1lO-The Cavradian Champion, Tuesday, February 27, 2001 Merge pae# Buildi*ng a better bank for you. An Important Message To Our Customers TîRîay, i wavit. Lu utliie tise changes pou can expect as we integrate the retaîl uperatiuns of I) Batik and ('anîda Trust and what thes c hanges inean fur u. Our Integration Continues Wc/ have aiready ivtvgrated our discount brukerapv uperaticits aie] aîutual fund arnis, and tise prucess uf sttnpifyîig u cliquîing and s.îvings accoutt packages wiI be impiete i Marchs. Aivu i March, the Estates & Trusts Services uperanuons uf ou twu urganîrarluvis ui hecoine one, andu vi May, ur Prîrate Investmretît Ciîîîtsei and Private itivestmnent Management busînesses miii aisu be integratedi. But nom, our integration ia moving into higis geai as we begin to userge ail out products and services, oue telephone and web banking services, and oui brancis netwovk nto, the vicu Tf) Canada Truit. Sumne oif these changes arc aiready apparetnt. Fur exalapie, 111v ititegrated phuîtie hatikivg centre wiii be renamned Easyl-iiie " and our web banking renamned EasyWeh"î Tf) Batik custumers miii soon sec Tf) Canada Trust un their statemretits. Meanwhiie, Canada Trust custoiners miii experience chancs as theit branches are inteizrated un a region hi region basîs acruss Cansada. Nationwide Integration Begns In Match In Atlantic Canada Tise first mave uf this integraimn prucess miii take place in Atlantic Canada un tise weekeîîd uf Match 24th when Tf) Batik aisd Canada Trait branches miii begîn tu carry the new TD Canada Trust naine. Integratîuîî miii continuae un the weeketîd of May i9tb in Aiberta, British Coumtbia, Yukon, Nîîrthmest Terrîtîrîeî and Nanavut; and ]une 23rd iii Manituba, Saskatchewain and Quebec. Nurtismesteen Ontarioî, iicisdîing Thunder Bay, miii aisîî bs t ~cumpieted un the weeketîd oîf June 23rd, and the remainder uf Otntarioi un tise weekend oif August 4th. New Namne, New Look, Same Commiuiment To Service By the Fasu, me wiii have compieted tise irîregration to Tf) Canada Trust acrosis thse country. Fuiiviming vacis regîiviai itîtegratîcîn, all our branches in that tvgîîîî miii uperate as TD Canada Trut. Tisere miii be a nem iuu)k tu tise branches, bu)ti ivide and out. Our ABMs wii uffer services under the naine Geen Machine* And a single line oîf retati baviking pruducts miii be avaiabie fur all our custîîîners - front Buviavista ru Vanicuuver Islanid. What miii vnt change is ur service iviuide the branches anid our cummîrment ru building a better bavik fini yuu. If pîîu are travelling mithivi Canada ru oriser region that are aiready cîînvevied, rest assared thar you miii be abie tii bavik ar avp iif tise rîem TD Canada Trust branches. Some Branches Wiil Be Consolidated Mavip peoîple have asked if me miii be cuniuuidativig ur branches oir re-iucatîng thymn. Yes, thîs miii begiti as early as tise inuviti atter integrariiin ti cacis regîtîn, and retaîl bavik cniîîiisers misu are affected miii be given ai leair 120 dapi înutificatioîn. We are mîîrkîing hard tii inimize tise imnpact un ouar castumers and ur empiiipees. Far frîîîn shrinkîing ur reraîl tîetmîrk, me remain cinîsîiîred tii cpenîng nem loicationîs. This pear, me miii upen 14 tîem stand-aiuîie branches plus 40 vien branîchîes in irher retaîl ouîrlers acruis tise coutirry. Our Most Important job Is To Communicate Witb You Fui nom, it is business as nsaa. We wiii ncstify pou petsonaiiy, ini mritivig, and meii lin advavice vif changes ru por accuntis ot yuur brancis. If you are travelling outside Canada during the next fem months, ir wili be important to have youe mail frsrwarded so you van receive any notices f rom us and ensure pour service is uninterrupted. We miii aisu keep pîîî înfîîrîned .îbî,ut ouit priîgress miti regeilar repoîrts ot tise meis, iti our branches, ands tiirugh updlates such as tis iii Citiadi', iismipers. An Encouiaging Start Siiice ur integratiiiî mas aiiiiîeiced uver a pear agii, oîur eripiupe murale liii reissaineci hîgi atîd oîîî custîliier satisfactionî isas iticreasedi This speaki t ua prisise ot building a better baik. Ouirs is a inerger oif husînesses. But mure imiportantî, me are înergîîîg griiips of people -isiiiisands uf as, andl iioins <if u. Our bratîci andu telephuvie batîkîng vîiplîspees are receîvîîîg np ris 60 huis ot ipeciai traitnitg tri irder iii iviake tue tratnsitioîn as miîrry-free as poissible fot pu. Tisey miii du their urinuir tii assîîr puu as uur iiitegrariuvi proîgresses uîver tise viext îeveral inontthi. Brîîîgîtg rugether our irganiratiiivii s atîpthîtîg but simnple. We miii isiake insitakei. But nie miii tire ii icorrec t anp errors îîuîckip, coipieteip - aîîd ciîeerfniiy. If pou have aîp questîions, oîr if puîu teed me are viît mneeriig piler evpecîaîuiîis, i urge pu tii ciii ouîî Tf) Canadaiu Trust Custier Iniformationî Lîte ati 1-888-572-8924. Let ie bls ysyn hw nuc me ippreciate risar piu've chiîset tii dii business mîtis TD Bank aind Canadla Trust -and hum isard tie ni TD and Trusi nil be murkivig tii deser-ve pur uîîgîîîng iupaity bp îîfferîig pu tise init cinfiîrrabie banking experienen aaa liiin kou Ed C'ak TI) Canitada Trust EBANK M~ Canada Trust J Trtde-nsark tif Tf) Batik. '"Tr.de-m.irk iif t.aai Trvisîci Msrg-age Cmay