The Canadia Champion, Frlday, Febeuasy 16, 2001-29l Gmeneral HuIp 1enwri Heklp GÀenetal I-tsI G18nra F!i Genara! SkIIe Molp Hkf e l ep ZlHc eI fft rt ________________Auto f BILINGUAL Service Experts CUSTOMER SERVICE Excltlng carclerai Canaia's beat Fineas Clubs lsetaoleîng foi detilcateti people ta join us s Sales & Mesnbershlp Coordlnators, anti Persooal Traîners. Fuill anti part lime avallab e. Candidates muse be molivateti to succeei! Please senti or fax resumne by Thursday, February 22 ta: 855 Steelea Ave. East, Milton, Ontario L9T 5H3 Attn: Jason Meier Fax: (905>876-0807. "Free Training" COME DRIVE A BUS 4 US Cali ua aow nti: (905) 877-2251 Or 1-877-914-KIDS Laadlaw n -e equa oppo"tsty employer HMLTO ECYCUM UMITEB raquires 10 drivers lm - provitie a DZ Licence *provide a dlean, recent abstact *areD energelic anti physlcalty fit *enjoy, faat pacei moite outtioors *want tily local wore citer fult lima emplotymrent *have a four tiay week protide un/forme *irave compelilive mages -o'aler a baneffts package Please fax resume w/th abstract anti coverlng letter to: (905) 336-3034 CARRIERS WANTED Boys ar Girls needeti atetiver lire paper. Routa ZA002 Kingmimigh Cet. (partial> Route ZB023 Carbot Trall <partial>, Edison Cri., Governora Crt. *Route ZB025 & 030 Wilson Dr. 45-171 otit anti 50 - 170 aven. AUar/rer atroas ave me/came ta, aply.y Cmll (905)878-2341 ext. 231 Montisy - Fr/dlay 9 s.m. - 5 p.m. Nadia - Circultioan Irbe Candana fjanpion CITY PARENT & FOREVER YOUNG TELEMARKETING SALES REPRESENTATIVE We have an immédiate openîng far an expenienceti Telemarieehng Representa- lite, mIro se hlghiy molivateti anti can achieve resuils. Bm an important pari of an amarti minning sales tearu, milIr an attractive compen- sation package mfrtch inctudes satary anti commriission. If you have: " confident asalgaing personatity " excellent telephonre mariner *gooti organizaiooiai sicilis *thre abiity toi manage severat praiects cancurrently *a keen desire ta succet Fax your reauma In confidience to: Director of Advertising (905) 337-5571 No telephoone celle ple»s Job Fair (tubait. taner anrd operatar tf tstie afthe finsi goif daubsit Ontaris anrd Qaebec. is geasing up for amoottemat seasanaof are lookisg for people ste shate ose values andi passasn foi persasaliseti test tf ctass« sersice, K you are Nh enierf, service îoriented indivititat se we/came pas tei joir usit sire of easy seasanat full- lime se part-lime positioirs. Seize the apportuirity ta itndtee paursettt Golf Oparatna - Turf Mlaitananca Feed aad Ravae and Neapltmlity positions availabla. SahardaxPima 17-1 las ta 4pn amd satisdcat ieltrltry 24-lias ta 4pa Gléis Ahliey Golf Cousee 1333 Dorsal De. Oakvilkt ON ubs: Greystam Guff Club (Miltonir, teron Point Golf Links (Albertont, B/ue Clab lAcissI, Bltton Golf Cub(Bleton)t, Georgetowen Golf Club Gorme.y Gien(Gormleî, Greetirilt olf Cub (London)l, taiteiats itent, Rolling Cil/s Go/I C/ub /Gofm/ey-Stsuffvittel andi G/en Abbey Gtlf KingmValley Golf Club 15675 Dufferin St, King City. ON is: Aurnia Golf Clah 1/rurorat, Cherry Dovns Go/t and Country Club aeondtack Go/fIClubr (Rickmvnd Hi/l, Emerald ii/s 0v/t Club /htsu fil/el, n0 Govrm/eyl. Kira Valley Golf Club (Kinp C/tyi and ring's t/îdîng 0v/I Club o1lingHCitsGo/t ut lGsrmiey-Stouf/vi .1 Georgetown Golf Club RA5 U4 11742 Tmntr Line, Geoegetown, ON *February 17th onl Wie meicome ynu o 1v/in us directv il Georgetown of Choice. tesumes for Georgetown may a/tv te loued directo t R.R. 9l 134«aDul Unei Actes. ON o Februaey 24th onlyl mie setcoee tou te/vin us direct/oit Blue Sprngs of Cirsice. tesames for B/te Spniigt map a/so te fased direct/y lv i. your resume anrd complet. an application for lire club(s) and position(s) ig for. Prefereoce ait/tle gîven 10 thos. sho attend in person. Coseter if telso ateend, please baiward your resuste andi coter lener statiog tire club (s) you're ioitemested in 10: isbà!kbl'nkLça and vsst oui mete/te ai Great Naethem Insuistion. a "eater in the poiyurethante foamn insulalia industnj for more thanl 21 yeas as iooking for a tiecicateti Sales Professional ta NIt a fuit limae posilion servicing nem anti exisling tiientele tliroughout South Centrai Ontario. Saies lats miii be provitiet tai a molivateti intiividuel mith a backgroundi in construction sales. We are allening ain excellent satary anti commission package, benefits anti a car sttamance. Carm,* o ur Wmnrg telm of prafessotonsas cmli 1-1100,#6&-1914 ta arrange an interview BONUS! ALLc~sed Ads AGON - NHw In towis *Helng à baby? *Etabil/h/ng a noir bus/ness? PLEAS CALL US.. Cammun ellWicama Lînda .. B54-1563 Doin 332-4700 BrIdai & Baby Tracy ....076-4330 BssstPraloela Pat, 876-404C owwse/conewagon ca Customer-oriented. Service-driven. As part ajour comiatimest ta mieeting the evalvng andgraanng iweds ajour chieto, tue have opportunties in the Greater Taronto Area for exceptona individuats ta joUi oeof Ciosada's teadingfinaancat organizatios. We aie loeking for dynamic individualo to work fiant-bace customer service positions in our branches. Day, evening ansd weekend aasigniments are availabtc Succonfull applicants will ponsess excel- lent communication skiffs, supertor custiomer service expenience gamned in a iniail envinonesent and strong computer piaficiency. 11) Bank and Canada Trust, through its «Your Choice' cenîralized recrultmnt depaient offert in-hse paid training, a compei- tive ialary and benefts, and a reearding envuonmnent with potential for advancentent. If you'ee interested ut joining our neam, pIrate visit aur on-line job application page at www.dorhcecom If you do nos have acs ta the Internet, please call: 1-888-700-3875 ta find aut how yau cari apply. CE BANK IL« CanadaTrust REPRESENTATIVE require i n fatty covepsîtrizeti Bortinglon com- pasy. Candidates msst read, write and speak Frenchr & Engtist foetly and service estait- tisted culomes in o sales cspacit. Join an energetic sles tesam. A positive attitude is a must! No outside travel. Generous tenefdts. Satsry ctmmensomlte mitt experiesce. Ma/t renume to: Bux 6324 c/o Tht Os/rvitle lester, 467 Spees Rd., Oste/ite, ON L6K 3S4 Miltion & Georgetown Locations requires Ureaaed Automotis Mechanlc. Must have own tootls. Wr offr good wagrs, group benefit package for espenienced and motivated applicants. Lube Technîclant - Minimum 1 year experience. Must bie able tv service ail types of vebicles. Apply in persan to Tim at: Midas Auto Service Experts 420 Steeles Ave. E., Milton Ditrbuio ove nr al n mg a lo red i urety feisiitueveser fpplons sbout s ve-4 sme 905-876-999 Th tention:sa oa d Eleis bleln fmorke partscopue liaaiatrae assis-s tacllnt o rna ay p amcilcal tominpy uscin b. ofie n Ecele Word pandro flo rpoint antui e 1 or rm i oweetd plcnt hoe. axrsue 905 699392 fteto n: Zntei OFINSTIE ASSISTNT Dte ntlue aJP A/R, Bhnatant concrr., Mvet emit. Rlecein xel CWericand Mus e meit oanizabed, wr selfn moivaet, 2 yieas icexperIce. ak ieun Pay commensurate with oxperience. C.M.Morrla Design Ltd. Tel: 87840578 Fax: 878-04l Fuli-Time 4 Day Work Week ..includes woeends A SeIi-Storags Company requires s flexible individual to work in an active yet suppantive environment. We offer soliti training. The best bast satary in tht industry t0 a reliable individual. Vas wnutd be computer literate, sales-orienfed, with previous customer strvice and office expenience definite assets Cali today (905) 567-5295 Canadien Ladies' Golf Association requires a fu lime Mmmberahip & Communicationa Coordinator Resonsibililies nc/udt responding Io membershsp o/ruinies, processing nem applications; mainloînîng database; prtpariog contents ut memtserohip mail- ings, produciog tht avoua Year Booi; preparing me- dia kils and srting press relusses, updoling ployer profiles, assiol en mainlaimng ses site; assîsl wilh developiva marketing proposa/s. Candidates must te proticient wilh MS Word, Excel, Poser Poitt and database management: posseso strong verbal and stlen communication skilis. and ta golf knowtedgeabie. Bîlîngua French an asset. Pieuse submîl resumes wilir saiary expeclalion, by Fetoruary 23,2001 to CAIIDA LAMIES OLF ASSOCATION 133 Mwa kudO., 0Ob, LeU S3 Fax- (USI 8MS Tire Association t/ranks ail apilicanbs /rosview on/y I/rose consîdèed for an interview wr/i be csnlacivd. RECEPTIGNIST/ORBER ENTY Enlry Lenel We are seeiring a reliobie, flexible. tusm-orienled individuai airs cor molitask in oi omail office envi- îonmenl Must re fluest in Englint. posses basic computer s/mills, have a wîl/îngness t0 lusîn and have owri transportatin Part-lime / Permanent wil/r opyorlunily loi F/T wiih benelils. $10. so $12 lirour. Fax rax ta N5415-9106 A/rný HR Manager sugtowrt w C Cle (Pi Gr i yo al Is s rapidly growinq dynamic research organization invalve i n conducting clm/cal trials for tht pharmaceutical and biotectnalogy itndustries. Presetty tire are saveat excetlent carter opportuttities sn our Phase t and Bioequivalenct Division: Phîmbotomist (PIT Contrmct) TIre ideai candidate mitl have a nedica technolia dipienal t tnmmnof 5 yars pheooyam ECG aqperienee. plaine sud reauîe 10: Allied Clinical Rerh bic. 4M2 Dlxi. Rond Mlssau , Ontilo, L4W 1N2 Fax: (90)238.068 CHIRISTIAN HORIZONS Christian Horizons is an Evaogelical, Ioterdenomiss-I tissai Organisation, stick protides support to peupleI w airs ta develtçstenll disatility. g0eare csrravt-I 1yivlemiewisg individuels airs are inlenested iv FtlI ihese positions ivoIve wtt/rend & evenlog shili- sort. Yeu must te adaptable & catin in stresslul sit- uations. A vstid drivers lic iq moost. DSW/ PSW or equivaleul an asset. Att are wt/cs*m'e lu appiy. Plusse tas resumes 10: Janet Paul, 4375 Chesssmod Ave.,I North York, M3J 2C2, or te leued 10 (41t)-t30-I 2570, or emaîl: lpaui@cetrot-distric.vrg We thon/r a/il t/rat rvspond, bu/ on/y those, app/îcontsI who qoaiy for an interview wî/i ire contactel.J CAREGI 1VERS NEEDED Travel in local commonîty pronîdîng personai cary and house/rsid management /o0a varîety oI clients. *Benetit Package e Paîd Traivnn * 40 or 24 koors/ seek avaiisbiliy * Heoltir Cote Certiticates yrvterred HIRING NGW - AUL AMAS 0F HALTON ~vn~ APPLY TO: (~)Canadien Red Cran mommaksrs SMrIC@ 67 Opl'ely U- kalî n , L7L SY1 Fax<(M) 333-455 e An E0.E. COMPTOLRR Parit ima If you have otter commdmeSnts, anti you are taoling for an opportunlty toi maintain your prafessona carter, you miii be in- terestet in overseeing our business fi- nanciat management. Que position all- ors ftexibitity mitti s challenge. We are a professions] service compsny with internalional intorests, convenienly tocateti near QEW ant i Nnston Churchitt Please emait your resume, intiicaling yaour tîma avatabulity ta: CelebratIng an *Irttiday or Any Speclal Ooauon?. zb Canabian (banipioui 875-3300 1