Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Dec 2000, p. 7

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, December 22, 2000 - 7 0 OUR R FADER S WR-ITE Replacement of mains wouldn'-t solve water problem: Savoline (The following is Halto> Chair Joyce Sacoline's response to a Deceniber 5 ltrer tb the editor from Rodney Ramsden of Ontario Street South and a copy was filed with The Chamîpion.) Dear Editor: I'd like 10 take Ibis opportunity 10 address the issues you raised regarding tbe different solu- tions Ibat are being implemented in tbe various communities across Halton 10 address dirty water complaints and bow Halton prioritizes ils work plan. As you probably are aware, thse soutb Halton water supply systeru (Oakville and Burlington) is supplied by water froin Lake Ontario wbile tbe nortb Halton communities (Milton and Halton Hilla) are supplied by a number of well- based systemts. Tbese different water supply sources resuit in different reasons for tbe occur- rence of dirty water. As sucb, approsebes for addressing tIse two situations bad 10, be devel- oped independently. In tbe soutb Halton communities, tbe dîrty ater problem is directly attributable 10 corro- sion on the interior of tbe mains, wbicb subse- quenîly leacbes mbt tbe water suppîy. As sucb, il bas been addressed tbrougb nsetbods, such as cement mortar and epoxy lining of the cast iron mains as well as total replacemenst. In tbe north Halton communities, somte of tbe well-based ater supplies bave manganese aI the source of tbe actual water supply. The mais- ganese in tbe ater supply is Ibe cause of the discoloured ater being experienced by some of tbe community residents. Despite tbe discol- oration, tbe waler is still safe tu drink. The minen- or of tbe mains isn't contributing t0 the pnsblemn because thse actual source water is tIse cause. As a result, replacement or lining of tbe mains wouldn't resolve thse dirty water problemr for tbe nortb Halton communities. The Milton well contributing to thse probleru ban a large searu of manganese, whicb is migraI- îng mbt tbe ater supply. The 2000 Rate Supported Capital Budget identified $250,000 10 investigate the probleru and perform remedial measures 10 aasist in addressing tIse issue wbile a long-term solution waa developed. Over tbe st year, the layer of high manganese was sealed in order to prevent manganese froru enlering une 0f the well supplies aI the source. This proved suc- cessful, and, as a result, the manganese level bas dropped substantially but is still not at a point wbere a clear water supply is consistent. Staff are continuing to review and implement remedial solutions 10 reduce the existing mani- ganese content wbicb is causing tbe discol- oration problem. The 2001 Rate Supported Capital Budget also identifies monies for the installation of filtration equipment wbicb is cur- rently proposed as tbe potential final solution. These funds are tbe design ($850,000) and con- struction ($4.2 million) would allow the project 10 get underway in tbe fal of 2002, if still oequired. As tbe year progresses, staff wilI bave a confirmed recommendation and implementa- tion plan 10 address the situation. As far as lthe political process to detennine pi-- orities, Halton prioritizes tbe proposed work plan based on an objective seoring systemn that evalu- ates multiple criteria for eacb project. Thse list is then ranked baaed on an overaîl score received samne location that's being undertaken by our area municipal counterparîs or ourselves. Regional counicil, through the planning and pub- lic works comnaittee, hao an opportunity 10 address any specific projectsihat their con- stituents have expressed interest in. However, as with aIl municipalities trying to address aging infrastructure, water quality and customer ser- vice issues, the competing pressures are many and available funding scare. Halton prides itself on maintaining and provid- ing a sale water supply for ail ou- reaidents and demonstrates Ibis commilment wîth oui- vigorous water-testing program at ail points of supply. We also ensure our continued dedication to financial well being of ail our customers by developing a responsible and affordable capital prograru each year. I trust this addresses the pointa raised in your letter to Tbe Champion. If you require any addi- tional information, please contact me. Joyce Savoline, reglonal chairman Reglon of Halion Spirit of goodwîll can be recycled ail year * fram CHIRISTMAS, page 6 we comte bome 10 Ibis attitude, our lives reacb a new altitude and we begin to respond t0 eacb other. like Christ, promot- ing the spirit of goodwilI Ibat can be recycled tbroughout the year and not simply during one season. So, as you rusb about 10 find tIse perfect gift for your loved one 10 place under tbe tree, remember tbe perfect gift lies within you and your decision 10 make love a personal bomne- coming project. So consider your arma the wrapping and embrace the gifts of your family and firiends and make Ibis Cbristmas a memorable and meaningful one by coming bome 10 the beart of tbe season, the gift of love. Merry Christmas. Father Mark Curtis Milton Letters welcome The Conadion Champion welcomes leitters ta thie editor. We reserve thie right ta edit, revise, and reject letters. Letters mui b. signed and the address and the telephone number of the writer indluded. Mail letters ta: The Canadian Champion, Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9 or leave themn at ou, office, 191 Main St. E., fax ta 878-4943 or e-mail ta miltoned@hal- tonsearch.com. I *.% 1ý$ %4s "ti 10t" On behalf of The Royal Canadian Legion. Pte. U.J. (Jce) Waters, Branch 136, I would like to, thank the people of Milton for their support by their generous donations tc, thia y ear's Poppy Campaigs. A special thanka te, the many Volunteers; Business and Service Clubs;, our Police Departments; Cadets; Navy; Army and Airforce; Milton Diatrict Pipe Bad; Parade Marshall David MeNeil. I would also like to thank the businessea ansd volunteers who msade this campaigis a succesa. SuIes industries Noirth End Nissan Aggrregate Central Kevinl% Tiising Hîîmby Gil, Goîlf Regiiin oîf Haltun Haotion Rentas Waleflelil Dental Joibnsiin Cîîntrîîls Grand Transpoirt Austen & Nuoble Derek Presse Miltoin Transmissioin McKernie Kocer Funeral Home B.C. Air Atlantic Bearing Kinsmen Club Miltoin District Scuts Active Transpoirt Mrs Anne Tayloir (Re/Max) Samsoîn Farmsas Kisights oif Coîlumbus itI Miltoin Sea Raîngers Tii Ail The Scîsisls Grant Stenwart Cîînst. Air Cadets Miltoîn Limas Club Fay Electric G.D. Controls New Meclsanicul Dr. D.S. Scîsacliter Brucîser Canaida Bob'a Anto> Krown RusI Miltona Curling Club Trafalgar Goîlf & Country Clsub Durante Service Centre J. Hardiman Legurat Weatherlsead Langlsim Nursery' Tiswi oif Miltoin jack Ricbard.siin Cbev Olds Roibert Pie Le Rebekaa Lodge Miltiin Fire Figlsters Axis Ligisticrs Miltoîn Sea Cadets, Zanatta Cîînst. Fitî Wbeel Duil Cintracting Industrial Liglsting Hîîly Rnuîary Parisb Campbellville Scoîuts Rîseta Bailey Daste oîf Milton Army Cadets Campbellville Lions Lawrence & Ass. I.OD.E. Hawkins Veterinaiy Haltin District Scîsinl Board R.C.M.P. Club 88 Hîîly Rosaiy Scîsiol Regilîn oif Haltos Our Lady of Victiiiy M'est End Anto> Beverly B. Poirter Miltoîn Mîîtîîr Sales Miltoîn Mail Magna Miltoîn Hiirticiîltiîral Society Miltoîn Old Stan. Hockey Ontarioi jockey Club J. Scott Early Fiîneral Home Cani.n Meter Systems Xcellents Rotary Club Mr. K. Free Lant but not least, our Lsadies Auxiliaiy and the Executîve, Branch 136, Rhonda, Bill, Sam antI Cai-ol lor tatolsg ait messages. Ceoî J&R Sairgent m. Ledmith Miltuon Janitor Service Optimist Club Altec Industries Zellers Miltoîn MemiîrialS Mikes Barber Sbop E.W Foster School M.D.H. Social Club Arthur Electric Nem, Lite Pentecostal Hiîtchison & lompoon Fitzgerald Insurance Halton Sporitsman A.B.B. CationExcauvaiting Glazer Halton Agriculture Toîast M asters Ron Flaînigan Zaks Phannacy Seniors Activity Centre Thank you one and ail, ge Thornborrow, Poppy Chairman Service Officer

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