-The Canadenet rpin T Janur 9,2001 i s rAs k T h e P r o f e s s i o n a ls î do The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 i or Fax to: 878-4943 VMON EY - aPans JCONCEPTS:----ý Tel: (905) 876-0940 Fan: (905) 876-2934 Lou ano Kcmax 420 Main Street East, Milton, Ontario 19T 1P9 Q: My batik gases me a campetuttive RRSP boan onît if I place My RRSP nith tbem. I nant to cboose îber funss Any suggestions? A: The casiest sas lii cîîtribuie lo vouîl RRSP is on a moalhly hasts, bul if yîîu watlt IIo tsîrnw Io use op situe RRSP curry itînsaid vie cari help. Mîînev Conacepts oses ioaty differeal lenders. Cîimpeliîive voans arr as lits as -aI prme" and RRSP lisans arc tîsually .upprîved lin tite spot. Restricîtins lia yîîur RRSP lavesîment selectîta are minimal and ta stime cases dv tilt apply. Yu caa selecr fran vîttually asy sappli- ers' GlCs, Mutual lunds, laboue spîîasîred venture fonds and segregated fîîsds. FIrst paymeals are delayed 4 moatits so iht yîîu caai get yîîur tan refond fiest. Is il necessary lii goî itol debt aîîs an îrdcr tut save fise yîou reteemeal? Why tilt jusî increase yîor imasthly contrabution? Remember -RRSP Itian payoucaîs are 0111 tax dedaclable. Yîîu wiii bave lii pay off rte lîîaa wrlb airer tan dotilars. Psy attentioîn ta youe Marginal Tas Rare IMTRI. Higiter tacataeceam- ers bave hrgher rates and sitîîld maoîmie Iheir RRSP contributions lirsi. MTR perceorages decrease sitarply. If yaa bttrrow foc, mach yîîu will redace yoor persuinal rax refusd. Splrllîag yor la aver Ima ran years taket beter advanrage tif yur MTR level and cas tacrease yaur refondus value. Avit befuare yu barraw. Make sure fihat yo are pet- tisg yanr moncy's wîîlth. 905-876 lia-0940.05 85-88 B.bi Hawkin B.VU. FaD90 87M5 THE IMPORTANCE OF THE TANNUAL CHECKUP" Mast ai as agrce thi te ainual tnip ta te veteninarlan wrrh nue pet ns synonymous witb sits or vaccinations. Titis ta mont cases is true, itowever t irelieve fihai lte apportunlty for aur pets ta recette a tboraagit pirat enamînutian is ai equal importance, We bumans are ta different as me visît aur doctor on a ycarly irasun. uni we consiier tbe vusît ai key importance ta aur itultit and weil ieing. Thre huge iference is titat me can veriratize aur bealith prob- lemas and aur achres aid pans. Before vaccines are adminrstered ta a pet, ire or site sbonld recette a systematic exauninution. Thte cars nboutd ire exumsned wiit a special scope tai examine tbe car causal uni eurdrum for aituortuali- tien. The eyes uni inside te eyes sitautd ire enuminci witb a speciat lump for thte samie purpone. Tite titrout and tonstîs stouti ire cbecked for masses and teetit citecea for dental proirtcmis. lTe heurt and lu ngshoutd ire listenci ta with a stetitoseape ta deteet problemoi necitan iteart murmue, aittarmut rtytirmu uni airnormit itret toait. The abdomen in palpati la deteet changes in the siuc of its contents. i.e the liter. upiceen. khdney, intestmnes uni urinauy irluider. Tisi eau iientify arean af dhseamiail for your pet titut yoe an tite arener coali otliereie cnansare of. lThe ukeleton - teck. boaek, tait anal lepu ttauli ail bte palpai for abormalities. An yan clan imag- i.l ail ai titea pesilents allons us tai fini abennalities linat yaeur pet eoit not te'lý yae aboutt. 1 atiti elieve tta aur pets bave a meaci itigier talerano ta pain titan une do. ai it in tealy up ta un la fini the prorlemai. Sa affert I examine a pet't mott ta fini a iteolen luIt or airneesSa tant -0ot. tite pet neyer havt: exitibileal diteansfoat. If une bai nueit prolesen une wouId aIl rush ta te tlintiu an qaîckty as une conlir Ta qcime n cliche, ut ounce ai prevention in matt a panuni ai cure. if une eau deteet proirs hefor they umotut ta tenous atînes ,ben une eon enaxamize the panentiat for longer uni healtitier taie. ZZ _ GREG J. LAWRENCE B:sc., DO. H FOOT SPECIALIST / CHIROPODIST Ap ~ 350 Main St. E. Milton, Ontario, ILST 1iP6 (905) 878-6479 1A Princeraa Anne Dr., Gerorgetowun, Ontario L7G 4W4 3eg JLarncn enbra (905) 702-1611 B. Se., D. Ch. Mmroftire Ontario Society ut Ciriropadiutn andt The Ontario Collage of Cirrpodrats Q: Why do you use a laser? What are lasers used for? A: Laser surgery is the mosI adsanced nîeîhîd ased by a fîîeîî spectalîst. Nîîw witi a beaaî oîf light, lviii priihlernis can be cvîrrecled. The laser I ose is a carbuin clîiclcd laser, wiîch oses ligit eaergy lte vapîurie unwînîed tissue, Because lte beanu tuf lîglîl is only Imm, ibis allvîms aie iv work wîith pînptîîal precîsilîn leavîng lte sorrîonrdtng tissue heallthy and uadamaged. Posî-îîperaîively. there'is less bleediag, swelling and scarrlag. Since lte bearn creales a sterîle eavîrîînmeal. lte chaaee oi paisi lperalive infection is redoced. For oser a decade lasers have heea rcdocîag pain. rîsk and recovcy liane of many surgîcal petîcedores. Il iv lthe modem and effective ebvîce for thte Irealmenl of maay footî prob- lems. Lasers bave pruisea especially uselul foit reaîîng. * lngrown tocnatls * lnfcîed naîls * Planlar marIs * PasI scars * Ganglions * Cleaning woonds ai dcad tissue AU procredures are doue in the office selting. For mare informnation please colI (905) 702-1611 Cotnt. Fr-aco PIIVSIOTIIERAPISTS 870-ibil. Q: My friend suggants t auk a doctor for a referral ta physiothera- py. 1 have aateourthrtis tanl told my fricoal Quat 1 i nlot feel anytuing would help me. What woeuld happen if 1 went to physlo- therapy? A: Osteoarteitis ts a degenerative disorder affecting Use cartilage af a joint. Generally. the joint bas increased wear and tear sa tbat Uhe carti- lage breaks dawn. As the artritis progresses, pain increases, intermittent perrods af swelling and stiffness occur. Mosement and strengtb are lost gradually and Unis can meas ltat you arc less able ta do ie physical tbings yau enjay in lufe. When you attend physiotberapy for osteoatbritis, the tberapist will assess yonr affected joint ta note aay praltens due ta the artbritis. Tltese prablemrs may include Ions ai maternent (alsa calîrd joint range of motion>. Ions ai slrengtb, muscle rigbtness around tbe knee, diffi- culty walking, and difficulty campleting ail ai yaur daily activities. Once lte tberapist bas completed an assessment, eacb problem eau ire treated. Modalities nucb as ultrasound, interierential, or accupntncture cati be used ta decrease pain aud selling. lte titerapint cati use bauds an trealment, also called manual tepay ta reduce stiffnens and improve mavementL Exercises cat alsa bce ginen ta mmprane mate- ment and sftrnglth. Adviee iront die tberpuat cau help yau leann about différent itraces or itow ta protect lte joint during daily activities. Cofrecting ieu praitiemri cari itelp ta imprave lte pain ai artitritis a&M cuti itelp sowr it's progressian. lncreasing Lme ttivement will itelp la imprave the healtit af ie cartilage. lnnproving atrenglth rili itelp ta ioceaae suppot for lte joint ta reduce joint cartilage stresses. Learniong ta, proteet lte joint during daily activities wili helpto slow thte progression ai your arlbritis. At lte end,. you wiIl hase soie valu- able tools and tipa ta belp yatu live an active and pain fret liiestyle for mauy years toi camte! For faardha iafora*on, cowlac Cakn or 71«a a( the Hilton Couaiiy Re"a Ceaire 876-1515 Spacralioto in Elactralogy & Laser Hnir î RennovaI Phone: 905-878-9113 or 905-878-3945 Certification & Trealment Centre Canada's Leading Laser Hair Removal Specialista Facial and body hair can easily be removed. Frequentty-Askei Questions About Laser Hair RetreaI Q: Wbat is laser haie remuvat ani tow moes it mark? R: Laser batr retioaiis one îi the latesi tecitaîîtîgicat ads'aicev (oI caompleilelit lte elecirîîlyviv fdielo penasel bau reliîvaL fI uses. lîghî eaergy lui scleclisoly larget cîlîîar lîielanin althe baie. The beaoibgbly cîîîi.aiîraled lîphi divatilesimari> baies vs lb cach pulse. ctearng large aeeas an a mîalter oiiilnutes Thre cîîllege is priîud Io prîîvîde lthe isîrld' s leadîag laser. the Ciiiereot Ligisheer iotde Laser. fie permianent baie redoitilia Q: Wbat is "Permanent Haie Reiuctiion"? R- Titis is a sery inmportant factoîr a.s noi aIl lasers are i.leared by lthe t-t A. for ibis desigoatin Ail otiters iîiay îîsly be lise lastîng île tererely a lelorary soutin lîlo.îe mavîsg, sagarîing aad threadîng. A palieni's deiiiîi abolut laser haie reitioval sitould be baseil on lthe ellecli vetîess nf tha lascer seil and lthe expertive of the îiraclilliiner. Q: Who iv it fer? R: Men and woroea vît ail ages, I is possible lIo treal iîllîvi parts ofl lthe body aad aIl sktii types, frontîvery lîgitt skis li darkser skia types (types V & VI) prruvidiag lite baie iv dark or pigioeoled. If blonade oii mhile baies are also prescr.it ea a conîbsinaiii oeleî.lrlysis and laser will clear lthe ares safely and eiieclively. Q: Witut ta espect? R. Thte Caitereot Lîgitsiteer Dinde iv fast, efficient. coniiortable asd safe witen used by adeqaately-trained prafessiosals. For more information. contact rte Electratysîs College ni Canada Ine., mitase private ciei iras for many years, peavîded trearments for lthe public sn rte latent laser bare removal. electralysis and vasca- tar (treatment ai braites capillaries). £L#n ý! ~7aJInn7 B.A., B.S.W., M.S.W., R.S.W., OlP. SOC. ADM. Causelling & Pnychotherapy Inividuels, Couplesa, Cildren & Familien 11084, 5th Unei, Miltion, Ontario Elayne M. Tanner (905) 854-80l Q *i New i'arsa résution ils ta Ion aalgt. I kart trd gruaiiy M anayi'eshiu Tanaffére ltypesaulue hm al Md ie Il tW t M aaM i # IP MI AMnana pl save tounrd ttiat itypnasis han succnsstally helpei thsm in Ohe A banse with mntht. Hynasis is a naurat. normal stars af mini t alu5ws accent ta yaur surcanucîoss Witir Iypss ynu enter u noate of pirynicul and mental relaxatian. Wtiea yaur mid relaxes, ils concentration pawers increas trnmendaunly and yo urt mars open teaucceptint new thouahts undt teelings. Sader syptaulu. yaur subcotecious mitd can be muchait directf, ulnint yau ta dnaelop new attitudes unit behusrOaas, ttypnasis in a naturel state ot mind that as ail slip it in aur duîly lites. We offev iater ta iras day- dreamîn.I tis camplerely sutle unit sas Seen uccepteit by the Amerîcun Médicat Assaoation sînce insu us a stable tans ai trnurrenr. inhea yao are undet hypnoss tan tint relasit, bot yau eut boum nsery'thing, t15mb scratch. tlt and maire décisions. Yas cao alun chanse ta cae out at trasce ut any tîme, Van are ulways in cantral. Vau witt nat do an suy anythîng thut yaa moult vol narmatif da or uay. Obere lu na way that van wlI siolt@ anar est sense ot moality ai site aaay any secrets. There os ulua n ta u that yau man nel tune in hyptasîs. Eaon ilthme therupîsi teSt tire rom on. w oult tut cae aut of tranc au it tram a tigbt uItYeu Vanarî atwuris irtru aire you are, leur everyttring urounn ynu uni ire arr ot wata s in an ut at fimen. tn tact ysaî nensén may bet berirteinid Duman tireyni sapatra, ana artt renotarte sauestions arei apn by yoamset tari your StypoNatrapat-in aras can ttte anul it e eli ta aertt tou and taew atituu ta tuai and ynuselt. VThèse suggestinsu nie iesutnei ta eidter ru erre ann in attlct vous suireunucranu mi prucesuailntration. lirder trppnaart. yaa are aine tugir a nnriple net ypouna techrinq eo tiret yaar treateent cas continue ai hmre. Vautn raaS feeting retlet aid etergtasi t atea atit ltt te cnet ae naine retait ites beut yau ot Steé ididujuite atanbn, Wti altotan. finata tan scne id tis bat uaudu ttenéefett id supprt brmain tret, artr tire redacei cent. tl you are stailteit ta pursaîu eirter id tire avnues. pieteait l aind we can discun it tittrer. Elaysie Tanner ia a Rqegaed Socia WaWsnr un priate praaie in north Maien. If yan bave flamer qtaesaioms or ifyoia taaid like t arrange an appai .nînent, piraae call (905) 854-0801. c~r M