The Canadar Champion, Fniday, January 12, 2001 - 11 il. Local man is charged iwith impaired driving v'Po1ice seek store break-in suspects Hialton Regional Police in Milton are investî gating a break-in that occurred ai the Craft Tree on Bronte Street bctween 4 p.m. October 15 and 8:45 arn. October 16.' The suspect gained entry by smashing tihe glass door, whicb is located ai the nortb sie of the building. The suspect(s) went t0 the check-out counter and opened several drawers. However, nothing was taken or disturbed. lt's believed that the suspect(s) were inside the premise for only a bnief perîod of lime, as nothing was touched or disturbed except for the drawers. Do you know who, committed this break-and-enter? If you have any information about the suspect(s) that broke int this shop, Crime Stoppers wants to hear ftom you. If you have any information that leads 10 an arrest in this or any other matter, you may be eligible for a cash reward. You need not give your naine when you teli Crime Stoppers your information and you will remain anony- mous. Crime Stoppers does flot subseribe ta the te/ephone ca/I displayfeature. Cal/ 1-800-222-TIPS or 825-TIPS (825-8477). Police Blotter Lome Scots Drive between January 5 and 6. An unknown person damaged the beaz. parts of which were found on Frobisher Boulevard. The bear was valued ai $250. Door pried open A Milton family bad their home broken mbt between December 17 and January 7, while tbey were away on holidays. When the family retumned, the door to their home on Peru Road was pried open, and $100 in smail change waa taken. Gîî~ EORGi.,l CINEMAS 111 235GU6.PHSTREET 873-199 Di lyt64 &9:0 W-S 2Upm ANflTRUST SAV UP1060%A INPRT ENRO 0051$! WAATY INLUE If you're concerniec about the soaring cost of heoingyour home, you should know that new technologmakes it possible to save up to 60% in erg, and reateci energy costs. Never beor has investing in aomid or high-efficiency fumnace mode more sense... dollars and cents. w * ç;ompete service & maintenance packages. * 24 hour emergency service. * FulIy trained installers. Prairie Natural1Appls Cider Vimegar su emg- 90Cap Long been reoognizod for 96, rnotabolismr eritang properlies, Apple Cider Vnegar bas been used as a weight mafflagffen piudlLt lWthouséds.ý Prirlé Nautrâls Apple Cidqr Vqisegnu Capsules have taken the, unpleasantnesm ouiý ldkim Aple CdrVne ar ansd pn it alO âesy' WimIb supplies ast. ýn p onhoUt u»,.- r rfr3m o Ma'i:l - - r. v fUVItf hO 2aS> Police cbarged a man wîtb drunk driving aller be pulled intc bis driveway Monday. A Coulson Drive man was anrested after police found bim in an 1987 Ford pick-up truck stopped in bis dniveway sbortly after midnight. Police had responded to a tip from a citi- zen that a mans bad been drinking and dri- ving. The susepct was cbarged witb impaired driving and later witb refusing 10 provide a breathalyzer test. He wil appear in court Febmuary 15. Laptop stolen Someone made off witb a laptop com- puter from Reserve America on Wheelabrator Way between December 28 and Januaey 2. l'ie computer, a Toshiba 4100X, is val- ued at $3,500 and is gray in colour. There weoe no signa of a break-in ai thse site. Vandal deatroya decoration A bear decoration was vandalized on CALL TOLL FREE M ,p e 1-888-718-6466 u wn Visit our website at: Mir'; ;i 1111117=77 -.11717EM- î=- 1 First 50 C