, Fniday, March 2. 2001 courent anuls: Cash lnnestrmnts at coot (Note 2) Accoonits receroable. Local Government Other (Note 31 Prepaid expense Oer carrent assets Capital otlay loe kroceorei ed Iatre yoes Oume anule LiabilitIes antd Eauily In Reserv Funtis carrent lablltwe: 8B and other short termi borrowing (Note 4) Accoants payable and accrued luabilities: Local Government Other Other carrent lhblities Ne long lorni filbilîlles (NoteS5) Ren ore woriseg tende (Note 7) Equity le renom lafnde (Note 7) Acemulated surplus (dotcit) il year andl 2000 1999 $ 1,676,049 S 6,910,473 9.070,109 6,547,293 6,358,544 2,912,661 972,852 722,8W8 175,293 374,339 1,641,541 21,303,259 16,858,703 96,451,341 77,642,999 14,452 68,624 $117.769.052 $ 93,770,326 $ 27,848,015 26,459 11,650,128 1,299,477 40,824,079 59,993,332 675,196 16,391,300 (114,855) $1 17,769,852 S 26,999,934 26,459 12,290,389 2,750,495 42,067,277 37,742,579 3,756,195 9,633,892 570,383 $ 93,770,326 Approveil on Behaft of the Board: Frdrc .SenyDl"o dcto A. Bailey, Chair of the Board See accompanying notes lx the financiat statements. Hahlu CafilIc Distrct Scirnl Board Revenu Fond Momerent of Ounratoeu Yoar endeil Aiment 31. a0 Hihcma a mmv f r o 190 2000 1999 Classrons $ 81491.639 $ 72,863,858 Non-classroom 22,529,250 20,531,511 Administration 4,544,171 4,287,779 Pupil transportation 3,903,344 4,059,484 Popil accommodation 22,466,.593 21,945,861 Other non-operating eopendiure 2,903,539 67,733 Total topenditure 13,3,3 2,756226 School hourds - nItrer 3,438 217,731 Governeent of Ontario - other 1,609,236 32,048 Gnvtmmet of Canada 322,359 638,735 Individuals - taition tees 314,397 390,771 Other revenue (eodcladng transters trora reserves) 3,4,8 8,191,916 Total reconory of expenditure 6,197,910 9,471,201 N e oxpnleo $131,640,626 $114,285,025 Flilcin oteendtrs Legislativie grants $ 77,142,710 $ 71,105,915 Local taxies 56,590,403 54,38,267 Increaste in reservos (2,777,725) (11,191,139) Prevooas year-end accamalateil surplus 570,383 560,365 To be applied bo tht tollowing year. Accumulated delicit (surplus) ut year-end 114,855 (570,383) Toual tnocl $1310640,626 $114;285,025 Set accompanyîng notes 10 tht tinancial statements. Haon Caftnloe OWIIC Scknl Bard CaItai FNdî Stoteof etOeom fuar ended Mletu 31, 2011. wMi cfninrative tier o 1999 Capitl ospenditre: Capital assets andl worb in progreos: Newe papil places $ 103902900 School rentotl 7,799,568 Non-onstruchonal capital 170,350 Site purcllases 9,302,680 tnstracteooal campaiters 1,953,791 Ptrsonal special educahion equipesenl 13,575 Other 609,368 Total capitl upoditere $30149,532 Cap ietfm n: talane ai belmtnng of yew ot petnnaoently inanceel $(39,905,392) Lon tons litihos isatil andl soie 22,097,00 Capital eapoeltare %wnueal frnt tht mreone tonid 7,237,702 Balance aI tetd of pearmio permantetly, Onanceel 40,720,222 Toual capital flencln $ 30,149,532 Set accompanyeng notes to tht financial statements. 1999 $ 23,835559 12,935,225 272,423 5,757,685 1,269,863 55,489 479,215 $ 44,605,459 $ (1,271.259) 5,971,326 39,905,392 $ 44,605,459 Hala Caltiollo DWuimt banni bard Remerne Fende Sigeineit et COIIIIIUIIV Yeor a"de à« 31,M wu mie wm flo te 10 2000 1999 - o' Orpmna Ourio et w $ 21, $ 4,385.48 $ 533.753 $4,514.653 $9,63389W $1,318620 fleeU Fyd 5,459,784 462,374 2.727,629 8,649.787 128029.713 Ruheen 8937 48928 1t8*452 436.309 57,445 200,000 10,852,287 1,045,047 7,422.734 18.719,9U8 13,473,778 mout ad w -t p. S S 9.118,140 $ 1,045.047 W8552,113 $ 16,V8,318 $9.633.892 sa on ý oon o nullees 10 lthe foucwa swesue. Halton Catholic k IV District School Boaird Financial Statements, August 31, 2000 Thte itonioaistarerisshaueiaepred ritav oard saoaccouorirspsrrsrlesIraiarrprescsia bth Mntisivet Eutia ndiTrinoigiar c0<tseit pre, pratr tor Ostarff Scherlaoinais priencipie are In accootisce wait peserirp accepteS iaaaoursoO principe excpi as renom Rvenue ait rapenitures ure raausiei fro rase accrout Sasis ai acoarotia. t the valowng exceptios NO Npr 's = 10' "Iarest son unmaturotitrbenture deilbtrom te ateufrolayet oaie ear end N) apra sritno relortheraibilevir rirrtit aar sicleve besrtes acr utg r the orkin Im<ersofeploytrs [a) Supplerorsiary as and ax ouoe-onfs lavenset bers araruit for 20M b) cafitat IIIII Capil assois arr eapersti unies fias arr onasset Sp longrni re t Principal ait ioteront charges os nef long teni habtes arr arciatita as epnitares in lhe penne Cf Iesme, lait Ium lairaf ise. nd roservondus5 represesi tunis approprite ogineli pe s ii n oe aitsr~r n aors chargeti or aretiit ta Revenue Fuit Opetions itear apprsesfaei or triw on Osas ia îosrs Ir reseives ait resoone funds are r noveiW ord ait aireotoirethe limans dasti in te Olucafios Act. Tl anferrese Srete n et eepeaituas ofaI ar muaidth na aisutis tecesve ta tiarce titese rapeiteues m crset frassIra thir subsequet prr tarnerinrcrease ar iretir vat reverrsnu se t Sae Logitlh irise calcutifio are preparit Sp the Bouta assual ait subone Io tir Mrnrsty of Etiasairas for fraf tinal appfra. Brissessns ts faon asct Oncuw b. lhal einmalrut r Sae Boutas short-ierm inesoess sn isoep, miarket toits ait bisions'acceptitras ia eteresi or rarying rites britees 5 5% ait 0 5% piet 000000 3. ACU" nmohilm - dolla Inakideint asasses rrclavable a tle 0$608.874 rresint fa lrative grins ai prier prirs suat irc utir dispruit irath Mriity. a1 tBoars maagmnt voiro flit sach asiauos aretiueat fn Boata arit MIe be coder..ibe. &4 a eil u **0u010 wmrV Icktited In eit-ieo borsowinq re iS 27,763,150 ofassoit-teesa tuais lot cupil pr 0 Sae iasf tirai t ir tire Boira bossaws fuits is al prime or less Tis shrt feai ar 1oaoIproiecnassrpuctsubsequutearritro uhitia BIdt atpio thiissouo .3/.srirogrlune disrduaivt sy e nn OSt Bota Fucutg Corporaion, ira Bouad posaso oi salisbsue brisal 30.00.000 S tlenroaes tere isse with a tires 1 aimrs assuong ana moiatios 015 nsiare dueSpasSer 22. 2010. Eecsm yurusngvhe10earternir,,thesum ofl$ 2,310,004 sirullieapayableiforriteres aidthe suofa$ 546,226 sll lie tipsrt o sirg fuit. Oi al, io tesHabriités outstairs ai tiuguis 3f, 2000 orS$ 59.993,332 prrncrpal aonirg fol $04,926,194 plus rstrrrsi amarrite fa 18,653,028 is papable aus' va se. OvessI yers as ftoas: 2001 t 4,44"8732 t 4.520,171 S 8,976,903 2002 4 ' 68,611 4,142,937 8.832,548 2003 5.037,9.n4 3,760,822 8,798,766 2004 5.448,829 3,342,287 8,791,116 0M0 5,301.078 2.8l8,811 8.179,889 S 24,926,194 $ 18,653,028 t 43,579.222 aDuom mV fail oittit leM inui Sae Reveteue Fuit epeiture lot rIeS cierges ait capital io in teresi iralutein pupri accomodaion espeniture incites prncpal anit rrsi payaicl as fiteas: InIfots payonents on long teri abiafles S,519.315 $ 7 5_99 46 locluitti in naese marduns are t 155,518 ai prioneai anti S 143,357 oi iners os tiebeoturestflot teere pari of ne set assets toraserre ta Boa 64. Oie Frenit Language Board by Order in Councti The Hen CeOroh Soon Sctool Board es tequiee, itoweve, ta stel nv fraise debt chtarges but recaesm muai griots fanin the Province. 0v resolutson Novetobe r. 1,200ine Oaor appisoted a ara osas of$ 2.250o000 tro i ane eerve for oorkos6 usnd foi she issai pear eradong Ouguis 31, 200 b) Eqaela mm buIt The aserves for nieriai eiusateon anti pupii accaomoation0oefe esalsiati in asaortiaoe wti Miistfv of Edutiuafr ad Trainvng reguBaions and are maidtaei by the Etiocasos Act and are tirb useti orry for spesife pursases. Tliiantrei esusiron rmproveoiesi saplal aeuve il a cotsbaaatfli of fia eargp sauorgs arnd irons receveti tae foids wdf Sie uset fun f04 vacapital pof- fias 0fthf rasets verthv eextOto fillpurs. Tire eilisaia delelorafe charge aeserve roas fa imou00s rflert pursuafo ta vae Eifusalon 0sf aid tasbo by-aas eni respect ftereto Pou"eflati cotanit Ait oon-feaiieoip o e aabord arerOniibie fa sie Mariens ai vh aus Muipa Employoes Retieaenrt Oysfem wh4555e a onull-eiployer fiia average pap con- tibulty pas. Ospior contribuions madtie fhe fian ies ig fiar uf the vagrti maurirt fa NO tue tfoa contsrbuion hitaa for SotS romisiees asti empiapers sn etirat unfil Seseotia 3f, 2001f Na sosain et vancare stiiemesis oi vae Boarti are fia empioer cotributions fanah Teahrs' PenssionFPlanThe tuntifO for surit s pionulet tirecio b vae Provsrcial 9. C atue oèeganauMd emmesemil a) Liaumitaioam The Board sas obligations uraier aperiflsl fuases tmal rereeassual leuse papmrsts rou th oiiaovà amts: 2001 1 .214,137 2002 1,r87520 2003 966,587 2004 8M0,003 t 4,664,535 The Boarti sas Obligatons N=ifaiugy reith respect fa ira buitding ait asasoWW« ta n ea ait estais saitoI as floats: Stý FaiTs 1 ,021,M0 Sf. Rieraei 1452,f19e Sf. Josepht (Actras) 1,385,816 Stf Catherine ai Alexandoa f40.,02 Assomption 4,0f15,350 Chote Ki 520.00W NOotereasi f 6044 73,936 Alrit Learok» Ceotre 30 M6 Luerunt Oturonoasie impraer Pigfears 700,00f S 10.726,493 Titese sontmirs ire exiiesiet oe coapet tiorer rsai 200f nia Boita ais rtinefrp iable uidtell0ers ai srt i sue tef museoipaias wghi respect tiaconstrucion prilleaiset va sune it f48000 tase are setter tel fers of re outstafim wit aespect ariah purciase of 55500l sites. va amouraio reich aie inckaetin nser big teesa ftales. la. timete BSU bord ballrine EmSaes: Theat fira ril etetive April t. '197, va Ootrioe ScheliBoard ivaurasce Ex0550000(0000E). a arapcal issuriece casparir liernit uicte i suraise Act. OSBIE ares geiterru public ible forntia Buad Il. MeS. -etletle se Jieury 2n.,1997, vae Maint eculroarasee vam ft oibers'Siletr IsuriecBe tira tan er ofa Scirniel ir traecma a Oclidule 2, sefitsarsoti aeper rlNbsefJauuap . 1994. As a molli, va= w OoOs ireao assuresntheCo ai oars saeiv mnuranS tard ateasis fer s One w~ooo Air accn bSons ai S 695.44310bt recu4t as ai Auu0 3f, 20005 ote lot o palerto charges fo a, ier assessed by tarsors'salop Insuran ardi lot penig dairrs, Efecieo leerar 28196 th vatara onfiraclei iOa-paty ca-onsurama Coorrage uiter teric va tard recaesm reimobseeiset liotheva urer lot Wlrers Coopestain ite assesseors 0005 S250,001) ait less iart $ 000.0 va havie jaM ftt aa us» ote fini FUs Caloi DitericSel Seutil as al VIOSI 31f 20100 and vae Revenuer Fon taut ieeo ai Operaline aCaPIn Fait Su~ere aiOpeitituuat m oeeFU ieee natiolv eun tme nNia tatmeals; amr ah aspmbky eof aie va nbMaoma esiateraire 0re rpei- Un ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~h Miau t i rrrdritO maloari aa etiss tt illardts rw4te# eei ar i pelotor an ateobOlart ruasuble assurance uBit u uucislrmrlrr mr u i of ri fslleetA asdt inci ba N nwO. as a Nes basis. esnieec supporan vae ameutrirs; aitd mmi itee rit e a wec OtaeAn &ari se inctades assassing vae asasiei prOarlts alitait sgiianrekt mode Sp raageent. as alas moulaine vrtil Nueci eaenre pre- sut IK0rseýer thast NerCW starioneras peesent %ale, in al farmil aespects, val rueai positas se a tair as id Alluast 31f 2000 ua nia fats of Os seperalion loir va mu en ttii tesvaniet prerareles descrite inNet t a fi a nece scinerils HORNE&o Nuwtatera on orna chmit Accuans