Ou~ RLADLR~S W§~~ù1L "The Cenadiant Champion, Ffday, F.bfuaiy 9. 2001 - 7 L.etterç to the editor must be siqned and include the writer's name and address. Lott's and Lots owners working to == comply wîth zonîng amendment IdBFinle Oak (I Dear Editor: loi respjnding ii lte article rcgardîog thte zoning amendtnent lior I ots and ]Lots Bakcrv andIci Rioim in (atnphcllsille. Lo)tis anod Luots Bakery aaod'rea Rîoît is etering int oius lit tI vear ofl operatiun. l'lie priicess. lis date, has heen a vcry lonog and stresslul pecnod. Alihiotgh îour propcrty s designatcd cioomercial, ihis designation diiesn't alloiw for att cating establishment. Our hakcry and tea rîoîom operates Friday, Saîurday, Sunday and holiday Mîondays ioly, froit Aprîl tii Christînas frîom the hiorrs tof 1l a.m. tai 5 p.m. Dcspitc the limited days and hiors. a zoomng change is still requircd. In May of ast ycar we hegan tfhe prîoccss ot trying tii address ail of the issues wittu regard lt the ioperatîîon ut> our tca rooira. Early ion on lte pîouess I cîooîacted a oum- her of ncighhours who copressed their sup- port snd offcred to pruovide that support, in writing, to the Tîown. Jo order lu) ctmply wîth the zconing amendment our tes rtiom needs to make improvements to the existing septic sys- terr. That bas prompted us toi cmploy the services of a professional engineer to assist us in the process. We're working with ail the necessary agencies involved and are dornng our utmost toi meet ail of the require- meots. I wîîuld like ici thaok ouy ocighhmîurs, resîdeois of the village and aIl my eus- tioners l'or their coniinued suppuoro fior our hakery and ica rocim. The antique stores, husiocsses and, on partîcular, the Bruce Trait Eaiery and Ice Hiose have alsît heen very suppiortive. I îhank all the individuals whîî have taken the frnie f nom their husy schedules lui attend the Commitsce of Adjustmeot meeting and the Administraticon and Planning Ccommittee meeting tît cither speak con tour hehaîf or he in attendance. It has meant a great deal te, myscîf and my hushand that the cîommunîty has shown such overwhelming suppot to us and our business during itis whîole process. As our customers kncow, tour Oea room is also our hcome and we have strived to maintain the characler and acothetie of the htouse. We look Iorward to the successful con- clusion of thts process sud hope to contin- ue ho serve our customers in the quiet, wel- coming and relaxed almosphere to which they have become accustomed. Margaret and Allan Lott Lotta and Lots Baker>' and Tua Room OUALITY QA1 FNIRE Decorest: The utmosf in qualily & design. Many roll tops, fiat top desks, book cases, Platînum coi> seafîng for comfort & durabilify. file cabinets & office chairs for Le> us help you choose your custom fabric. ail your home office needs <Iq.El.iP IANE, (4MP 11 '1. 1.Eii (go.-) 854-0649- Please fax your Ietters tôt 878-49,43. WINTER MAINTENANCE PACKAGE $39-115 *Lube, o11 and tiller 1 15 point inspection iscluding baflery, antitreeze, tires, ripers, hoses & hells *Tire rotation * raie inspection *Top uo fiuids T*Sot tire oressare DAVID FRASER Service Sales Manager DAN GOULGNTLY Fixed Operatlons Manager PLENTY 0F PARKING! Cooling System Service (P.utee l , Illeh maj or couse of fac atiia ieluiln) *pressure test cooling systere antd checl for ieaks flOushi complote systemi andI replace wito qoality "GM. Delco" coolant *neutraluze pH and safety coisur code fite coolant inspection every 3 mooths TrapsMjssion lPeo s t iasîoen l'ne.) l"h os t I finie Intentai service") *romove and dlean transmission pan. auto olyl *change lînkase andI adîust tf nocessaoy serie inclutes flefgast ancd soal conditionet aut onTY MA ~ ~Wo supplSs [ast On advertsed rots we teserve the rýgttIo ti quahtte No deawfs otease M 01 Milton Mail 55 Ontario St. S. (905) 693-9207 MA ____x