12-Tha Canadien Chamion, Friday, January 5, 2001 z IServices ACER e LOTUS e CANON * EPSON LEXMARK * MICROSOFT *Authorized Service Depot - Network Installing *Full Training Contracts - Sales & Service *Software & Accessories - On Site Service 751 Main Street East, Suite 2, Milton Phione 878-46l Fax 876-1013 a 1-800-268-0034 Monday - Friday 9-5:30 pin Saturday 10 - 4 pm ADVANCED & GENERAL MASTER KEYING SYSTEUS 4011 SECURIT OCK SYSTEMS IL COMPLETE KEY CONTROL KNICAPOPRTR - INOIJSTRAL PANIC BARS.- DOOR CLOSERS MOBILE COMERCIAL *RESIDENIlAL ELECTRIC STRIKES & ACCESS CONTROL MIASTER KEVINO SECURITY CONSULTATIONS SERVICE - LOCK-OUTEn FOR ALAJtM SYSTEMS 8 85 8 -SAPES 8 85 8 MIERITOIR A Division of Arvin Meritor 150 Steeles Avenue, Milton, Ontario L9T 2Y5 suw.ilnnyoais.COm Ho.. et M Mlo Tou'lu Buss8 Mi Rou Estatst W MMSt www.conservationhalton.on.ca www.escarpmnentcountryol.ca www.chamber.milton.on.ca www.omdreb.on.ca eWeb Sites a Hoatlnga & Domain Namea * Cali Us Today nt (905) 876-1943 or (800) 63-3575 SKD[ 375 Wheelabrater Way, Milton (905) 875-1427 (416) 798-7099 Logo designedO by Shoot Phologrpht It is with pleasure that 1 begin my term as President of the Milton Chamber of Commerce. It was a privilege 10, serve as Presîdent in 1981 and it is once again my privilege 10 serve as President in 2001! It certainly does flot feel like twenty years! Reflecting on the changes a mere twenty years have brought - the memhership in 1981 was 184 while the membership in 2001 is 498. In 1981 our Chamber offices were housed in the Train Station on Martin Street. While this was picturesque and an ideal location tc0 suit the tourist needs that the Chamber served at that lime, our offices are now larger, in a central location on Main Street, a location which now better reflecîs serving the needs of local businesses. Two decades ago saw a Chamber -staff of one, assisted hy part-time help, mainly in the summer months; today we have fOve permanent fulI-time and part-lime staff, augmented by additional part-lime help during the summer months. Wednesday, January 241h New Chamber Member's Breakfast (by invitation only), with guest speaker, Bill Mercer, Chamber President. Registration begins at 7:00 am - Breakfast served at 7:30 am. Location: Muddy Duck Restaurant, 855 Steeles Ave E. Thursday, January 111th Business Before Houri (7:45 am - 9am) with guest speaker, Jennifer Reynolds, Director of Communily Services, Town of Milton. TOPIC: Update on Town's Activities. Location: Chamber Boardroom, 251 Main Street E. Tuesday, January 23rd Business After Houri (5 pm - 7 pm) hosted by GoodLife Fitness Clubs, 855 Steeles Ave E. A MonthlyA iewsletter of the Miltôn roer, Hfildbrand & Zahr Twenty years ago the Farmer"s Market was a populIr Saturday morning ritual, located ai that time in the parking lot hehind the Town Hall. Now, we have the Farmer's Market laking up several hlocks along Main Street on s Saturday morning and it has become an even more popular event in the Milton area. Some things remain the samne and I can still remember making the bacon-on-a-bun for a long line of hungry customers back in 1981 and today this is stili a tradition t0 many Miltonians frequenting the Market on s Saturday morning from May 10, Oclober. Another thing that has remained the samne over two decades is Gord Kranlz still serving us as Mayor of Milton. This has given us a sense of continuity even as we grow and change. The slogan the three R's was flot really in vogue back twenty years, Reduce Recycle Reuse - well. 1 am being Recycled! Tbursday, Febnsary 8th Mayor's Breakfast with special guest, Mayor Gord Krant.., and guesl speaker, Mario Belevedere, Town of Milton. Location: Muddy Duck Restaurant, Steeles Avenue, Milton Registration begins aI 7 am - B3reakfast served at 7:30 am. COST: $17.00/Chamber Members $20.00fNon-Memhers Tuesday, February 27tb Business After Houri (5 pmn - 7 pmn) hosted by Kelsey's Restaurant, 855 Steeles Ave E, Milton SHOWCASE a GO for 2001 Ibe Milton Chamber of Commerce is happy to announce that SHOWCASE 2001 is confirmed for June Ist, 2nd & 3rd. 'ibis exciting show will bc a great opportunity for Milton area businesses to, fot only feature their producta and serices but also- seil tbemn t thousanda of customers. fice ground bais already been broken for subdivisions soon to be filed with new home-owners and new consumer ready Io buy and use the producta and servces of local businesses. SHOWCASE 2001 is tbe perfect opportunity to lot them ko about YOU and wbat you bave to offer. fIbe show, ini the Tbhompson Road arena, will feature over 90 reaaonably priced booths and prmsnt a geat way for you lm reach potential consumer now and in thse future. Stay tuned for more details, but in thse meantime, plan on paslcipalqg in SHOWCASE 2001! We exten a warm welcoite ta Ihose members who are joining the Chamber. We invite their participation on aur committees as well as in aur many aclivities and events! Ropon Holdings Imc. Contact: PIsil Mahon, President Box 145 CAMPBELLVILLE, ON L0P IBO Phsone: 905-330-6388 Management and payroll services. WIRELESS PARADIGMS LUI. Contact: Germain Proulx, President 420 Main Street Fast, Suite 516 MILTON, ON L9T 3C7 Phsone: 416-346-8124 Fax: 416-346-0197 Transport Trailer Sales Contact: Nick Lambevski MILTO, ONL9T 2X9 Phone: 905-875-1203 Fax: 905-875-4336 NEW HO'JUR 0F! OPERATION begin January 2nd, 2001 the Milton Chamber of Commerce will be open froxu 8:30 to 4:30 p.m. (Monday te I Friday - except statutory ~ holidays). I I - M HALTON CRIEDIT UNION M Proudly Servng Memnbers Sincel957 EARL DOLMAGE Branch Manager 44 Main Street East Milton, Ontauio (905)878-4168 IBICK FINANCIAL SECURITY CORPORATION Melissa De Brouwer, CFP Financial Ploonnng and In vesiments *Mutual Funds - RRSPs -Life Insurance 575 Ontario Street South, Milton, Ontario L9IT 2N2 Tel: (905) 875-l1000 -Fax: (905) 875-6896 Email: debrouwer@bickrsp.com