8 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 2, 2001 ~ *~1ces to ,,Local Amnesty group making a difference New loal Am esty "Every letter 1 write is a International group veoyEe fI os' petitions countries duoe twsiuf« t to strivefor better peumonî'mwrkthg fo, social responsibility dvlidmW By CARRIE BRUNET dgu b kMtk jnljin Unth The Champion ftiirle O ne letter at a time,............................... Rebecca Walters is 19 m doing her part to end suffering in the world."Ocpepela abuAmstan "Every letter I write is a victory," said "Once eople thea out Anesthy randy Ms Waltcrs, a member of the local sasdigtewr hyfn byral Amnesty International group. like it," she said. "Even if il doesn't change the situation "It would be nice 10 double our group.' for the person l'mn writing for, I believe it By increasing the groups numbers, shte does help discosirage similar human rights said she hopes to gel establisbed as an violations in the future." independeit amnesty group, recognized by Amnesty International is a humani rights the international organization. organization that petitions countries to be "edlk obv u w aeflst more socially responsible. work on," she said, explaining that each Mostly, members work on letter-writing group is assigned certain countries to peti- campaigno in piroteat of human rights vio- lion. lations. Ms Walters is confident that as Milton But tbey also write letters 10 people who, grows, s0 will ber group. Ihey feel, have been unjustly incarcerated Ms Walters is only one of a million for speaking oui againat Ibeir govemment. members world wide, in 152 counitries. 'lThe letter writing has proved to be quite "I feel like im part of a great team," Ms effective," Ms Walters said. Walters said, pointing out that Amnesty Amnesty International releases a month- International won the Nobel Peace Prize in * ly newsletter chronicling the results of let- 1997. ter-weiting campaigns. Not al thfrd-world countries "You see that people have been released * from jail or have bad tbeir sentences However, Ms Walters pointed out, tar- changed from deatb 10 life imprisonmient." gela of the campaigns aient always tbii'd- Mâto grup s qute maH world countriea. Miltn grup a qute sall "We have groupa wbo are writing Wbile thse Milton group is in reality just Canada about their buman rigbta issues," a smrait branch of the Oakville chapter, sbte said. many activities and funiraising bappen Each chapter is assigned cases outaide rightbhere at home. their own country. For example, earlier Ibis year the group Ms Walters bas written letters 10 Nigeria, held a yard sale 10, rsise funds for postage, Ireland, the Dominican Republie and many and set up bootbs aI the Farmers Market others. in October. Her current campaign bas sel a goal 10 The Milton group began in Junc of tbis convince aIl countries 10 adopt a United year and currently bas eigbt members in Nations document that prevents any form officiai standing. of human torture. Other residents participate in fundrffising Anyone interesled in finding out more and awareness events. about Amnesty International can log on 10 Ms Walters said sbe hopes 10 gel more www.amnesty.ca. or caîl Rebecca Walters Miltonians interested in Amnesty work. 10 gel involved locally aI 876-4071. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Amnesty International worker Rebecca Waltera <lefI) signis a letter petitionlng a forelgn country ta adopt the United Nations convention against torture, whlle fellow Amnesty members Adriana Frazer and Ken Walsh look on. The Milton local of Amnesty International le seeking new members ta loin its fundraising and letter-writing efforts. Cali Ms Waiters et 876-4071 for detals. ((o)) c:~G 1~1NCOGECO 14-Programming Schedule - ,Ianuary 2nd, 2000 - ianuary 8th, 2001 -1 t'mii fil*Ji F6dI lb.4 iî-Z Up NZFh! -[ itmitm7iim F Wh www.c@geco.Ca 411-U NORTH HALTON STUDIO 21 Main Street North, Adtos, ON M7 1V9 (519) 853-4700 Feattwe this weelc: Watch our Yenr ln Revlew episodes of "Plugged i"