Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Jan 2001, p. 15

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday. January 23, 2e01 -15 Region wins Silver Award for 'Big Pipe' projeet Award for projectfinancing given to Region by the Canadian Councilfor Private/Public Partnerships By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Halion's mnassive pipe proJeci airnied ai purnping lake waicr lii service norih Hialion 's imrpendi ng popuflation booin bas caugl Ille cye oft' e counlîy. llie Regîîîîn as, recetiy presetîtei wîtlî tbe Silver Award Iîîr pitîjeci lirtiaitciig bs (lie ('attadian ('îiiiicil tir Privaie/Pulic Paflnersbips. lbe pipe plait na a lil( venture betwee Residents' water bis going up *from WATER on page 1 '[bat wîîuid prîîvide Ilite Reptîtu wili [lite cash needed Ioi tackle a number iii prîîjecis witbîîut excessive bîtrrîîwing. said ilaltti' s [)ireciiir ofi Budgets and Fiscal Pîilicy Dase Bîrkeii. But Mir. l)eînîisîî wîîîdered wlîy tbe inittial steep ikes ctuidti't bc snîiiîîied otut tiser the 10-lyear lîtrecasi periîid. attiîuttintg Iii ait itterease iii abotut 4,25 per centi per year. "Tiiere lias lIo he a way we can coulîe up wttb a sceiarili ibat aserages nul tîose itîcreases," lie said. "'I îlîink htur coiii stîtueîtîs wîîuld preler Ibat we did the exit bîînièwîrk lin this." But nio atiutîil ofi nunîber cruncbing cîîuld prevent the base budget frot grîîw- ing ilf rate bîkes were leveled, said Mr. Birkett. Tuai wîîuld leau iii a situationt wliere clîsîs skyrncket dlue iii dehi charges wile less revetîue is puîiled iii. -'Il we Weill Iti fic stiiithttg oîptiont nve hase liere. yiu' re cii lectiîîg less revenuie iii tbe early years. 'Ibei, îîbviîîusly. yîîu hase ii dlei'titiire itre." said Mr. Bîrkeii. "*B3 brîîîgîîg iiîîse resettues li ai tbe begitîiiig. il lessetîs tlie ieeds iîîr debeit- iunîîig." TIhe idea is siitlar Ioi pa'îiig off' a credit card hilIl ai tfeliii uset. belotre iitiere si charges are les teil. rallier iliait payin ilî dîtil sitîs bý Ili (lite lait scelatti i. Ilite cw iisitieî' entds uip pis tig tlît îîîîîe iliait il ble\' lad laidl dîn il flic cashl up tîlt [loe t i ratstitu (lie saute ,îîîîîîîîît il iilitieN il ss esitîii il ou1 liter 1l0 sears. 'Flie iîtî 5 as wlii cai itiake iliii s il tie debetiîtes gî t up ss icb raises lthe base budget." said Mr. Bîî-ket. iur c,ît'r îîîg lîîrn ard ail luise i inatctitg charges,.* But ilit îliidiîi satisiv Mr. Dennisutu. ishî said, 'I tîitally dîsag ree n tb tbe respîttise Unii gettuîtg." He said hîîrro.wing dîtîe iii the irsi fotur years cîîuld lie paid baek in the last six, if rates sîcre sitothed otut. "Yîtu dotut need any mitre dehentures." He asked thal the item be reierred lt the Itext cîtutîcîl mteetiltg tii gise staff a chance fi wîtrk out a liciter system. but the mtion sois deieated hv lus cutlecagues. Burfinluptt Couricillor Jothn Tayloîr iheti louok the îtppîîrtutttty tii lail back iii a con- sisietit titeile t lits --bte îieed iîîr a deiaiied plan lui cipe nîtit grOntit *'l (Iiîik itis ColîC il lias a liii ut nOl îîk O dît (Il deal sîtî grîîwth," he satd. "Vie ntîîi luxik ai te cost (ii grtIL tii tît iusi D' Oraetîîf\Valter aîtd Mltoni. ('il lîîg tlle an ard 'prestîgîllus, "iHlîtn Chlair J lisce Sas iîît saîd tl nvas a recoîgnîition ii tue tutus atîtît required Ioi get thîugs donci. 'a ci..iiintiatiîi tuai t r a dvuaînîc coîr- poiraion foiir nhhrn itnîsvationt s nul jusi a buzi Wotrd.- site satd ai Wedinesdaliy 's regitînai cîîîîîîil mîeetintg 'Titis award belîings iii ail iii us." lrîiiitily. tbe ntional award was cralied in Haltîtu as iseli at Sheridan ('tillege in Oakville. Jîm D*Oraiit chiel operaitiig it-licer of ibe D'Orazio/Walier Joint Venure, was oit hand te share in tlie liiielio'ii. but lie liaided iiiuc.h nof te praise for tlie an4ard hack finitie Regin. "VVe can't take atiy credit for tl. Yot in (lie Regioitlia\ e Ioi take creditfu liai ,' he satd. "But iii eveti he cinstdered for ibis an ard. %ou liave iii iake a ituiter iii stepsý. Fotr a sitiall I înipai lointted tîtote i liait 3(0 vears agît - (lie saine vear Mr. D'Oraetîi nas honirtihe greaiiesI Itui nas beiie ctseit t'or ihe pipe projeci ai ail. iv added. -We were given ait unîltalilied reco gnitti as a teai by iHalitin plannîing Ciîiniissiîîier) Pat Murphy abotut îwîî years ago." said Mr. D'Orazio. "Vie nere Up agaînsi soîtie greai coîîîpeîîîîîîîî. fo b he btsen amollig thai grtiup n'ýas a greai la anid a greai liteui. '[lts is jîlsi(lie iciiig ont fle i:ke. 1 catît saý ilîank voit etiîtigh.* Ilte $ 27 iion iiti itruc i îîî cîîntrac t si .î ltatcllcd as a destgn-build projeci n; îîh D ti Vi alter, a.id luiîded by deseltipers. Conisitc t beigat ii Jaituary. [lie cîtucrete pipe %ill pîîîîîp ireaied lake n ater iii Miltottiii allen tir tlie des ltîpiet ii 6.2011 tn hoîmîes anid 5111 Ioi 701( actes ni cîîîplîyîieni land. A secîond n'asiewaier pipe was buili siiuliatiec itusîs'. Tbe itw is expecied lto grîîw iii a poipulaioîn ni 85(() by 21116. The 2001 Ford Windstar LX. With features that make it a stand-out. $170 Vau Giou At No Exr Charge cm W a LX' "1-t-c *I <>* !.i al - Tilt Stt(aJ-i'ni*q -- Priv y L'5IY lias < - R«f~ Rac MRD Eqtipped wlt Over 40 Standard Safety Fatur.s, Inciuding Personal Satety Systamn: Second Generatian Duel Stage Air Bags -Cresh Severity Seneors -ABS Braloes 1cmo Tire Pressure Waming System - SecuiLîck' Anli-Theli System . Standard Duel Sliding Doors - 200hp Va Engine - Automatic - Air Conditioning - Power Wndows/Locks/Mirrors I*48 Month Purchase iacn i/O on ALL new in-stock 2001 Windstar HERE'S WHAT 00/ FINANCING CAN DO FOR VOU Amouet Cat of Borrowieg at Cst ai Borrowing at YOU CAN SAVE Financed 9.25% for 48 moths 0% for 48 months UP TO* $10,000 $2,004.80 $0 $2,004.80 $20,000 $4,010.08 $0 $4,010.08 $30,000 $6,014.88 $0 $6,0 14. 88 -a ad " BE T-elin -ulsz miîv n ~~uîîaiOilYGittURiîîSlîeienAîî iNTARI FOR ]etertt ieegitD iELtaERS.etgaim dttratiue lon reti tapiedtalEtS2iî iM a iî eîapîeig iiîtoiti iya itii itttt îOeiiit p

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