i"ep Wianted "lep Wanted heip Wanted Menitor Automotîe, nc, is the largeur independent supplier of Nut wound coil springs. stabilizer bars and torsion bars re, light vehicle manufacturers in North America. Frsm sur production facility in Milton, we supply coil springs tu GM, Ford, the Japanese subsidiaries and, on as exclusive basis, OaîmlerChrysler. The tollowîng positions are now available in sur Milton plant for individuals lookîng lu grow wifh a leader, SHIFT SUPER VISORS Ts continue our abity to Iead the industry and support our wortd-ctass operatiun, we are currentty seeking shit supervisiorn to comptement our team of talenteif production and leadershuip emptoyees. Vour leudership, supervîssry esperience and knswtedge ut manutacturing witt contribute f5 the succesn ut tis mult-shiftftacility. Wie otter a comprefiensive benetît program and competitive satary. If this is the type of teadersthip position you are seeking, and you wisti to join an organization that devetops tlent, ptease forward your resume to: Human*fi Resourcea, Menitor Suspension Systema Company, 150 Stesles Ave., Mutasn, Ontario, LgT 2Y5. E-mail: macklnhl@merllorauto.com MEIRITOIR. Àffffff0ff' DRIVER requîred fo Pr~oo Te"~ j nint.e vide a detivery setm- T ree Training" ice flocalfloe hp i tludes deiveniesto ur- COME DRIVE A BUS 4 US ban and rural Miton, Munday f0 Saturday. Must have min' vao equivaltnt. For informa- 00 0 0100tioncati (905)878-4306. ECE or Equivatent requireit for fulli part le and euppiy posi tions nct uding matemify e ffle coserage. Phone Cai us now at: (905) 877-2251 o%)78-537 1955a Or 1-877-914-KIDS rasanetof (905)693- Laidtaw is an equaf opportunmty employer 1558, (905)878-7238 _____________________________ iE.CE. and Assistant Teachers requireti tor Milton preschooi. Pitase cati (905(878- Eucitîna opportasity tof5 i 55 ur ttan ut 4697. ttiel22 rsom Traveisdgo ffstoi Ns preos FARM Caretaker re- tiotet esperience requireti but the csiimitment quire i n taking cars ot te provîdo esceptîseat gaset cars essentiat. îarm pîsperty in Milton. " OUEST SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Dutîes inctude g entrai " ROOM ATTENDANT maintenance, hanidy-~ * MEETING ROOM PORTIER man and property iawni maintenance. Sched- Fsrward fuit resme ns tater than Mur.7/01 to. ute: Monday to Fniay - Tanya Opacic 8:30a.m. s 4:30p.m. te- Guest Services Manager teresteit applicanfs Cati Travefodge Hatl Barlin gton On thea Laite (905)670-8831 ext.229. 2020 Lakeshore Rsad HOUSEKEEPER want- Bsrliîîsfsn, Ont L7R 4G8 e fl ie o oa AN EOUAL OPPORTUNI TY EMPLOYEr tdil (fuith urnfo ici dren and efay a horne Gruuw& inarîî wilh oiirPrurýiev organîizaiîsîî mum. Dutis inciatie Ail Fired Up! Ltd. melpean iia Local ceramic gitare mii acceting applicrations tor chiidcare. Non-smoker. tutliii permanenti ciati protiuctior piositions, References requîred. ($9 50/tii Io stant. suCh a contibutionr taseit pro- Eaperîence an assef. gressioii sysee anti prit sharînni Skiis requireti Paye $10-14 per hour. are strsng elf-initiaive, eamwsrk. communication. 1Pitase tax pour qualiti- pistiiem ssliîng asti massai itesteriiy Iîîtiutuais wit cations to (905)878- werk Io tirn out treti owse. Noir ieams' asdtihe 1801 busiiness pofeitial, thrsegti poilsimiru rnarî dit i tifent types ot production anti systemui woik Heavy ILANDSCAPE Con- lifting ronuiroil Wsrkîng huais Mon -Thiîs, 7am- efruction tabourere 4pm. Fii [am-3pm needed. tnterestînig work, iong hours. Start- AMWi wN ee Mon, FoC 26 lu Mon. Mar 5. ' ng mid-March rîgtt iam-Atal u 180 Nipieeing Rd. il. MILTON through antit Christmas. PresS applicants nenti nul apply Fax resume to: ___________(905)854-138. LANOSCAPE Contrac- for now fsning. Expen ence in landecape coin- DOINOS Pizza re- DRIVER needeit for struction, DZ licence, u I s nade Staff. wood work shop, knowl- equipment operationi Pleceactsinpeionede f TAanr assai. are excellent aesi.l f0 17 =12 gr. ve< "Muepi abstract. Lead hand and faboeri afet.effr 4 p.m. de,- Sone heav lifitn Cal positions avaifable. Fax y877.-6757, or pfto 9 or E-mail recume f0 Academy Rïoad, 905-629-7985 o SalesSales tieip r(eïp Zoom... USEO CAR MNAER FAN TAS TIC OPPORTUNITEY FOR AN ENERGETIC SALES PROFESSIONAL TO LEARN AL L FACETS OF USED CAR MANAGEMENT MUS T HAVE USED VEHICLE SALES EXPERIENCE ASK FOR IAN OR STEVE 905-827-4242 OAK VILLE MA Tht Canadien Champion. Tueaday. Febnaiary 27, 2001--21 Skttlect Sales Hetp Sales Hel p heip Auto Body , Brha Person Motrvafed, snergeic sales peuple required 1 Wedding Experience body se- t pair perssn su Ceusy for Growving Bentamin Moors paint sture in Colision Centre Full Milon. Muet Ce wvitfing f0 Eoik eveninge nieraS usihtiy x rince and/or Saturdaye. A go,ý,id undersanoig ut maniitsty. Excellent coou ant. Retirement? ages anti beifils. c uan deaign us requirsd. Both fuîltime 00-9- and pain-time positions Mit be coersidered. Colt Jeff Bergema ait 876-4922 ni fax resmon fo 876-2205. Did vou have Metrutend Pninting, Pubtîshing and Dîetnibuting in Mitton has an immediate opening for an experienced Claaaified, Sai.a/Telemarketer to juin our entes team. As a motivated sett- starter you i be responsible for the cu-ordinating and setting ot numerous tentures and special sections. A pteasant tetephone manner and good communication ekitte are essential. You muet be abte f0 work under deadtinee, and understand hum f0 juggte numerous tecks. Sates esperience a detînite asset. We offe r. " a base satary " lucrative commission package " stabte work environment Please forward restume Attention: Wendy McNab, Advertising Manager Zbe (anabianl (bampion 191 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. LEIT 4N9 Fax: 905-876-2364 Laura Laura il Laura MELANiE LYNE Mefanie Lyne, a division ut Laure Canada, specialîzes in designer fashiuns for both carter and cesuat tifestytes. Experts at cuetumer service, me dedicate ourselves tu surpassing oui custumere' expectatione. Wie are tooking for tatentred, results-urientred individuals who luse fashion. Simifar retail experience an asset. Store Management Decisive and organized individuats wvith 2-5 yeare retail management expenience. Succeseful candidates witl have outstanding interpersonat and communication ekitis and have the abifity to motivate and devetop a wvinning teaml Exceptiona feadership, and business management skiffs are atso required. Sales Associates Yuur unbounded energy in our fast-paced ensîrononent mutl ensure that custumers' needs are esceptionalfy handleti. Vour related esperience is complimented by fabulous customer service and interpersonal skitls. lnterensted candidates should send their resumes in confidence to: Humasn Resources or catt Tanya Hewitt Fax: (905)-281-0689 Tel: (905)-383-971a (Mîsssauga) (Hamil ton) Metroland Sales Representative Metroland Newspaper in Milton es seekîng a Sales Representati se who is highly motivated and cari achieve resulle in an aggressive saflta atmosphere. Be part cil an awvard wvinning team wîth an attractive compensation package includîng safary, commission and car alfowance. Youn rtNonsibilities indiude: " servicing and growving esisting accounte " prospecting for and acquiring fltw accounts " preparing formai and wvritttn and vîsuat presentations " Post secondary echool dipfoma or 2 years esperience in marketing " A keen desire f0 succeed and advance " Tht abity to manage severaf product s concurrendy " Good comnnunication, organization and ttam skiffs Ptease torward resume Attention: Wendy McNab, Advertising Manager Irbe Canabian (Ijampion 191 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Fax: 905-876-2364 pax 0 l to l' t Our "s (Icissilied TRANSMISSION RE & RE person requireti fuit fume Morrday 10 Fniday. iEspeience necessary 878-8156. RECYLE THIS PAI'ER PERMANENT, Part- Time (3 daye peri week) Accounting Support Position for lo- cal company. Ac- couete Payable pre- ferred. Thoroughly tex- paniencei profescional vvifh exesiept refer- ences. Please cati GRAPHIC DESIGN JOB OPPORTUNITY A tact-paceti retaît hume sifice iscateti across irsm tho Traflgar GO Station Cas an imnetiiaie spening tnt a Pai-the Pniait Sb"e Operela. This posi- tion Cas fleibltie tiaylime Cours To quatîty, pou must Ce a sunm otientetiîntiîidua euth excollent communi- cations skîils Ysu must have 2 peurs etiucatisn/ ex- perience sn graphîc diesign/ ativetiinu/ prîni pro- tiuction wiih a wotking knowtetige ot Macintosh Sys- tom 8.5, OuarkXPross 4.0, Adobte Ittuetraier 8.0 asti Phushsp 5.0. Fsrwattitosumes le tho Prini Shsp, PO Box 69503,109 Thomas St., Oakniie, ON L6J 794 Oniy Ihose seleteti Ion interview wii Ce contacteti CUSTOMER SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES IN OAKVILLE Expansion of our Custumer Service Centre requirsexsperienced (preferabty bifînguati cuefomer service representa- fivs to meet gromlh neede. Senior and intermediate positions exst for butn fuit- lime and part-tims staff. Ws are custom- er driven and remard service excellence! LaserNetworks provides laser printers, service and supplies f0 businesses acros Canada. Fax Resume (o: (905) 847-5991 Affin: Fite # TH100 ~ LaerWew0rkýT 5ScotiaMcLeodl jADMINISTRATIVE ASSOCIATE Privale Client Fleanclal Servicea stîlaMcteoti one oi Canatia's teatiir investirent tîrms, Nus an openînq o fl a t peau csetract for an Adiniostrative Asssciate ri their Oaknîiie Branch. The chosn curidtate till Ce seit motîvateti, psssess srr o rganizial skills, ast i Ospiuî exeptîorai client service abîiiiîos The candidtie titi aiss Ce fi- censeti ou titi Nave completi Nhe Caratian Securiiies Course, anti wîil have a sousd untierstartinrgonithe Fi- ranciat Markets. Workîsg krswietge of Excel anti Mîciosolits Cenficiai Intiusirpexperience reqoireti Pisase tax yor resomne o Nhe attention ni Aissos Waugh, Brarch Admînistrator ai 905-842-5743 ScoiaMcLeod us a diîvision ni Scotia Caia lic a met ni Nhe Scotiahark Group Protesstonat? Friendiy? Wa Need You' fin... - Office Administration -Reception - Accountfng Esperienice rsquîrsd in MS Word & Excel. Good customer service ekitis a muet. Fax cour rasume: t905) 639-8606 or A Baby A Graduation? Aie you looking for a new job? wanting to hire? Do you have Something To Buy? To Se)i? To Trade? Are you Iooing For a New Home? an apartment? a townhouse? Want to SelI Appliances? Furniture? Treasures? Did you (ose your pet? or maybe you found a pet? Need a new car? truck. boat? tra(er Fax the Classttieds 876-2364