I ~ L' .ILiiL)LI~SThe Canadlian Champion, Tuesday, January 16, 2001-7 Thanks extended to Milton for its generous support Holiday Hamper Pro gram Dear Editor: On behalf of Halton Women's Place, I would like 10 extend a big thank you lu the Milton com- munily for lits generous support of our Holiday Hamper Program. Through your generous support 1 50 families werc provided hampers. In laIe Ocloher 2000, we startcd asking, the communily lu support our neediest families that Halton VON has developed many strategies that promote change * ram VON on page 6 We haive serscd fialien region sifltv 193<) and plan lu continue lu micci the lîealîh needs oft residents un int the new century. Faccd wilh externat challenges such as the significat wagc dispariîy hetween comtnunily and huspital nursing in Ontario, VON Hallon has dcveloped a number of sîralegies for change. We have discussed the need for cum- pensation equily belween hospital and community health care providers with our local politicians and health care pmoviders. VON Halton is working hard on employee recruitnmenl and retentbon strate- gies. We have minimized overhead costs and look for eficiencies such as improved use of technology, while conîinuing 10 provide j high quality care. VON Halton is one of the largest branches in Canada in terrus of scope and quantity of services delivered, and is a tinancially stable branch. VON Halton is privileged 10 receive wonderful, generous support in the forru of'monetary donations and volunteer involvemenl from the residents of Halton region. Many of VON's programs and services are delivered 10 the mosl vuluerable in our sociely - those that cannol afford a fec for the service. The support provided by the community enables us 10 develop and deliver the wide variety of health and support services noted above. Von Halton wants clients and their fami- lies who are receiving services tu know there's absolutely no threal: 10 their contin- uing 10 receive care fromn us. VON Halton witl continue tc0 collaborate wiîh our communily pantnera 10 deliver programs that are needed in the communi- t As everyone aI VON works toward adapîing our organizalion lu be able 10 respoîîd 10 modemn day challenges, we remain commilted 10 our clients, staff, vol- unleers, patnera and communities. But most imporlanlly, we remain cora- miîîed bo our grass rools and values that espouse compassion, respect and caring f'or ever Canadian în need of health care în îheîr homes and communîlles. G. Russell Hunt, president VON Halton Have your say. Fax letteý,rs to us a t 8 78- 4q943. have slayed aI our îwo shellers during the past Through the generosiîy oftIhe cummuniîy. îhank you 10 aIl uft he vulunîcers who assisted year. these women were able 10 provide their cbtîdren Halton Wonîens Pl14ce wilh picking up doua- These are women and children who have since wiîh gifts that would otherwise be unaîlainable. lions, sorting, packing, and wrapping gifla and left their abusive homes and are desperalely try- Wîlh the support of schools, companies, ser- many olher tasks. ing 10 sîart over on their owu. vice clubs, churches sud individuals, we were Once again, we would like 10 thank everyone Budjteting becomes a big factor in theîr day- able bo provide qualily hampers filled with gifîs invotved for att your generosily and spirit of giv- to-day living and the ability for moms t0 provide and goodies for women and their dependent chît- ing. gifla and exîras for their children is just nol pos- dren. Theresa Greer, executive director sible. As well, 1 would like to extend a personal Haltion Wamen's Place CHECK YOUR CHEQUE FOR AT 0u.lOLUwty am aff comug A CHANCE $!5000( ( Frmo Januaoy 1St to February 3rd 2001, show your Wlim. Circle Car ette lbat Mhak Raceway and youl raeiWa up to, 3 blan cheqiie, each-one dated for .acb wnsk of "b conteat peiodL corne to One Wimer's Circi. each week ta 'Ceck Yowi Chaque'and yau could b.e checkng out a weekl grand prize of $5,000 casil rh.e's ov.r-$W.000 tin totabcs prizes ta b. won! So if you doWt hava a Wumme4 Circe Carci. ber. are 50,000 morle reasons ta get ane rigbt nowl 0dk OfWW" 0 g Mipnzau Md Of 10. Con"ii. dB"le ds la Id I mO Siots al Mohiaw alcway, 9430 GjethLse or cal (905) 854-M0. »Ati 19 yem d op or ailê No pNuae rimesna Ciuqm are tor ffliooona palpos ory w aplo t.