14-lbe Canadian Champion, Friday, Mardi 2,2001 ACER - LOTUS * CANON e EPSON LEXMARK - MICROSOFT *Authorized Service Depot -Network Instal ng *Full Training Contracts - Sales & Service -Software & Accessories - On Site Service 751 Main Street East, Suite 2, Milton Phone 878-4651 Fax 876-1013 e 1-800-268-0034 Monday - Fniday 9-5:30 pmn Saturday 10 - 4 pmn ADVANCED & GENERAI. LASTER KEYING SYSTEMS HIGH SECURITY LOcK SYSTEMS & COMPIETE KEY CONTRGI. * INDUSTRIAL OPERATORS * COBRAi PANIC BARS.- DOOR cLOSERS MOBILE *RESIDENTIAL EtEcTtec STRIKES e ACCESS cONTRaI. MAUTER KEYINIG SECURITY CONSUL.TATIONS SERVICE - LOCK-OUTS FOR ALARM SYSTEMS 8858 -SAPES 8858 Slding, Cast, Used Equipment, Angle,l C _ý Structural Shapes, Rebar, Stamping, Beams, etc. rCpprumnumBssTaps Electnical Wlre, Cast Aluminum, Doors, Lead, Aluminum Sidung, etc. <:O.SITL BERCYCLING -Mtltoe Division - 1 km. no êf-ofthe 401 on Hiiy. Z5 (905) 875-480 tedesirfe itesawm.aIRihl N"antw eIEe V lq#"blet welceee. MERITOR A Diviaion of Arvin Meritor 150 Steeles Avenue, Milton, Ontario L9T 2Y5 HALTON NCREDIT UNION 'E Proudly Serving Members Snce1957 EARL DOLMAGE BranCh Manager 44 Main Street East Milton, Ontario (905) 878-4168 RBICK FINANCIAL SECURITY CORPORATION Melissa De Brouwer, CFP Fiapi, îu Planniing andIixîi', 'Mutual Funds - RRSPs -Lite Insurance 575 Ontario Street South, Milton, Ontario L9T 2N2 Tel: (905) 875-1000 * Fax: (905) 875-689)6 www.biakfinancial.com SKDI CoMPN 375 Wheelabrator Way, Militun (905) 875-1427 (416) 798-7099 I Il A lp of the Hat People Wear dîfferent *hals« depending on the different rotes for whiob they may be responsibie. i am your Chamber President for this year. That's on. hat. Another holt 1Wear la 1h01 of a professlanal accountant. Il seems particuiarly timely right now t0 .Wear this ht« In order ta dlscuss samne generai reminders for lax lin, Legitimate personai tas planning Involves the attempt to minimize, or t0 defer, taxes payable. The govemment recognizes this type af planning. However, tas avoldance, or sImpiy not filing your personal tas retumn con have serlous ramlificalions. So we wAIl begin with the premise 1h01 wO ail must pay las. we ail must file a personail tas return in a timely foshion and we should da our research as 10, what Is the most advanlageaus way ta prepare this return. If you are not confident in doing this yourseif. seek the advlce of a professional occauntant. Providing incomplete or incorrect information may delaytIhe processing of your relurn and ony refund, credit or benefit to whIch you Each year the Canada Cusloms and Revenue Agency (CCRA. farmerty Revenue Canada) wtt moire changes Ici the incarne Tas Adt that could be t0 your benefil. Qbviously, this la not the forum in which to go int a greal degree 0f detail on these changes, Sa i again caution you t0 review your financial piclure with a professionai accountanl. That aaid. here are a few highllghts of Important changes 10 the Income Tas Adt for 2000: * The definilion oftIhe term ýspouse» has been revtsed, - The amounts used 10 calculate the Child Tas Benefit and the GST Credil have been increased, * You may be able t0 dlaimi more for a disabted chiid and you may be able ta dlaim addilional attendant care expenses, - Monies spent t0 modity a new home 10 accommodate a dlsabied persan now qualifies as a medicai expense, * There are Increases ta the Basic Personai Amount and 10 the amounîs you use 10 coiculate Age and *Rules governlng the taxation of employee stock opttons are complex and related. tçx Issues need ta be carefully consldered. - One af the moat Important changes durlng the year Is In how much you have ta include In your incorne for caiculation 0f any taxable capital gains. Generolly, you wil Include 75% osf any capital pains reaiized between Januory ts and Februay28h, 20. 66 2/3% of any gains realized between February28 and October 17th, 2000 and 50%,çf any gains realized aller October 111 2000. You wiil need la separate your gains or lasses lnIa these three different perlods In order to propery consider any loss carry-bocks, business investment lasses, dispositions af eligible capital property or capital gains deductions. in conclusion. gather ail documents related 10 the preparation osf your family las returns and cansidler the moat advantogeous way ta file your returns. File on lime. If you require assistance, consuit a professional my be entitied. Equivoient to Spouse credits, occountant. Swrca.Mrc urln ekfara HouritsI. cc2 Breakfast wlth (7:3Sn - S;45am> Joyce Savoline, Reglonail Chairmn Guest Speaker Maro Pereira TOPIC: What th. GTS Means ta Miton and Hailln Reglani Employment Insurance Rep, HROC4ncdo LOCATION: Granite Ridge Golf Club, Dubin Line TOPIC: NeW Leglelafla R.laling ta Employm.nt Insurance COST: $ 15.00-Chamber members /I 818.00-Non-members LOCATION: Chamber of Commerce Boardroom (payment by VISA or Cheque) 251 Main Street - Suite l0Ot Due 10 the anticipated ottendance for this event. we 01k NO COST ta afiendIl th01 you or&-ga~ by contacting aur office aI 905-878-058 and speak withn Bev Haltoway. Thank you. Bwln.ss Affer Houri <5-7 Pm)> HOST: La Toscana Restamrat. 165 Main Sireet Eost Tony De Gaetano. awner. Invites you ta corne and aeel La Toscaas 'NEW' look. Be sure 10 attend and a reminder ta bring your business cards. NO COSY Io allendi Chamber Manrs Ontyl asoieie iltont 20O1 SHOWCASE BOOTHS ARE SELUNG FASTII YOR CUSTOMERS WILL BE THERE, VOUR COMPETITORS WILL BE THERE, W1iI you bu #m.e? Don't be dbWapointed, BOOK VOUR SPARC NOW... 7h... bwkou.a haVel Aquapure Walt Systems Austen & Noble Insurance Brokers Ltd. Crispins Donaleson Financial Graup Emply Nest Home & Personal Balley Heating & Cooling Services inc. B.B.R. Enterpdl lc. Escarpment Country Bergsa's Paint & Wallpaper First Professional! CauionS Bick Financicil Securlty Galactic Art Glass Studio & Paint Inc. Milton Canaidiaon Champion Milon Chamber 0f Commerce Milaon CNéropractors Milaon Downtown BIA Milaon Windows Wall & Beds Miitown Computer Services NutriIo House Servlces/BercshIlre Invealment Graup lnc. Secur-U St. clair Point & Watpaper The Stonehouse 0f CarrpbetMe CorportfOion GoodWfe Filness Club Pre-Paid Legal Services Inc " - Bitls Auto Bodly Halton Credit Union Richardson Chevrolel Taylor Nursery Broorvie Galr it arpGleyOldsmobile Terry Rowley Gatry Glts Horop aliryRotO-Stattc Corfpet & Uphaistery Mechanicsi Ic. Bruce Hood Trovel HJM Insuronce Cleonisg Central Electrolysis & Laser ClinicMayKyCseisRalLP e eemnInros in Affiliation with The Electrolysis Mr o omfc oa eaeTlmn neir College of Canada Imc. McCuaig Insurance LICd Scotts'Accounling Town of Milton Fmr detcas cae Undsay Dyck at 905-878-0581 or VISit Ouf wOb-l: www.chambb0e.mlltn.on.ca