6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Febmuary 27, 2001 4CuMLo CN terminal flot good news for area residents Area residents have every right to be upset over CN's recent announcement regarding its plans to build an intermodal terminal in Milton. What heightens hostility toward the announcement is that it came without warning - that's il, a done deal. Event the Town of Milton wasn't informed of the plans until the Friday before the Monday, Feb. 19 announcement, Mayor Gord Krantz says. What's even worse is that the Town, according to Mayor Krantz, has no authority to interfere in the development since laws under the rail- way act supercede municipal powers. However, CN says it plans to work with the municipality to address concernis, Well, we hope that happens hecause there are plenty of concerns. Perhaps the most important question is, what will ail this extra truck traffie mean for area residents? How will it affect life as they know il? And we have to wonder how roads such as Tremaine and First Line will handle the load. They're not designed for that use. This massive development will probably be good for the GTA, but it won't be any fun for those who live around it. O UR READERS WRITE If it stains clothinçL how safe is it to drink? Walkîong here can be hazardous toi health Deai Editor: On June 13 we weie getting dark brown waier fiomn oui wateî laps, a pho- togîaph of which was sent to Anthony Amalfa of the Halton Region Health Depariment. We were told lil was sale drinking water. In a Champion sloi-y dated February 20, Mr. Amalfa tells ua that Health Canada and the Provinces havent entab- linhed heaith-based limita for drinking ataer Iecause the compound isn't con- sidered 1o represent a health thceat aI 1ev- clu normally found in drink water. He goes on t0 say, "In this regard the levels found in die Milton nystem do not pose a health thiect" I defy Mi. Amaîfs 10 say that the high- ly-polluted wster shown in the photo- grsph in ai a level normally found in drinking wsier. If it's higher than a nor- mal level ien Hestth Canada doesn't say ils sale, and M. Amaîfs certainly can- not. Mr. Amalfa seema Io be walking a vecy dsngeroua; line. I believe anything 11mai permanentty stains clothing isn't a good drink 10 go mbt an 85-year-old stomach. Rodney T Ramsden Ontario Street South Dear Editor: Thece's a delinile need to monitor trafic in the community more closely in the downiown area espe- cially between Ontario and Martin sireets. At prese~ni it seems for some pedesirians it can be hazardous 10 their health. As a senior, I do a fair bit of walking arîîund town weather permiiting, ihis underlaking being bolh healthy and econoîmîcal as befts the occasion. Also. not dciv- ing unneeessarily makes a small contibhution in helpîng preserve the environmeni. which is a definite plus. From my observation sonnie motonists scemî reluciant or perhaps indillereni to defer to pedesirians atteinipting to use crosswalks. Aller ail. these motoois have the green lîghî îndîcaling an oppoctuiiity, oîne presumes legally. Io complete their Box 248, 191 Main Si. E.. IThé Cagais Champion. pubistted eveta Tuesday ad Faduay ui 191 tm Ma Si E., Mltion. Ont, L9T 4N9g (Box 248). is onen ai The Meinatand undue hind Miltomn. Ont, 1,9T 4N9i Pittntg, Puhtîshtot s Distibutou LiS. gîaup ai suburlun compaueis witi pedesian tacluttes AlaxtPîcIeigo News Atiutiitsi, Alltoton tienuittCourie, Battie 2' 2 dvance. Barty's Bay Titis Week, Boien Eterpise, Brampton Sundian, using the cri (905)8 8 2 4 I>Bur.7 A lnton Post, Burilgi Shopping News. Cily Parent. Cn oi York they do so a Suatatan. Colttngwnnd/Wasaga Cannecn, lEait Yoak Mttîon, Bt t EditrialFax:878-943 Advocut ontiy Routes. Eticake Sundian, Ftantnrnouit Post, Panentr Editria Fax 87 -494 Yang. Geangetaown Independent/Actnn Free Press, Hatin Business Tintes, Adverisin Fax 8762364 Huota Business Ties, Kingston Titis Week. Lindsay This Week. Mantouan Missîssauga Business Timtes, Missîssud News, Nupanee Soide, Classified: 875-3300 Nassugumeya News, NewmokeVAunnua lia-Buant.r Northumberland News. NBuSh Tonk Mifri. Sukvile leanti. SaketOn Shoppiing News. Sidtimens Ian Oliver Publisher Honckey News, OifaTndap, Oshuwaittty/COintntPntt Penny This Wee, Oen oun Tibue. eteborug Ths Wek.PiconCoutty Gudt, TRei Oliver A ooîîîîîîtî Puis.lier Ricmoannd HiVhrnhtiNiughat tiSerai, Scanilunougti Mrtai. Stnuttnai/Sohidge Talbune. Wendy Mrlilab AclIiirt#il i iiignt Sdvnmting is accnpied an lte condition ralu, ninn eent ni a typao-. niapitinair tailt porin ut lte adveftsîng spuce occupted bp the nîna- Kiren Smiutho Lilittr neaus titan tognillel mat a ànanunattit uttoteinat ton signaturet d enati Se Sticve Cropâxîr titi o Itît i tnttC chaiged toi, btiSe balanre oi tne advettsafnti ail! St piS toi ui tite applit cable rti titi pubtislen esennes tilt iRai ta cattgaitze adveii5eaants ni Tert ('as&s Ollit oe M tit Coi MSnet rcance. However il' a .gets in the way' by osswalk ai thisjuncture, i teir peril. In a manner of speaking iheycre somehow "interfering' with motorists troru completing the toms with a mini- mum of delay, eleacly unaccept- able. It would seem that l'oc pedes- trans to exercise their "right ot* way" under these circumstances is a privilege nol a night. cules of' the r(iad and crosswalks ntithsiand- ing. From my own personat experi- ence more recenlly I was on Main Street easibound, crossing Ontarto Street with the ligis and thec pedes- toian indîcatuîr in my tavour. 1 was obliged 10 hait mny progcess better than hall' way across in the iniecest oi' (my) saleiy to enable oight turu trahic oit Main Street to access Ontario Street. Tîtere were ai leasi tbree or tur vehicles and the driv- ers tn their havie decîded il was nmore inipoamt loir ihem tri com- plete their turns unmindlut of pedestrian traifi usîng the cross- walk, the latter would sîmply have to wait. For these motorists 10 stop mn the have been reason enough. S<nmc motorists perhaps in their frustra- tion in appearing Io cxclude them- selves from adhering to prescrihed standards under the Highway Trattic Act to a pedestian's night ot way ail things considered, is hoih illegal and potentially dangemous. lit addition some motonis poior Io emerging trom side streets otteii straddle crosswalks inipeding pedestrians night of way in coin- pleting their task ot crossing tn rel- ative saieiy. Perhaps police should attetnpt to tnaîntain more vigilance mn moni- toring traffic ai these strategic loca- lions, when îhey can [mnd the time. More attention to these matiers (ot' satetyl needs b lie deltberated on and adequale nnethods emplîîyed as are deetined necessary for the bene- lit ol- those who are most vulnerable on iiur streels, children and senior citi/ens in paiticular. F Kenyon Milton by Steve Nease -, I THE CANADIAN CHAMPION nie Million Cvudm Chwçms à Rocyci&bM Pm&e n Tini Cotes pretillit rion Aforiager