Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Feb 2001, p. 6

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6 - The Canadran Champion, Fniday, February 9, 2001 +THE CA4NADIAN CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main Si. E. The Canadien Champion. published ieey Taesday and Ftiday at 191 Main St EMilton, Ont, L9t 4N9 (Box 248) is ont of Thie Meteolnd Miltoen, Ont. L9T 4N9) Prinhig, Pubislnhng & Oîstributetg td geoso ot suburban comparues wtetct includes AlaotPickering News Adantset, Aliston erealdlCourtet, Barrie ~ 341 Adoance> Barry's Bay This Week, Bolten Enterptise. Brampton Guardian. (905)87 8 -234 1 BothlngtOn Post, Buthington Shopping liens, City Patent, City of York Guardtan, Collieawood/Wasaga Cnettectin, East York Mtetoe. Eion EdîtriaiFax 878-943 Advocate/Coantny Routes, Etobicoke Goandian. Flambnoagh Post, Fornait EditrialFax:8,78494. Young Georgetowne tedeedenloo Free Press, Hatton Bustness Times, Huonia Business limes, Kingston Tites Weîk, Lindsay Thts Week, Maekeam Advertising Fax: P76-2364 Econontist & Sun. Midtand/Penetangunshene Mtetoe. Mitoe Shopping News. Mssssaoga Business limes. Mssessaaga liews. Napaeee Guide, Classified: 875-3.300 Nassagaweya liews. Newmaekel/Aurnta Eta-Bannet, Northumberland News, Nette York Mirtor, laeuitte Beaaet, Sakvile Shopping News, Olitmets Ian Oliver Publisher Hockey News, OriSla Cnday, Oshawa/Whilby/ClariegtonPoet Penny lhis Week, Oween Sound Tribune, Petreborough This Week, Picese Cnsnty Guide, Neil Oliver A entoi trare I'ulsle Richemond Hi/Teorneil/Vaugtan Liberat, Scatborouge Miteot, Stouttaille/OeCetidge Teibune Wendy McNah Atli'erntisin Maaager Advettising is accepted ore tee condition ha. in the etent 0t a tyo Kare Smih ltta r gaplitali, trial ponction ot tee adoertisinndspace nccupitd by tOe eten- KarenSmithneous item, togettrer witi a reassoabie iliowance tor signature, wil nt be Steve (*ri r ('1n1i aitiaer Maanager 'hatged fort but rhe balance o) the aduettisement wtit Se paed ton at tht applicabe rte The publiioet tesetues tee eight Io caregorite aduentese- 'leri asuanjoui Alaatua4gen meots ot dectine The itone Caeaatiae Chtaini a Benccable Predaaot Council, do right thing There cornes a time when someone just has to stand up and say enough. The time is now, and the person is any town councillor who has so far opposed negotiating a Childs Drive access for a developmenr slated for the E.C. Drury lands. The Ontario Municipal Board has made its decision on this matter and it isn't going toi reverse il. A late March deadline was flot to determine if the development can go ahead, but to, give participants a chance to make the approved development as safe as possible. The lime bas already been used to belp meet the needs of the Milton Tennis Club, which bas the misfortune of being plunked down in the area where 189 geared-to-seniors bungalows will soion rise. Others have ques- tioned the legality of maintaining a seniors-only occupancy of the homes. But would younger residents be any less deserving of safe streets? How about those wbo choose to visit tbem? This isn't just any political bot potato. It isn't a popularity contest. And tbere's just too mucb to lose in continuing to block even rational discus- sions on this issue. Cbilds Drive is seen by Town staff and the 0MB as a safer access, and no consideration should rank bigber than public safety. Lives could bang in the balance. So look to the future, councillors, and do the rigbt tbing. OUR READERS WRITE U for th. chafllene Every year Mltonians repond to help those in need and every year the generosîty is amazing Dear ditor: îty. We o.an't say thank yaau enough Re: The Salvaîron Army We would like t0 lhank ail those 10 eeyoI1C who heiped us heip Christmas Campaign who donaied to The Canadian others. Every year during the months Champion's Salvaticnn Army Our comiimienl lu ihis commu- leading up to Chrixtmaso Day, we aI Christmas Bureau Fund, ptaced fllty is as strong as ever. the alvtionA kforassi- dnatins re ne o ou ketles or We ocili kcep onf helping the citi- th avto rrny ask fo si-dntin noeo ucktls rzns of Milton. tance in helping those who are less who hroughl in a donation 10 the lSiank yîru fnr entrustîng us with fortunate. Food Bank. tis respotnsihility. Every year the citizens of Miltion Thank yonu aleio Car those kind citi- Janice Tansey, respond to the challenge and ever zens ocho made donations to our Famliy services worker ycar we're amazed at their generos- loy and fcood drives. Milton Salvation Army office My stay here has been marked by many caring people Ah, ocell i. il d o happen. Milton has Ineen hnsted. Forr yeuirs, the lîrwn huddled in the cloak of" anornynnily availed Io il by virlue afrt icng dry as the Cronhi descrr. riî ternis art ocaer tir ncw devel- opolenl, anyooay. At liaI tirnte, coco îny necaresl and dearesî pals conuld sonîncrimes ire heard Io wanuder alîruo tf Milton oas îndeed nestlcd iu the hearl on tIhe GTA. orne ont a string onf baubles slrung along Hwy. 40)1, or it rt wasnlt in facî clonser 10 Kapuskasing, wherevcr that nnay be. Being inhospitable by nature 1 would coyly reftuse Io answer, Ihus managrng lin prevenl any one on tIheni tront bargrng in and raiding nny retrigcrator. Weil, il's humntî nature Io hug a diannind Io your chesl, raîher Ihan hand t off rto lie nexî Tom. Drck ir Hamry who sîurblcs by yonu cru the way to tie loon Es erC sîn, i did uts share orI proting tie loocu, telling arivanne wht)d lisîcu Ihal the suri always shines rit Milton.l QI. course, Ihis osas prei> sale Ian say. becausc Irn one ever betieved rire. E.specraliy sînce many crf (hem frgured Milton must bc near Kapuskasing, arr someochere cisc very tar noreh. And anylhing vcry tar north must be overbur- dcned witi snow. Whrch us produced by clouds. Wirich have a way of blockîng the sun. Sîrange. Canadians have a field day grgglîng about Ihonse lunny Annericans ocho believe ive travel to wonrk cach day arn husky-doyven sleds. Honw muci tunnier is il liaI resîdenîs ont Torronto believe Milto o 10bc îoque-dcep in snow until Augusî? Anyway, despîte my besî ettorts, the truth came ont and now al] the former nay-sayers are babbîing about buying a home here. Which us ironie, because afler frve extremely happy years in this rown, C'm moviug ont. 1 guess Il's truc rhat nothing lasîs forever and ail gonoo things must corme 10 an end. So in vcry short orrder, lIlI be leasing borlh Milton andt The Champion. Since I'm 001 headed 10 Kapuskasing, 1 sup- ponse lIlI bc, able to returo and sec ochat thcyove made ofli fini eCe paradise, accenîed as il is %%îi the looiming Niagara Escarpment andt glîrlening osîi sunshrne. lu notime, fihis Con conuld ire decked auI as trightly as a Lîberace ont ou the town wilh Efforn John. Already new houses are risiug in rie south- easl. The water is happily gurglrug alanng tie pipe from Lake Ontario lo Milton. And sorme trelieve the province ie ail but rubbing ils iands together and cackling wrth gice whiie piartrrug to amalgamale anyîhing Ihat aceîdentaliy humps i010 something cisc lu the dark. Which. corme t0 lhink of lit, is haos many mar- niages sîart. Auyway. my personal memories art MilCtir oc-ili bc maoy and varied. Tihe Farmers' Market on a Salurday, Steve Kabakos as Elvis shakrug hîs bine suede shosin tu he strecîs toc Moonnirght Madueso. cars beaCmng tie lar ouCt a nue anarîher io the Miton Fali Fair demolilion derbry. Tiny snatches oft smaîl loîwn lite (hat oceave ita a brilliant tapeslry. And since wotrk lakes up s0 muci onf daîiy life, I cauIl cave ouI Iherse heore aI T'Me Champion. My trîends in lus newirotm are amarng the mîost suppoelîve lVoc knanwn, eser wîlling lIo ielp amI. always quick ocîti praise. Ticy've hecirme such an inlegral pan rt oflie, it's hard tan imagine berng wiîharut Chena. Fortunately, 1 wornt ire far, jusl a 401 mnrute dnive or so down the road lo my new statiion ase edilînr of Metrotland's Flamboritugi Paost. Thal should make il easier It kcep in touci wiîh my conleagues here Cia tind out the endrng 1er ail the sConies I've Ireen working arn l'or set long. Like tie finai chapter of lie never-cnding E.C. Droîry develocrpment saga, arr tlie sentence handed daown Car tormer tînancial advs'îar Michael Barurgon. who rccenîly pied guilty 1er sarious fraud charges in couri. My stay has ircen nrarked hy many kîrrd. car- ing peorple. And iu my hear?. Milaon has li( a legacy Io he prorud ont. Now the future awaîls us ail. But to paraphrase the famnous fine, we'll always have Miltarn. 1ii certes Iiroiaa trîte Almaaer

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