e Canadien Citan~lon, Frlday. Februa.y 16,2001-4 Youths in workshop tofight violence Agc-old wîsdom doesn't change very much. Il just gels dressed U~ 10 lit Ihe limes. Like the old saw that sticks and stones may break bones, but words won'î harm. m~aî saying has been gussied up for cm limes and re-released as the upcoming Talk Works, Violence Huns con- tlicî resolution workshop for teens. held by the Canadian Bar Association of Ontailo (CBA-O). (t wilI take place Monday from 8:30 arn. 10 4:30 p.m. at the St. Volodmyr Community Centre in Oakville. Approximaîely 250 high school students will take pan in the event, Halion council leamed last week. The hope is thcyll then take what ihey'vc learned back 10 their respective And (bat could help avoid the violence that bas plagued some North American youth, resulting in tragedies such as bat in Columbine, Colorado, wbere a student wenî on a horrifying killing spree lasI year. issue iii youth violence arose agaîn detusandwritingafîctionalsioîyabout allegedlyrecently when a teen was arrested for The details 0f that case have been blocked by a publication bats. Management techniques taught But îeacbing students ways to deal with emotion-laden differences can go a long way in preventing violence. 'The purpose ~5 10 promote interest based contIiet resolution," said Daryl Lsundau, who works in the Alternative Dispute Resalution Section of the CBA-O. We believe students would benefît (rom learning these akilîs aI an early age." The event will include brainstorming sessions 10 help teens corne up witit ways ta peaceably resolve disputes and will fea- ture Halton chair Joyce Savoline as a keynate speaker. We're very excited about titis millenni- uns projecl." sud Nancy Lowatz ai lite Halton Calitolic Distiiet Scitool Board. "Students will leans to create a cuhure peacensaking." Site said (lie seminar will help ieens leans ta deal wilit conlentiaus issues in waya that me "preductive and peaceful." But lite puait for alternative ways ta aet- de differences won't end wltit site aenunae Ibis conference la juat lite beginning," aIme said. StilI, Oakvifle Counciflor Fred Oliver wondered why only itigit aitool students were largeted for lite eveak "Has your organizalian cansidered youlit in eleniet1tat~ scitools," lie asked. They lied, responded Ms Lowaulz. But enougit pbogranîs are already in place in lite lower levels~ including peer medialian. Ilîe elementaay scitoals have a lut ai peace-maldng strategies in place already," site sud. "And in itigit achool, litey're tite ones moat itwl b~' titese kind of tiuinga." 'lise warksitop oece.ved tite endorsement of Ms Savoline. who agreed. along witli council, ta declare Febmary Canflict Reaolution Montit. ?~aple ai ail agea itave ta lents comsflict ,uao&ila.." aime aaid. "Aid dmere'a no bei- ~rdaae l~s Imyauryoeih." ALL NEW FOR 2001 DODGE CARAVé TUE FAMILY VALUE LEADER Equipped with 2BPKG - 3.3L 18OHP V6, auto O/D transmission, air conditioning, AM/FM cassette stereo, tilt steering, cruise control, power windows, doorlocks, mirrors & rear vent windows, privacy sunscreen glass, 7 passengerseating, intermittent front & rearwipers, floormats, roof rack, dual side sliding doors, block heater, front window de-icer and much more! BEST IN CLASS Domestic Vehicle Warranty 511111] 5yr I100,OOOkznPoworTrain 3~ /60,OOOBurrçertoBumpor ond200l nioduls Attention ta ati past & present Chrysler praduct owners & Immediate fsmlly members. Today you may be entltled ta these additianal savings on your neat deal. 00: $5 OR ~3OO 2000 MODEL CLEARANCE y!. - 2W DOOGE 21 0009E ma mcm - CARAVAN TMOEMO 650020 CARAVAN OEMO" 532207 m. moe $26,515 $20517 2000 CHRYSLER TOWN a COUNTRY LTD 'DEMO' 000167 $45200 2011 CHRYSLER 2011 CHRYSLER NOM DEMO" 210042 HEU 7717751837500 2011 CHRYSLER CIRRUS 283507/301709 2011 0006E 2011 JEEP 2011 JEEP 2011 JEEP ~00*0CM SPORT 142383 SPORT 709383 CHEROKEE CLASSIC 134835 CHEROKEE SPORT 2085473 $20,120 $23,W $35,, $20285 $32725 $32111 saiimoe $20,4591 $19~9g9t $36,21 61 $33,6511 $15,985~ $17,890* $27 ,106* $21 .609* $24,806* $24.313* o'iIw $23,988* OR ~ ** COLD KEY I, PER LEASE MONTH