Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Feb 2001, p. 3

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Th. Canadian Chafmio Tuasday February 20, 201-3 Police have hired 4.5 îww%, officers mithi functing Bicycle paîrol units, a full- lime crime analyst and increascd visibiliîy are sorte of the improvcmcnts the Halton Regional Police Service bas seen since il was able to hire 45 ncw officers lasi ycar through a provincial grant. Halton MPP Ted Chudlcigh presented Police Chief Ean Algar a cheque for more than $455.000 Tbursday, covering haîf the salary costs of the ncw oflicers fromn April 10 September last year. A second instalîment is due some lime afler Septemnber, said Mr. Chudleigh. However, the grants aren't a one-time deal, he said. "We roll il int the funding next year," Mr. Chudleigh said. "We won't expeet the munici- pality 10 pay for il." 'Ibe funds are part of thc Province's Community Policing Partnersbips programn, which boasts a budget of $35 million annually. Last ycar. 1,000 new officers wcrc hired province-wide under the ncw program. "This Province has bccn exceptional 10 work wilh," Chief Algar said. "We appreci- Ted Chudlelgh aIe ail the help we'vc gotten.", Tbrougb the fund, the Province covera up 10 $30.000 or 50 per cent for each new oflicer bired onto the police service. The chief commended the Province for ils work in secur- ing additional funding and enbancing resources available for police services. "There's been a lot of greal initiatives by Ibis Province," be said, noting improved forensic sciences, case management and provincc-widc adequacy stan- dards. "(On Ibis path), police services in Ontario will ChiefiAgar given Order of St. John Long-lime St. John's Ambulance volunteer Hallon Regional Police Chief Ban Algar was recently awarded the Order of St. John. Chief Algar reccived Uic medal for bis efforts to assist, promnote and equip local ambulance brigade membera in Oakville and Milton. The award waa presentcd during a recent ceremony beld ait Christ Chureh Cathedral in QOtttaa He was nominated for the bonour by Doug Kirkwood, training officer on Uic provincial staff of St. John's Ambulance. 'he Order of St. John is the oldest order of cbivalry in the world, dating an fat back as 1023. become the envy of the world." Addiîional front line-oficers arc what makes communily policing effective, according tu Chief Algar. Through the additional offi- cers Halton bas seen many pos- itive changes: - The street crime unit bas been enhanccd by providing neer training opportunities tu exisîing officers. * Milton will sec the addition of a bicycle patroî unit in the spring, providing greater con- tact with Uic community. * Break and enter and auto theft unita have been beefed up. * Officers have been traincd in laser radar use for traffie parois. * District onc bas a full-time crime analyst 10 belp identify crime patterns and research past incidents and curvent cases. -First response officers for sexual assault and domestic violence arc beller îraincd 10 assisl viclims. According 10 Jack Brewer, Halton Regional Police Services Board chair, the funds come ai a time erben îbcy're mosl nceded. 'The pressure is on for police services 10 gel and kecp good people," be said. "Att police services are facing thal chal- lenge." Halton boasîs the lowesl crime rate of any communily wilh a population 100,000 in Canada. Il also bas Uic bighcsl rate of criminal càses cleaeed of any community in Ontario. As Halton grows, Chief Ean Algar Algar said be bopes the police service will continue 10 grow. "flire are a lot of challenges wc re facing because of the growtb," be said, adding Uiaî Hallon bas seen a population growlb of 12,000 10, 15,000 in past ycars conccntrated mostly $249 per month/36 month iease aito $2,680 dowe and $300 s.aetty d.pa' Fr.lght end ai.' tax halsded. Or Leasel for $330 par month wth $0 down, or Cash Purchas. for $189550. pt.a $830 fra'ght aid 4514o in Milton. -We will sc an increased service demand. And there's compelîtion for the resources avatiable. Ail police services arc compettng for new, young constables." Furthermore, he ses the police service evolving with growlh. "We're going to have 10 deal wit issues of diversily. the aging community, increased traffic," he said. For 2001, Chief Algar hopes 10 sec even more new faces on the service to help him deal wiîb these challenges. *We want 10 hire 15 new officers," he said. 'Mat decision erilI be let 10 Halton Region as il will vole on the police service's budget February 28. Wlth ail thoe grass featurel.: -2.OL Split Port Induction Engine - Automnatic * Air Conditioning -AM/FM paith CD Rtayer -Power Door Locks wdth Remote Ketss Entry - ChiddProof Rear Door LoCks - 60/40 Split Rea Seat - Duâ-Stage Front Air Bage I expectmore WU SUitm *US U CD"ht MOIAA »Mus,.tt a LX* am a«&a mupIl71SV. Y" , sai 6 oM3390145 Pu MM UMM MM" Iatse 2 9% %l.a .0em km*. FadC05t 0.0 Ua IMM . Mwa a _. .6 sit eIMS m ba» à-ats pwm «.%~ V a& FM MSp r m Maw a l 1404 Sia it - aSt r.e.d a . 2a1 lai SE Sa. lu Sa593 pu aQ tC m . m « tW a cd 19% a 36» M u. S a f a. . qai m MW MM . . ta.MMobia $.5Stui 33iW% dma." Ws "d .a Fîm -*% 1 4 $ ý -lm*t ONMf:S. 1-W t ... SlF SE .St t. tiata. 5~a~itaaWta.aa akataADi~,aaa axaTaa..~64" SOUbadummom wuma'DUtmmaww iaASaS M$0S dt a à-mmr»dM B.1 a.tA &.w à D M MM r4flaaC M Pa PU qÇCM M M I a.aaatilS 1*9Maa ',,ertat.tatICIW L . m Un 0.g. $1t1 f»lt f Uba. SE i*taaa$iSE S thtaIV ii3i4tlttt,$ TOSM a ' U er.a' O.at a .SSal taOeP,-e «. m FS.V U.m a.%& a., b .4amaS a .4 .pp ta C *t.4wta, ba ad a %M 1. accaa Ao W -7 da, a ta .iaaw ADa a1. M b L.M MaMt oa. - mW.S a "W MM tS- a maa am a.4 MM Dmi S.ia Sitam à" ea ý» .aa Sr* aef ar..a9tla ". Ln ADa g ab CaiaCaw V« %DM ECM a a ..t MDCSSaaat MTMifltt- UM M .g..t 'tOta.i i. ma46.* ewobma..aS 11111WI5aUSataDSSAl 'idmADa FOktCaaoFaC,* StPO Ca.t 2 a.. wo5( We've made the Be sat Sellers Iist. 2001 fordwindlstar lx $339e per mnonlh/36 mronlh lease Mhf $3, 955000and $400 SeCurrty dposlS Frolghi and .h- tex lndudci. Or Lease for $455 par month with $0 down. or Cash Purchasa for $25,0-75' Is $1.055 reight and airt *Over 40 Starldard Safety Foatursa *3.8L 200hp V6 Engne * 4-Speed AutomateO *Air Conditiortng * Ouad Stkkig Doors - Power WMndows/Locks/Mirrors MtUS *1,700 No Extra Chargel Vatue Oroul:- * Speed Conrri * T5f Steering -Pnivacy Glass -Roof Rack 2001 fordtaurus se sedan $349 * li par mnonth/36 nmnti ie wfh $3,995 doSa Mia $400 S.cultydepSdt F.'elgMi aid aiW tex lnciudsd. Or Lease for $463 par month wlth $0 clown. or Cash Purchasa for $2495-70- pas $995 fraeih and air tffl, lncluclng aid th*. grat features: -Power Adjustable Pedals - 3.01L OHV V6 Engine - 4-Speed Automatic 4-Wt.eei ABS -Air Cond.Soning -16' Akirim Wneels -AM/FM Sterea w$th CD Player - SeanrLocto"' Anti-Thet Systern - Power Driver's Seat wwlh Lurobar Support T he T.ar.a -ad hSO la - th hga Polme U S 900a0.Oa lmS raStn - fa' tmi e fa bail, 9t,ëD i too pasCaTa.- ttp Olle We've aleo topp.d the liet wlth 43 International awards3 on 1999 and 2000 modiela.î ...-~- ~2001 fordfocus se sedan *, ltk

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