2-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 27, 2001 Got -a ho-t 'cop2 Cf us wfth y our story ideas at 878-2341, ext. 234. «'Our Lady of Victory getting renovations Du o o est Sats! Wed. MAR. 14 c.,,. THRU SunR. MAR. 18 C@lIflum Buy tickets as wvww.DisneyOnlce.com 0 !"m~ouaI rlt$, Coluseum Bos Offire S or cati (905) 527-7666 ( For Infoaiouu Cali .1(905) 546-4040 or visi .ucDis nî.5e cu Crou.ps (905) 546-4095A TICKET PRICXS STARTING AT $12,5 Renovation work on four Halton Catholic elementary schools. including Milton's Our Lady of Victory, wiII start when students head off for March Break. Lasi Tucsday nighs, school huard srustecs gave ihe olticial nud for $5 .5 mil- lion in renovaio work iuhbe donc on ulder schools ihroughoui the region. ODise of (hemn was Our Lady ut Victory Scîsool ai Commercial Street and Derry Road. The school wili receive a $2.4-;nîlliun renovaion that wili add junior and senior kindergareen classroosins and play areas, crease art and science rooms, and add a meeting room. staff workroomi and storage space. Improvements witl also be made 50 the school site su &eal with iraffue issues. Oakvitle*s Si. John schoot wîtl gei a $370,000) alieraion thai will convers ihree standard classrusums insu a sciensce muni. an ail roum aîsd associaied siorage russ Si. Mark school in Burlingion witl enjoy a sîmîlar $440),0X) alierasion, while Holy Rosary school in Burtingion wstl rceive a $2.4-inilliun addition and upgrade. 'Me Holy Rosary projeci will add seven pennaseni classrooums su replace six poifla- hies on she school site. Il will alsu crease science. ari and music moins and upgrade inechanical asîd etecirical syssems in the school. Ail construction is expecied su hegisi duning the March break,, continue shrough- oui the remainder of the school year and sommer, and be completed hy the lime students return in September. Oet up to 38 Extra Horses on inost 2001 F-150 during your Ontario Ford Dealers' 2MI F-150 blaiat 4M4 Supefrtah teae Yq $4.995 Dm sand par mmonfl motils $4,495 DOwn and $475Seiiy. 2001 FI150 XLT 4X4 Superîsuti per montls/36 moniho bease $4,995 Ousrir and fori $4nl $525 Secuniy. Plus SUA90 freigl & Air Tas for 0*sl 21101 F-1 50 I11 414 SuperCab $4 pu nonthl36 months for sssy $50S]U Sec".st PMus $1 MO9 Freight &ArTau 15U ILS 414 lupoefah 21111 F-150 ILS1412 RWàlr Cab $495 Oume and Latte 1 9 $3995 Dm nd 5ma OFe rli Mile lIME &ir Well water seminars Residents using private well water suppliers are invited iu attend swo oraier quality infor- mation sessions being hosted by the Halton Region Heatth Department. The sessions wiIl held next Tuesday as Nassagaweya Communiîy Centre on Guelph Line and March 8 ai Limehouse Community Centre in Hatton Hills, both from 1 su 9 pr.. For more intormation, cati 825-6060, est. 7362, or 1-866s- 442-5866. Ift« ON. M v j -- -- -- -- -- -- -----