6 - The Canaie Chamepion, Tuesday, January 30, 2001__________ ________________________ SCOMMENT Holy Rosary grade 5 class has got il uiglit YUG Prime Minister Jean Chretien may be rethinking his jubilation over his AR third straight sweep in November after having spent much of his time since stamping out regional fires. And any relief the inappropriately named "Rest of Canada' (ROC) may have feit at the recent resignation of Quebec Premier and separatist Lucien Bouchard was likely sapped by the virulently anti-Canada senti- ments soion revealed by his likely successor to the post», Bernard Landry. Not to be left out, Alberta is now chaffing at its association with the ROC and chainping at the bit to free itself of thîs pesky federation. Even Toronto Mayor Mel Lastman gets in the act now and then by call ing for a liberated city. At least if he's able to form a world class nation soion enough, the ROC could dodge a debilitating Olympics debt. It was the Russian author Tolstoy who wrote that aIl happy famîlies resemble one another, making the point that interest lies in dissatîsfac- tion. If the samne can be said of nations, we must have one of the most interesting around. Weil, one can't choose one's famnily, but fellow countrymen are a dîffer- e wholy ow'li e? To seeth oi io n alca re finvte ls see ?O be o>011 et stoyl ow'li e? T o be t e oi io n te lcareg finte olsto see 9 r to ~O UR READERS WRITEr appaledby andy'sThe worst drunk drivîng offenders really StudentaotCnd'nfa don'-t care what the le gai alcohol it is co in en bo t an d an fl g Dear Editor: problemn iinp.oîred and împaîred ingn (Thefollowing letter was wrirrien to We have been offended by your Re: WiIl lowering the legal limtit But the tact is that the worst excess of the legal linoit aren't coit- Quebecs Bernard Landrv by teacher remark abouitour national flag. keep drunk drivers off the road? offenders don't care sohat the legal sidered crimfinat ofifensesi unless Cheri DePelsmaeker's grade 5 clata 0E Since you're a possible leader of one Recently the Province of Quehec limnit is. there's an înjury oîr fatalîiy. lioly Rosary Sehool. The correspon- of our Canadian provinces, we're. announced a move t0 lower the They will drink and drive any- Criminalizing the social drinker, dence was drafedfollowing a class dis- appalled at the message you're sending legal blood alcohol concentration way.eoftems ihalhect htwudeni, csinduring Caainheritage su-to the world, our country and your t .5a ato l fott rc aaahssr o' eoehg A rvr îles. The discussion lead to students poic.down on impaired driving. severe penalties in the world for fron th roveh hBCdrvr expressing their thoughts about Mr. I Spitvneo orrrar, Icn There's a widespread misconcep- impaired driving. yet these individ- frm l" heien road.en Landry's recent remark about the laaueo Otrmr.w m O ion that lowering the legal limnit uals continue to drink and drive. EI~.Tein rsdn CanadiagnfLjg.) tinue t0 fly our 'Maple Lest' with gret wiIl solve Canada's drunk driving In some countries, driving while Canada Sa(ety Counicil Dear Editor: pride. _____________________________________ Canadians. HoIy Roe.iy SchooI +THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Box 248.,191 Main St. E., The Candien Champion, pubiisiied every Tuesday and Fniday ai 191 Main Si E. Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (Box 248), is one of The Meirolaird Miltoni, Ont, L9T 4N9 Printiîrl Pubiihing & Distribuiing LI giuup ni suruirban compares wiiich ,includes: Ajax/Pickeringl News Adueitiser, Attîsion Heraid/Couriei. Barrie (905) 878-234 1 Adioan Baort. Builinglon Shiopping News,CiyPrnit.1Yk Guardian, CollingwouiilWasaga Connection, East York Mirror, Ein 8 84 4 docteiCouritry Rouies, Etobicoke Guaidian, Flamborougil Post. Pommver Editria Fax Yong.Georgeton Independent/Acton Fiee Press, Ballon Business limes, Wuronia Business Times. Kingston This Weeii, Liîndsay This Week. 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Stouituiiie/Jiirndge Tribune Wendy McNub Aduierîiçiig Maaogir Adoerisirig ts accepied on the condition irai. in the eneni of a iypn- giapical error. rirait porion if tire advnitising soiae tccupted Dyr ire erro- Kiaren Smith Fdîrîr meous iteni rugetr %iiii a reasonabie alunance foi signature. wd1 roi ire Stev Croier iri illtil Afpiag carided foi> but lte bialance oi ihe adueriiseineni will le laid loi ar rire SieveCrozir tîriîtîi'îi applitcable raie lire irubliSir rentionS tie rîglit lu caiegorize adveriise- Tri Casas <)fïii e ,hfiuiuer ents; ni deciine Tim Cnles Priiuî nii Atuiiair Tire BtUdur Cairadi an pf Or nrni a. Bonri Prodool et Pud by Steve Nease a