The Canadien Champion, Fnday, JSlury 5, 2001-21 I fli eLbSIl CLASSIFIED B N S MONDAY TO FRIDAYsif d uïALCassiiieu HORS Ci 9:00AM 5:00PM A L appear at.. TOR LSN4A9MflM s5-#3@O www.nwwwJitoncanilianIIaplon.cor I b il Martin Bunch PhD. NBROMBY, Margaret Peacefuly, aI Milton 11 Congratulatiorns taMartin on his gradu- ýDslnd Hospital on Wadnesday, January 3, 1487 Lauier Ave. Mdton 878-2881 atirumfrrr Waterloo Universiîty wilh a 2001, Mrs. Margaret Bromby0fMlnnhr Do'-rrr rof Philo.rrphv degree. We wishr 96th year. Wife orf the laIe Lloyd ErmyLvn hitcontinrued .îucces.î in his position asî mother of Kenneth and hîs aria Oral chas of L Gahinr 'n ýésaYvh( Charfotte, North Carolina, Loma of Samia and ass.ociate prfessor in ihe Facufr > ootyadhrhubn aol opfs0 Grrrah t MMver UniversrttY.Mfo.ilbasdymsetyaIhr rnci- DU Jrr nvngm oy0faD r seirp iM-ase nvriDrthard Ifr desired mem olotos 1ofmmangyuses GRrA O Founiltion mit y be l miae by ac h rtanch - theB Jar Mssavng o y s f h artac a r L ovwue Hubad (9587-66)hf, l ria e & G eaty ManaFaI y ThSAND G n rqESN, Jrton Harof (of Clae nmplfvillahopase wa Jnuy4 Onin) cfull , at er a betri ineo M ion aERAI -20 ab0 r Stetie Witon District Hospital o ad ea rt Dacamba 27, Janua ery , BIRHDA 2RDUAIO Balova hns ybadeb optlaig FranesJ Tasndaryo aa taa he pn Mart ar Derfaîhr Dane, 2 kam ns 0f Milth m nsthat a rî alaayn st FIGoNIa SanDRO Nan Hacaoln (of Campballvilla, 'Ontario) Pe flo gadalhr 0 df Kllye a M ifaon GEVISfBab DittHa pia l on Satar sday, Dec mber 30 27, saa aso h astaa January6,6. Amande ~ ~ 200 Swl M eore huBuc te Peae sorondei Tt rl a i m tasr e lin pastSbhn (Mancret) by fi famil a Mio Diic Ho kema on Fnday W e o or oie thereil someafltest Congratulations ta Amanda Decemb rio 00,Br SaIIoc f Miton, or In aerpatha t i Swain for grauating fom erya anf C a caltNein of Cyar bellvled n ecnoei of1 o Th orno coo f uins n tro f Luba n 0f 53 yaar f Je Slly (nefatof P R Hoane-I greatfy y on yo ar msad axacutiva office skironts, B tack o . rvin ate 0fBrian and fia af laa 1 LoeCaelvd a. Wiady, Dc m aed by, Lsr arid- esn h ase wa auy6 Eric~~No an Kyla Survvai by fisou brothern Doal TOM 'Sa Gisage ar of aella. 991be ond-d n a aoin mmr fdaothe odnw ar Alaint fin Amany remmbaai by hsa a il Distrltivsit onfrida. W passai aa y Jaur out 2000e an i o beri, -ogauain oA ad -M y Demrly ,200 F Bnrau e 1 aes Stf Miton, fon- na fin tt o pdoac athn ourheata Swinfo gadatgfrnt . etaady f oampblve 2-4 anit 7 t A uaral Samice And iehara ou ai e main el o TheS Toron SchU3o W aasuinssi had f om tha Chpe on Jeanas aie To gral ado arehu nar e. DELA ~ ~ Wer PRODUOT of SALES & ENALni an LAM nerand folit aI St.onsy Untî af meat aain BLov Pmp ay cla* atFedg Prove ~ ~ l An C hnrchvile CW etary Doa tin 1eSy misseit oue as agrayd- 25-By &omrca The~ Mu to Da shldrndn HositW ali hunnon ylrS.fn ene ene&Fm Botter ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Ei LiigHm etiCr c nîan Cfle ur aud fa apri by thoa THOPgg &FMS y Street Miltonl 905875245 fam Jae iMloln ehl o ls wti u e BLC u rsda rm2and h- P.Ancle erral Secrdaheeyu ilrean Fmaixma ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~H~1O Su wa held fIo teCaeonWdedyt Twlkihushrughou u lv tannotunce tia sale araival of their son Lucas Laisure Centre Jan.2/01. 905-678-2305 (a), ï1cis ranktwaerhing 8 lbs 10 oz at Josephl Brant 905-693-9458 (h). Â LLC~~~~~~~~~~d Ad ~ s pia ~ a ron Kycr 27,a 2ah0m0 are v:D4 nan rMo. ar.Bigve rmvraea n at... HoapitdonDecarnber27,2000al6O4pmBlg A Coffre & Ii. Kflodaaandi and Dr. Wu and aIl tha DB staff ai ~IKCa Cbam~oe~ * Cflnstmas Thanko I thebest JBMH. way ta shirt yow day! Unlimrted Access only $15.95, great local service and support frori SURF THE NET. 873-2602 APPUANCES -frndge, 2 door; Stove, Maytag automnatic aaslar, dry- er. Alan, apartmest set. Under Warranty. (905)637-8328. CARPET I have neyeral 1,000 yrds. of new Stainmastar & 100%/ ny- lon carpet. WiIl do living- roomt & hall for $349. In- dludes carpet, pad & in- stallation (30 yards) Steve, 639-2902 CHESTERFIELD snlid nautral colour. $100 (905)878-9743. FREE Estimalas Got aobbly or broken chairs? Waak sofa or chair nprings? Sofi foam? Tirad looking aood finishes?... than .eil Fields for aU fumi- tsre repaira and cusiomn wood refinishing, 9-9 daily, (905)875-4427. GREEN suade sols; 32" TV. black; eniartain- ment unit; double sized waterbed; Tallboy and ail other home fumish- hgo. Make an oSfer. Cal! 875-1680. NEW Year Sale- No GST or PST. We psy the aes. Greaf fahric salection and great sav- vnga! Sofa & matching chair from $778. Lova- set o 448. Chairs frora $199. Free Es- timata. Fields Customa OualitX Upholstering. Caîl daily, 9-9. (905)875-4427. SNOWBLOWERS: Laat chancef 10HP, M'FD, 30" Wu. $21/ak. Some amallar available. JACK Russell Pupo. Home raised, great per- sonaiies, love chilitren, tni-colour, born Novembar 241h. $150 eacfl. Cal) 691-2472 or 875-4699. Nfq.. Monthly bonus and compas y paid besefits alter 90 days. Home evenings and wea- kends. Milton. Pleaae cati (905)693-0666. DRIVERS requireit for Toronto Auto Auction. .Phone John Parm (905)875-3215 or tas resuma to (905)875- 3219. FULL11ME Warehouse posit ion availaba. If you are a hardworhing and dependable parson, pleese fax your resome i b: SL-Spacial Laborato- nies Ltd, Fan. (905)876- 3729. INSTALLER ragaîreit for sflalving company in IOakvîlle. Must have own vahicla and t ols. jPlease caîl Lou or Shirley ai (905)842- 5061 f0 arrange an interivew. ý a4- 1 »---a i