20 - The Canadian Champion. Fnday. January 12, 2001 P1a,ý faxc' vntir team rprtq and sports story ideas to Steve LeBlanc at 878-4943, or drop them off at The Champion, 191 Main St. E. IIALTON COMMU<ITY 'SERVICES ]DuoECToRY <~,,Cornq, COM5%UNITY SUPPORT AND INFORAsTON $25.00 each 2000/2001 Tro ORDER CALL - 875-4636 Midgets homb Georgetown By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion The Milton AA midgeîs haven't exacily been an oflt1ensî ve juggemaul ibis season. Nonetheless, îhey delivered a slrong impression of one ai Memorial Arena Monday nighl - whipping up on the basemeni dwelling Georgetown Raiders 9-3. The win - number eight in league competilion- wasn't quiie as lopsîded as one might imagine, ai leasi from an edge in play standpoint. The Primary Eleciric Wînterhawks wene actually outshot and relied on concentrated scoring bursts in order 10 pummel iheir lowly regional rivaIs. The biggest of ihese was a six-minute margin in period two, during which the local lads notched four goals 10 essentially end their guests' bid for an upset viclory. Scott McLaughlin and Justin Tingley sel each oiher srp to kickstaet this pmosperous slretch, while foîlowing suit were fellow linemnates Kyle Burrell and Chris Dumencu. Georgetown would fortify ils efforts lhrough the remainder of the nighl. but a six-goal deficit made any hope for a comeback - 10 say the leasi - a pipe dream ai best. Especially wîth an impressive neimind- ing perfornance put forth by Milton's Jason Slrong. Overaîl, the conlesi fealured littIe in the way ofl enîertainment - with the exception of a posl-scoring spill by Connor Sweeney. The rugged defenceman came up with arguably the best-Iooking goal of the game, iniercepting a lead pass and beating the opposing cager on a breakaway, and then tumbled t0 the ice in highly amusing fashion dur- ing bis celebralory skate. McLaughlin, Tingley and captain Darryl Langsione frgured in haîf-a-dozen goals and frnished the nighl wilh four points apiece. Tingley scored once in each period and added an assist in the middle stanza. Langslone and McLaughlin each had a goal and ihree helpers. Burrell, Dumencu and Julian Ricci also put their mark on the blowout with a goal and an assist apiece. Monday's triumph followed a couple of squandered opporluniiies for victory-againsl lower echelon teams last weekend. The Winterhawks held early leads but wound up losing 3-2 t0 Dundas Friday and tyîng Orangeville 2- 2 Sunday. Dumencu potled boih markers in the defeai while McLaughlin and bantami call-up Tinm Anderson ial- lied in the draw - during which goalkeeper Kyle Goertz stood on his head and made over three doien saves. Agaînsi Dundas, Stephano Cition and Trevor Martin olfered impressive îwo-way efIoots. Milton will finish up regular season play againsi the Oakvillc Rangers tomorrow ai Memonial Arena. Game rime is 8:30 p.m. -Red hot effiorts by local skiers Milton Heighis raced up a storin lasi weekend, win- ning îwo of three meets. And local skiers played a big part in the ieams' suc- cesses. 'he Hershey red îeamn cnjoyed the largesi inargiiî of viciory, dumping Beaver Valley 97-77. Moffai's Curiis Von Cube was the top maIe finish- er with a combined lime of 60.67 seconds while iak- îng third spot among the bo-ys wilh a 63.63-second effort was Miltonian Mat Yorke. Daniel and David May of Campbellville îook fourth and fifth respectively with trnes of 64.74 and 65.17 seconds. Meanwhile, Breit Moon was sîxih in the boys divi- sion - wilh a combined showing of 42.06s - tb help the Hershey white team squeak past Cedar Highlands 89-84. While his Hershey green crew fcîl Io Oshawa 87- 73, Milion's Craig Hodgson enjoyed the lasiesi sin- gle non of the day - a blisiering 28.43 seconds - and was ihird overaîl with a combined lime ofl 56.95. Darren Yorke was lifth, finishing in 59.95 seconds. In snow boarding competition ai Cedar Highlands, Milionian Ryan Williams was lSih of oui 23 male competitors. (St. Joseph's Healthcare-. St. Joseph's Heulthcure, Hamilton for Board Committee St. Ioseph's Healthcare, Hamilton is a 600-bed teaching hospital affiliated with the Faculty of Health Sciences ut McMaster University, and Mohawk Coliege. On November 13, 2000, St. joseph's entered a new phase of its history when it assumed the governance and management of the Hamilton Psychlatric Hospital. Our mental health program provides a full continuum of care from community outreach to emergency and mnpatient services. Specialty mental health services are dellvered at the Centre for Mountain Health Services (former HPH). The Board of Trustees of St. Joseph's Healthcare, Hamilton has positions open on the newly creoted Mountain Health Services Community Advisory Committee for mental health. Candidates should be familiar wlth current community issues, and be willing to volunteer their time and talent. Committee members will play an irnportaný role i developing strategles in rbu to support St. Joseph's Healthcare vision for mental health - an internationally recogmzed centre for mental health programs that offer integrated, client-centered services supported by high calibre research and educational activities. We are looking for people with good communication and problem solving skills who have an interest i mental health services and a commltment to support our canng Mission. We welcome applications from the City of Hamilton, the regions of Brant, Halton, Niagara and the counties of Haldimand and Norfolk. If you are interested in this opportunity, please forward your resumé and letter of interest by january 25, 2001 to Mr. Allan Greve, Secretary, Board of Trustees, St. Joseph's Healthcare, Hamilton or email: agreve@emaiL.stjosham.on.ca or fax: 905-521-6067. "The business that considers itself immune to the necessity for adverrising sooner or later finds itself imrune to business." Derby Broni loin us for a Style Seminar with Clidatophu Foiuaa, crA cim, VP Regional Sales, Synerey Mutual runds, on Wednesday, Ianuary 24, 2001 at 7:00 p. at the The Mohawk Inn, 9230 Guelph Line (NW corner of Guelph Line & Hwy. 401), CarnpbelvIlle, ON. Please RSVP 905 8544540, 1 800 663-357i. Diana Belstow înyesrnel Adi BMO Nesbitt Burns 35 Crawford Cres., CamrpbiellIlle, ON LOP 1 BO BMO ( Neaibiti Burns- DIAHA.BRISTOW@nbpcd.corn Synorgy Mutual Fun&e FrtI tloDvrlkto 0 Flou rad the S>¶wg Mmmd Fiad MMpt ad cani yow lo.oi adrm beidre inm*4ig Caudoi, bling moeanooao maiageui les and eMmer aay di l asoMaed with ytai knesteat Matu i a are nid gjaailed, Mlu ke; lange fr@n d pag pernaeoyolbe rpeaed. SAM.lll.O1 PWfri artmSrergy Iisi ik s"D Mim FMai Peb *l i lm HMn lme à a aeaiai d OF