Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Feb 2001, p. 20

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20 - The Cartadian Champion, Fniday, February 2, 2001 Miltonians coming to aid of earthquake victimS By CARRIE BRUNET devastating scenes like thts. wc want to help.- The Champion Eighîy-tive cents on every dollar makes it t0 It's haîf way around the world, but the earth- the front-lines in India, Mr. Page said. Donations quake in India is touching the heaets of people in are sent electronically through baniks. Milton. 'Me money is used 10 purchase food, blankets According to Brent Page, community services -and other personal items such as toiletries. It's director tor the Milton branch of the Canadtan also used to set up fteld hospitals and provide Red Cross, Milton residerns are already respond- people with clean drinking water. ing to their request for tùnds to*assist victims ot Forty dollars cao purchase blankets for a tami- the devastating earthquake. ly of four; food for a family of tour for one Measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale, the quake month; clothes for a family of four; plastic sheet- lattened entire cities January 26. ing for eight familtes or cooking utenstîs (plates, Media reports suggest the death tally is some- kerosene hurner and kerosene, cutlery) for six where around 25,000 and those injured ai more families. than 3(M10. In these situations, the Red Cross only accepts "We receive ver positive response froin the monetary contributions. people in Milton," Mr. Page said. When we sec "We want to purchase locally.' Mr. Page said. Not only dues it help out the local economny, but assists in meeting the dtetary needs of people in tnia. Furtbermore. the cost of shipping goodis over- seas is quite cumbersome. For those wbo have relatives in India, the Red Cross offers a tracing service. "We deal with the devastation when they come into, the branch,- Mr. Page said. -These people have been on the phone trying to gel a hold of their loved one. Wben they place a trac- ing request it's something real to them.- The length of time to establish a link overseas varies, according to Mr. Page. However in this instance, the damage was so devastating that emergency cresys are still digging through the rubble. "Once we get shelters set up. people in India can register with us. Then we can trace their tamily in Canada." People who want 10 inake donations to the India Earthquake Relief Fund can do so by visit- ing the local Red Cross branch ai 42 Bronte Si. or by calling 1-800-218-1111I for credit card donations. Cheques, payable to the Red Cross earmarked India Earthquake Relief Fund, can be mailed to the Canadian Red Cross National Office at 1701 Meicalfe St., suite 300, Ottawa, Ont., K2P 2P2. Donations can also be made ai the followtng banks: Bank of Monireal, CIBC, HSBC Canada. TD Canada Trust, National Bank, Royal Bank oft Canada, Scotiabank, BCI Cattada and Soitomayor Bank Canada. HALTON CATHOLIC DISTRICTr SOHOOL BOARD FRENCH IMMERSION PROGRAM REGISTRATION for September, 2001 Registration for those children who are interested in the French Immersion Program in th; Cathltoic Schools in Burlington, Oakville, Milton and Georgetown/Acton will be held at ail designated schools as Iisted below on: TUESDAY, FEBRUARV 6 & WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7,2001 8:30 arn - 5:00 prn REGISTRATION INFORMATION " students must be entering grade 5 in September 2001, in a Halton Catholic School; " in person only - parent, guardian or other responsible aduit with a letter indicating they are acting on the parent's behaîf; " registration 10 take place aI the French Immersion sehool designated for your attendance area; " enrolîment for the French Immersion Program is limited; " registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis. NorthI SouthI George Oakviîll Milfon AI Bailey Chair af the Boa: LOCATION 0F DESIGNATED SCHOOLS Designated Schools Burlington St. Gabriel School Burîngton Ascension School btown/Acton Holy Cross School e St. Matthew, St. Bemadette, St. Joseph, St. Marguerite D'Youville Our Lady of Victory rred L. Sweeney ~lE1J Orector of Educaton JUNIORISENIOR KINDERGARTEN REGISTRA11ON FOR SEPTEMBIER 2001 HALTON CATHOUC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Registration for those chiîdren who will be attending Junior Kindergarten and Senior Kindergarten in the Catholic Schools in Burlington, Oakviîle, Milton and Halton Hilîs (Georgetown/Acton) wilI be held at aIl schools on: TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY February 6th and 7th, 2001 9:OOmm ta noces i:3Opm 10 5:OOpm AGE 0F ADMISSION AND REQUIREMENTS Juio ndegarten Children are required to be 4 years of age on or before December 31, 2001 Snior KindlIgartBf Children are required 10 be 5 years of age on or befooe December 31, 2001 " Roman or Eastern Rite Catholic Baptismal Certiicate is required. " Proof of age is required " Before registration is finalized, a child will have compîefed the prescribed program of immunization for diphtheria, tetanus, poliomnyelitis, measles, mumps and rubella *Families registering for the first lime at a school are requested 10 provide the child's medical card at lte lime of registration *For turther information or alternate registration date, please contact thte principal of your nearest Cathoîic School plase Note: Ghildren currently registered in their sehoola Junior Kndergarten program are flot required ta register for the Senior Kndergarten program. Placement in the Senior Kindergarten program ml be proeessed by the school unless otherw'se notihied by the parenfl)guardial(s). AI Baiiey Fred L. Sweeney Chair of tIhe Boardt aý Director af Edacation Dateline Notices for Daleline sbould be handed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed 10 P.O. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, faxed 10 (905) 878-4943, or e-mailed 10 mil- toned@hattonsearch.coml. The final deadline is noon Friday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Fniday's edition. Dateline items will not be accepted by telephone. Saturday Feb. 3 Learn how to prevent injuries and deliver irst aid and CPR with the local branch oftihe Canadian Red Cross. The organiza- tion offers a standard tirsi aid re- certitication course. Caîl 875-1459 for more information or te, register t'or (bis session. Support lthe Halton Rape Crisis Centre during its sixth annuat live and silent auctions. Biddîng for auciion items starts at 6:30 p.m. at 707 Galaxy Club on North Service Road. Tickets for the evening cost $15, includîng finger foods. mystery prîces and more. Some auctions items include a week's holiday at Blue Mountain Resort, a colour flatbed scanner, artwork and sports memorabilia. For ticket& or more information caîl 825-3622. The Miton chapter of the Stroke Recovery Association invites stroke survivors and caregivers to attend uts meeting ai 3:30 p.m. at Allendale. For more information c o n i a c t MILTONSTROKERS@zipfip.co m or Judi at 878-4602. Find osut how choosing the right invesiments inside your RRSP can save you taxes overali ai a wealth management seminar froru 7:30) to 8:30 p.m. with investment execu- tîve K. Sarita Purdy. To regîster caîl 796-5006. Find support wiih the Tourelle see more DATELINE on pgo 27 Sears * Twkoe The Goal PIua *SATURDAY February 3. *IDA'* 0Seons Whole Home 0 Smant Source CalE u first class Distribution Departnient 878-2341 C a n qa.

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