Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Jan 2001, p. 21

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The Canadi Champion, Fiiy Janiac 12. 2001-21 MONDAY TO FRIDAY lasfe d C la ss fî d9:00A- 5:00PM ALh appear at... wvrrw.mftoncarmciaiafchamTpIl.ýcom flww --- ENGAGEMENT lm IOU CO I - ENGAGEMENT ENGAGEMENT Mr.& Mrs. lo/n F. BedelI, o Milton, are Eleanor &Don Meads and Maria & pleased ta announce the~ engagement of Tassas Vanellis wish ta announce the lheîr daaghter Noomi Elizabeth R.M. T ta engagement of their children Christopher Ralph Thonert Staceg Jennie Meada and son ft Mr & Mors. WB. Thonert, ot George Vanellis Mississoaga. Weddîng 10 loke place Nuptials planned far 2002. May 12, 2001. ,nid)* MEDELA PRODUCTS - SALES & RENTAIS Better Living Homne Health Care Inc. Also spec(alizing in Wheelîzhaîrs, Walkers, Sports Medicine, Bathroom Satety Equipment, Compression Stockîngs & more. 905-875-2458 GORDON - Pal. Cathy acd big acster Raisin are pleie 10 announce the birth of Patrick James, weihî 9 lbu 9 oz ai Oakville Trafalgar Hospital o11ncuir 3, 20M. Proud grecdparenlc Bobt & Rois Nelson of Milton ccd Jîm & Joyce Gordon of Missscsaga welcome Patrick to the world. We woald like t0 thank our famîlies and freands reho staored us s much love ccd support dur- îng Pali avaI. LAMERS - Tim & Jance (cee> Riebot of Milton are pleased t0 acnoucce the birth of their diutr ter Lauren Alyssa aI Oakville-Trafalgar Hcspital on Wednsday, January 3,21 eti 24 s.m.Shes wloeby her proud gracdpar- ents Harry & Masion Riebot, Lorraine Lamers cnd wsfched oser f rcm above by Grandpa Theo. Laure s as5 Icved by ber many assIs, unils couins ccd greal gracdparenla. We would lite to thant Dr. Sham b enn e cIat for hîs trip f0i Oatvifsl Jane and Bartr for their wcnderful oce belote ber arrivai cnd t0 the entre cursirg staff cf Oaitle Trafalgar Hosia for thenr oufstacd- ng cars. Lauren wculd hto ie fa tirant Daddy fo bsIpn Moncmy bmig ber sno thre w, Fmx 8762364 te kt Yom BROWN, John Peaoeuly aI hîs residence on Wednesday, January 10, 2001, John Browen of Millon sn hîs 73rd year. Beloved husband of Margeae. Loving lainer of Betty acd her hua- band Jetf Nicol, Moira Dîsos and her fnecnd Bill, aIl of Burlînglon, Acdrew of Cambridge and David ccd his wîîe Tracy of Flamborough. He voil ha sacly missed by his grandchildren. Family ccd fiaends %il be receoved aI the J.Scont Eacly FuseraI Home, 21 James SI., Million on Fsday fmom 2-4 PM. A FuseraI Service wîf I be held frm the Chapel os Saturday ali 100 AM. Cremation t0 follow. If desîred, memosal donations 10 the Milton District Hospital Foundalios would be apprecialied by the tamly. SMrrH, William (Bill) January 12, 1995 In loving ni of my dear husband & friend. 1 To meis name will ever be, The key that uniocks memory. Of a dear one gone but cherishect yet, A beloved one l'il never forget. Sadly missi and forever lovai Kathleen The family of the late A toon K 1 wish to thank their rel= &-ied, and neighbours for all the floivers, cards, memorial donations, support and prai received during th is diffi- cult time. Our heartfelt praise to all the nurses at Milton District Hospital Lý1 ,for their ' genuine care and compassii avilît special thanks to Nurses Tina »I and Janice. We gratefully (49preciate the guidance shown by all at McKersie-Kocher Funerali-lome and by Rev. Tim Novis. David, Peter and Juý! ie Annual Meeting Ann ALTO of the r 2000 HALTON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY will take place on e T t wlll ta HURSDAY, t a JANUARY 25, 2001 NAt 8:00 P.M. In #1 Hall At the MILTON MILTON FAIRGROUNDS AUCTION -Sun. Jan. 14 FREE Estîmates.. Gol -lpm, Preview l2ni wobhly or brokes Mas11t Hall - Ancaster chairs? Weak sofa or Agrîcultural Pair- chair a p rings? Soit g roundi 625 Gamer Rd foam? Ti lookîngi H 53E) Ancaster, wood finishes? .then 6km west of Upper , oil Fields for ail aumi- James St. (Hamilton). tare repairs and custsmn Persian Carpets: Tabriz, waod refisishisg, 9-9 Nais, Heniz, etc. Tread- daily, (905875-4427 milîs - Esercise Equip- iE erSl-N me. Ters. Roeît GST or PST. We pay ViMCa Roerfthe laces. Great fabnic Blaclcbeard St. Aucfîos- seilection and greaot sav eer-905)894-984. inguf Sofa & matching chair from $778. Love- Iseats from $448. Chairs a v -W-',ý f rom $199. Free Es- APPLIANCES - f ridge timate. Fields Custom 2 door; Stove, Mayfag Quality U.pholstesing automatic wasner, dry- Call daîly, 9-9. er. Also, apartmerî set (905)875-4427. Under Warranty- ONE Solid wood Littos (905)637-8328. 1secretanal desk. oak fis- CARPET 1 have neyeraI ish $95, one wsod 6', 1,000 yrds of new 1desk $50. (905)878- Staismaster & 1 0(r/ ny* 8679. Ion carpet Wll doling room & hall for $39 - chides carpet, pad & sn- stallation (30 yards) Steve,.639-2902 1FREE three neutered -AS trcbttb 1f cals to good home Caîl cfaws. Good to very f(905)335-5879 ~9S877-06911. I- I OPEN HOUSE Tùesday, January 16 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. 80 Market Drive, Milton We are hiring for the following: 5 arn- pm,6 arn- 2 pr, 7arn-3prn FULL TIME AND PART TIME POSITIONS. Flexible hours, flexible days, Premium pay, benetits and incentive programs. APPLY IN PERSON Iorod wfth what you are doiug now9 That wi neyer happes mires you mort for a faut paced, eacîticg place lite the Gien Eden Ski & Snowboard Centre. We sti11 have anme openînga for thîs season Assistant Maintenance Supervîsar Fast paced, maltîtalented individual needed for 40 hrwk for the reat of tire seasos. Needa t0 be bandy wilb amaîl repaira. common lools and f0 be wîllîng to pîtch in mhere help is needed. Somne sapervisory caperîcace neces- sary. Startsaic $llfhr. General Maintenance Worker Needed for 40 hr/wt. f0 help witb Sur oser- whelmîng succeas Ibis year. Small repaira, general dlean ap and a varrely of taska wîthîn the different deparimenta. Siarns aI $9/hr. For bolS these positions apply taIShe Operatrans Coordîsator, Gles Eden. Food Services Cashier If yoa have some cash basdiîg or castomer service copeniesce, have an outgoing personali1- ty and esîoy a fast paced almosphere thes try ose of sur fond service positions. M-F il100 am. o05:00 pm Apply 10 the Fond Services Sapervisor. Customner Service Representatives We stîll bave noms openîngs at nîgirl and os meekenda for castomer facused individuels miro lita deaing wîth people. IApply f0 the Assistant Manager Customer Service. -Training is provîded for ail positions and ai Iemployeva cas ski and snowboard for f ree. IConservafin Haiton is an equal opporcsnity employer. Drop of yu application inprono0 axyu 905878-1619 More sf0o check Manager Wanted We require a Manager for a full lime position in sur Milton location. Applicanta sbould enjoy working wîth people and have an aptitude for ladies fashion. Accepîing applications aI II)EOGY'Cý 55 Ontario St.Sr Milton Mail IL9T 2M3 Phone (905)878-1414 or Fax (905)878-7055 ftarvey's Restaurant on Markcet Drive Ils hiring tull Urne and Part irne liai staff and ssNft supervisais Mondas - Sundas' A~pfr in Person. asc for Franks. 15 Mearket Drive 1*11Iton. Ontario ATTENTION INTERNET USERS Unlirnited Acces only $15.95, greal local setvice and support trom SURF THE 873-2602 DRIVERS reqaired for Toronto Auto Auction Phase John Parm (905(875-3215 or lac resame 10 (905)875- 3219. E.C.E or Eqaisalent reqaîred for full, part lime and sapply posi- tions încladîsg matemity coverage. Phase (9 05)(87 5 -19 55, (905)878-0537. EXPERIENCED Groom reqaired for hast- er/jamper show stable. iAccommodations avait- able. Please call (905)466-4421 or (905(827-2234ý I4ARROP Restaurant Mitas. Prep Cook/ Dîsh- wasirer. We are a basy apadale restaurantloo0k- îng for ecceptiona pea- pie who are focased, crealîve and celiable fus almosphere, Part lime positions are aval- able. Ast for Dams or Arcy (905878-8161. M OUSEKEEPER (Pull Tîme) manfed for local Ifamily mdth 2 young drul- Idcen ccd stay aI home Imom. Dalles include 1 dleacing, lacndcy, sortie mtei prep., ccd minimal cidcare. Nor-cmoter References ceqcired. sour qualificationsa ta (905)878-1801. IJon, & Pam /caamson oj ini-iiiareo pleased 1<) annouce thte engagementd of their daughîer, SStacey Edwordo t0 Trent-Wiiuam, sln of Billt & Linda Bewick of ) Campbeftville.

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