Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Feb 2001, p. 5

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The Canadian Champion, Fniday, February 9, 2001 - 5 /Couple threatens to suie Region over lawoon odour By IRENE GENTLE The Champion A disgruntled resident has threatened to sue I-lalton Region unless an ongo- ing odour problerm k immediately addressed. Laiurie and Allait Lagles, appeared helcîre 1taltîon coissi Wednies.da> is soce nmocre slile Ibeir griesalices oser an uiîciisered I12,5(X) dry lort îîuîdîîîr waslewuer sîcurage lagisin aI the W.VAý Bill Johniisoni lsisiilics Maii.gesssenl ('entre, lisîaîed on Regiciriat Riiad 25l sîer tIse Bu-,gles' Boriuaishirpe Ri ad luiise. EaulîngT'oîrîîîsîc studge lno tEe lagîsus sînce tale 199)9. And îhîîugh the cîoîiracî wîth Toirontco was res.enîly îerînînaîed. tIse Fagles saîd tlîey would sue il the stink didn'l end wîîh il. -I prospose the Regiuin bas been negligent tus nie and nsy lamîîy, îcîîally deslroyiog cor qualiîy ofilîe, or home wve lîssed and cor health," saîd Ms Eagles. "Il mus issues can*t he resotved siisiediaîety I suIt hase nus copticon bultIci prusceed s Ils legal lilîgalîccî against the Regîcîn cil 11ltîi Azuris Nsîrsb Anierica and the respec- lisec issurance chompaîries. A'urîu Ncorths Anerîca Lîd. cilerales tEe hisoslids centre fuor Hialîssi Regîcîsi Rec.ently, il sîîsred lcocal studge as well as Ibal lsauled in frcnt Toronto. But îhcîugb H-alton bîcssclîds are cîsîuaîned ti clcssed tanks, the Tcorosnto wasle us kepî in the ospen lagocîn îhrîougbcuî the Winters. Ms Eagles said she and ber lamily bave suf- lered trcsin Isealth prishlesss aud a slsarply dcleri- csrating qoalîty of le due lis the slisk. "This %vas a piltîs prosiect and sos family became guinea pigs. This projecl bas laîtled mis- erahl> ." she ssid. "Il bias heets deîrnmental ts it>5, lamity 's lsealîb as ior siiedical recoirds sissîs TIse Region bis iade mnsîey. Ait'onv lias 5i,îcle 11s0re îîîssiey and 1 hase Icisl eseryîbiîsg. lier preselîlaîo wa'. tllluied op hy ouie Irnt Accirix Presiderît Joihn Stokes. lie said the Torontolc ccsntracî lias ended andI A/unsx lias already begoîs renois' ng lshads ohf sliidge Irnt tIse lagocîn. as insîrucîed hy the Miissry osl Envirsnniesî. Wheo ao apprcipruale asîlîooi is resssised. i msembrane cover wilI be- placed (suer thse remnaiu ing sludge. But hc dispuied thse allegaticins that the lagcscn is ealîls uisl anîd saîd îlbat \%iIl' hie 1ntO ctsracl essded. lIse is s s er "This Iagcss.n lias beeo subject Ic il. greal deal cof sîudN. The prsigras is ohjeraled uuider oine cil lIse striclesl gsiidelusses ii tl e uird'saîd Mr Stoîkes. -t dîssîl kniss' ci ls,îî eIse %% ea clidoite îhanî escise lIse surce cil coiplaiîssl Shocrilý aIter îlless pieseislatisis. cuiciiil %5051 su caislera Ici dehate lIse picteistiat Islsgalsiis Vslieus il restissed li ope~n sessionl. c cuiciî iissîrucîed liiiio lis sers Ici iec o iIs lIse Laides' scii I li luuiiser o51 a soiluionsi i \vay Ici as sud legal action.u . we're inil egîstiasîson wilh tIse sruijerly siwi ers lis conte Ic in5e issutual ag reementîs ssi hio Ici prccd." saîd Ms Savcsliie aller tIse mseeting. "We bispe Ici kîscw sîchre aller mueetinsg wîîh their siif',lh "The business that considers itself immune to the necessity for advertising sooner or later finds itself immune ta business." Derby Brown One Bottie of Maturai Factors Fruit Flavoured i I I iI Lquid Vtamin C 120ml * , ,. FREEI nutrton house specia sufers discosunsand/or Feqsont Buyn Progrinn cille vaid u nFbuary5l201 Evening a - Pmrose *COL ssoPRcFSSDt VITAMINS FOR ONE YEAR! Dam Bring in this ballot to the nutrition house at Mioon~ Mail toetradyou could WIN AONE YEAR Maturai Factorsenedng Prinirose 0I! SUPPLY 0F 50.g .-U9 soflui aff Maturai Factors A rich source of Omnega 3 essentlal fatty acids, Super Mufti Vitamins Natural Factors Evening Primrose Dil <s pure (il ossso ilso and processed with <he utmost care. 1 90ris ah Wbile supie$ ast. i tOune: Address nutition house corne homne ta weln.ns Milton Mail 905-693-8942 Phone nutrton house Cseinui ca/d nbl cssau 15 2001 AT MLTiON MAI2CLYL Local Homebuyers Discover The Easy Way To Find The Best Home at the Best Price MILTON - lnduslry experts hace recenîly developed a new sysîemn îhat allows homebuyers 10 take conîrol of the homehnying process. In a complete deparlure from the Ira- ditional method where the agent decîdes which homes you will view when huying, Ihis ses syslem gives the buyer complete conîrol over the homes îhey vies. By receioing the addresses of ail properlies îhaî meel your criteria, you can drive by the one's which appeal bo you, aI. your convenience, and deeide which homes warrant a viewing. Wayne Mason, a recent oser of the Buyer Profile Sysîem, credits this one factor alone with "giving us5 our liflI baek". Maria Colaria explains "We fel consumed by the difft- culîy of buying a home; playing phone tag with agents, then geîîing unwanîed sales pitches from pushy people who took 3 days 10 retumn onr calîs". Mike Rinker explains his experience: "we received list- ings hy emaîl every evesing, allowing us5 10 drive hy and caîl o ('ifs any properlies se here inîeresîed in. This allowed us 10 boy the home csf sur dreatus the saine day tl sas put on the market". Mlike goes on bo expIais the savlngs hie realized hv using one of the preferred lenders in the program: 'By par- îîcipaîîng sn the Buyer Profile Sysîem, we goI our mort- gage at 1.3% loser than sur batik sculd offer us"' Linda G. commenîs "wîth the Buyer Sacings Guaranîee that se would pay $5.000 helos the askîng prîce or se sould gel $500 paid tosards onr closing cosîs, se were confident thal everyîhing sas heing donc 10 gel us the hesî deal possible." Cal n0W to discover how you can get these same advantages working for you in your next home pur. chase, call for a FREE Home Boyer Package 1.888-275. 6166 ID #12222. Cati 24/7; speak to no agent. A v ll Informaion psodedhDy Chuis A/eweil Sales Rep. REIMAX Blse Springs Copyright 2001 FORM 1 PLANNING ACT NOTICE 0F TIIE PASSINU OF ZONING BY-LAWS BY THE CORPORATION 0F THE CITY 0F MISSISSAUGA TAKE NOTICE thal the Council oftlIe Corporation of tIhe City of Mississauga passed By-laws 0039-2001, 0040- 2001 and 0041-2001 on lIse 3 1 si day ofianuary, 2001, under Section 34 of ihe Planning Act R.S.O., I990,c.P, 13, as amended, AND TAKE NOTICE Ibat any person or agency may appeal t0 the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of lIse lOy- laws by f'sîing wviîh the Clers of Ihe City of Mississauga not lter Ihan the 27(h day of February, 2001, a notice of appeat settîng oui the objection 10 the By-law and the reasons sn support of lIse objection, togelher wilh a cheque n the afncount ofI 525.00 for each o! Ihe By-laws payable toîthe Mînîsier o! Finance. Only individuals, corporations and public bodies niay appeul a Zoning By-law 10 tbe Ontario Municipal Board. A notice of appeal may sol be fOled by an unincorporated association os group. However, a notice of appeal may be Oiled in tbe name of an individual wbo in a miember of tbe associatiiin or group on is bebaîf. Explanation of 1he purpose and effecl of 1he by-laws: By-law 0039-2001 10 amend Zoning Oy-Iaw 5500 former T..n 0f Mississaugal. By-law 0040-2001 10 amend Zonling Oy-Iaw 122'7 former To. o0f Port Credit), and 8y-taw 0041-2001 bo amond Zoning By-law 63 (former To. of Stseolsosîlel by. amendîng thse deflibitons of "PARKING SPACE" and "AISLE"; adding lIse defîncîsons ot "PARKING ANGLE", "PARALLEL PARKING SPACE" and "PARKING SPACE DISA8LED» ' *amendsng tIse genoral provisions requining parkuing and loadisg spaces 10 ho provided and maîntairted on the same lot, *amendin g tIse parking provisions denîgnated for tIse disablod; adding minimum aisie width provisions to allow angled parking; *enacbing Isousekoepîng amenducents 10 sections of tIse Zonîng by-taws by lIse foregoing. Furîber information regardîng Ibese lOy- taucu may be oblasned from Chye Le. Vun <905) 896-5535 of lIse Planning and Building Departmenl. Oaîed aI Mîssîssauga ihis 755 day of Pebruary, 2001 Arthur O. Grannum City Clers 1375 14 J -ma 01,

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