The Canadie Champion, FTIday, FebWay 16, 200-17 O Utse easy! As long as you understand your rate ln the past you have seen one rate on your hydro bill. There are three key parts to that electricity rate: electrlcity suppiy, transmission and distribution aiong with related system charges. There's no real change here, but in the past you didn't see these charges broken down on the bill. In the future, following market opening, you wiII. Here are some definitions to heip you understand the components of your energy rate. Eiectricity suppIy is the actual energy commodity. Transmission is the delivery of electricity over high voltage linos from where itfs generated to a local distribution utility. And distribution is the delivery of this electricity over lower voltage linos to your meter. When the (antlclpat.d) market opens, Up ln 2001 competition and customer cholce wlfl apply rnnIy to the elctriclty supply component (.n.rgy> of your bill. For an average residential customer, the electricity supply accounts for about 50% of tho total bili. Thats the part of t 'he total bill electriclity retallers wll compete for and consumera wlll have a cholce about. Electric utilities including Milton Hydro Distribution lnc. will still b. responsible for distribution of electricity. Transmission and distribution will be carefully regulated by the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) and wlll net b. subJect te competitlon. With the market opening, your electricity bill will rofioct these competitive and rogulated changes. You'll get a more itomized listing of charges, broken down to show whore your dollar goes. It will also botter oxplain compononts of your electricity service and help you compare the eloctricity supply prices of compoting rotailers. Here's a look at what will make up your rate Wholesale Market etRdcinCag Service Charges DetRuconCag Distribution Transmission Charges Eeg If you have any questions ploaso visit our web site or contact one of our customer service repoesontatives by telephone. Milton Hydro Distribution Inc. tel: 905-76-4611 fax: 905-76-2044 IS easy! .mw- SAs long as you're flot comparlng apples to oranges Understand the price being offered. The portion of your bill that will become open to competition is expected to be about 50% of your current charges. The balance of your bill includes the costs outlinod on the pie chart. When you are offered a guaranteed flxed prlce, ask whether that price ls the cost of energy oniy or If It includes ail costs. É t's easy! As long as you understand your cholces You do net have te sign a centract, or swltch suppliera... the choice is youra.'lf you don't do anything you will continue to receive electricity from Milton Hydro Distribution mnc. at the average market price. Know your contractuai risks and responsibîlitîes. Contracts signed now can bind you to ternis as long as 5 years, ait rates that could tum out to be below or above the average market price. Read the fine print. Donst b. rushed. No defIite date has been set for the opening of eiectricity competition though its expected te occur semetime in 2001. The new electricity market is not fuliy developad or implemented yet. As market opening draws dloser you can expect to see more retailers offering a broad range of products and services. Our best advioe to you is to stay informed. For up-to-date information you can caîl the Ministry of Energy Science and Technology at their toli free number 1-888-668-4636 or visit their Web site at lt's easy! As long as you ask the rlght questions Before you sign a contract with an electricity retailer make sure that you know what you will be getting. We suggest asking the following questions: 1. What is the agents number and company name? 2. Doos the retailer hold a valid license from the Ontario Energy Board? 3. Can you exit the contract if you are not happy? Wili any penalty costs apply? 4. What is the price being offered? How doos it compare to other competitive offerings? Is the price fixed or will the prioe automatically change in the future? 5. What kinds of power souroes will the supplier use? Are cleaner or 'green energy' souroes available? 6. What is the term of the contract? If you have any concernis about the electricity retailer caîl the Ontario Energy Board Customer Service Centre at 1-877-632-2727