"À The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 30, 2001 - 1Soine town couincillors* wary of controversial golf course study Photo by GRAH-AM FAINE Let's dance E.C. Drury High School grade il students like Leurs Mayas (centre> got in the groove January 18 et the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre's lina dancing clana. ShowIng her how it's dons are Tins Opatein lait) and Doris Dales among others. By IRENE GENTLE The Champion A J-lton study aimed at pre- venting golf courses from swal- lowing up prime agricultural iand was endorsed with reservation at a Town committee Iast week. The Regien's Helma Geerts gave the Town's administration and planning com- milIce a heads-up on the study, which if turned inIe policy would restrict ncw golf courses te less Ihan first-ratc agrîcultural areas. "It's intended te say really ne sprawl in this area," said Ms Gecits. -We wcrc con- cemed about the incremental bos (if prime agricultural lands." But some councillors wendered if in doing se, the Regien weuld be limiting a landewner's right le oeIl their property for a goed price. "TMe irony cf trying te define the loca- tion cf golf courses aise binds and in some ways reduces the flexibility of prime agri- cultural lands," said Councillor Brian Penman. He said that could reduce the sellîng price for farmers ready te retire. -Cashing in their piggy banko may be challcnged, ttc said. Ceunciller Barry Lee aIse evpressed reservatiens on the issue. *This startcd eut caily and it appeared te make some sense but is getting more and more complicated," he satd. -We have te recegnize we're tînkening wiih prepeiiv rights'- He saîd the pelîcy could backtire sînce is set up te prevent goît courses on geed tarmi land and îlot ail termns ef dcvelîîp- ment. "We have te be careful we don't wînd up looking foolish at the end et this exer- cîse," said Mr. Lee. -If we sîart impie- mentîng policies te discourage a golf course and end up wîth a large lrucking industry determined by another level cf gevemment we're going te look foolish." And Councillor John Challinor won- dered if the study would be able te hold up when challenged. Undeubtedly ibis kînd et discussien will end up at the Ontario Municipal Board," ttc said. -Your discussion may net be detensîble." But Town Planning Dîrecior Mel lovio said the Regien îsn't planning anything that sn't already covered off in Milton's Officiai Plan. -What's being proposed is in complete conformity with our OP,- tc said. Ms Geerts said the study doesn't pro- pose te shut down ail talk et golf courses. but simply te place them in more apprnpri- ate areas. Currently. courses are encouraged to set- tic in less than ideal agricultural lands, but a provision to apply for a special amend- ment has allowed tee many te slip threugh. said Ms Gierts. If turned inIe policy. the Halton study would tighten up that ceop hole. making it much tougher for golf courses te steal viable tarm land. -We believe wholeheartedly that golfing is an excellent form cf fitness,- said Ms Geerts. That's why we're taking a golf course positive approach in the appropriate locations." But Mayor Gord Krantz waitted te ensure the committee's reservations on the issue were oficially noted. tI'm suggesting jus( raising a flag. We've been talking about it tor an heur 110w and a lot cf us have some concems,- he said. "I'm lookiîig l'or an escape liatch, 1 guess. if we have te find one later on." He said bis greatest concern was the property rights of current land owners. VON needs vohrnteers to visit clients lntereoted in providing cempanionsbip te semeone feeling lonely'er isolated? if se, the Victorian Order cf Nurses wanls te hear from yen. VON is currently in need cf volunteers t0 make once-a-week visîto with clients in Milton. Aise, the local chapter is beping te ftnd semeone te werk with a person living with a life-threatening illness. Hospice training os available. Anyene wishing te volunteer in cither capacity is asked te eali 827-8800. GM will pay your firut nsonth en purchiase financing or lease up te 50 Low dup to 60 Finance... 0months OAC Am à - :New ~filt.n Mail Pamnts Money For 90 Days Down (OAC) 2001 12001- erChevrolet Venture Van Oldismobi e S SALES HOUAS SERVICE HOUAS uu umuUm nUElUL Mon 'rhum Mon W E5 W EUa Fnda TýTffs ;C 1 H n i6v373U393lIM s-," satuay - WY. 25 S. AT DERRY RD., MILTON m M