Juveniles earn revenge with victory over Ajax By STEVE LOBLANO The Champion Revenge may be a dish best served cold, but Milton's AA juveniles were red bot when il came time for payback in Ajax Tuesday. John Arnold's contingent avenged tbree previous losses, including a bome-ice mas- sacre just îwo weeks ugo, by upstaging the giilty Knights 6-4. Tbird-period goals by Jordan Jeans and Matt Ventura - wbo doew a pair of assists earlier in Ibe nigbt for bis biggest offensive oulput ibis season - lifted tbe Winterbawks 10 victory and extcnded their current undefeated streak to four games. Sbaring tbe spotligbt witb a bat-trick in tbe middle stanza was Jeff Mitchell. Josb Amold was steady between the pipes for bis second win in four nights while netting tbe visitors' first tally was Derck Mewbinney. Picking up assists in the win - whicb was marked by ibe reîurn of suspended captain Steve Szafer - were Jeans, Mitcbell Derek Bimie, Paul Faggion and Ricky Nadalin. The highly confrontational sbowdown was cut short due to an Il p.m. curfew, but wiîh lexo iban seven minutes remaining and Milton in control it a~ppeared Chere would be no bomeiown comebxck any- way. Two days carlier in Bradford, Mîlion was severely shoet-staffed and bad to seule fors 4-4 stalemate. Jusi nine skaters started the aflernoon clash and ibe ranka were furiher depleted when Marco Labello succumbed 10 a minor injury on the second shift. Gutsy effort The Winierhawks rallied fnum two ibird- period deficits to eke oui the draw. Mewbinney capped a ihree-goal showcase wiîb ibe final tying tally while also scoring in tbe final frame wss Mitchell, who drew a pair of belpers as weIl. Recording single assista were Faggion, Rod Heinz, Dave Kornack, Chad Merriti and Chris Wulfers. Netininder Chris Kovachik replaced Arnold afier goal number two midway througb the gaine and delivered one of bis finest performance this season. Tbe 9-5-3 Wintcrbawks will be on the road tonight againsi Noble-King and will close oui the calendar year tomorrow evening ai home versus Stouffville. Gaine lime ix 8:30 pin. lite C~nàdîan Champion ~id~y Ù1ecemer 22 2000 - 23 Racing team needs skiers The Mîlton Heîghts Racîng Club stîli bas spaces avaîlable on us skiîng and snowboardîng teains The organîzation is looking for racers SIX to 19 years of age to fui oui their ranks Weekly practices are held ai nearby Glen j Eden Ski Area wbile competition is held at resoris throughout southem Ontarlo. Those who'd like b sign up. or obiain turiher information, are askcd to cail Lin Leeson ai 336-5382. ~ Have You Always Wanted to Enhance Vour Appearance? Now is the perfect lime. We hîvc the soloson 1h sloW nitre-art la r technologv a aqccet rsmlcrstableand pss'atecllroesetiueg Weottetiteatmenilos- Facial Pigmentation Watts *Obagî Stan Case Pmducts fan '/aeicote Veins ~I ©~ MILTON YOUTH BASKETBALL "MADD DAWGS" WIWUER flOUSE LEAGUE PROGRAM LocatIon Bishop Reding H.S.- Bols & Girls Mon. & WedJl-Hr Sessions each Ages lI & Under. 7:00-8:00 pin Ages 12+.............8:00-9:00 pm FERS: $8000 for firat child in a fanslly - $7500 for each additional DATES: RegLstratfomJanuary 8tb: PLay comasesaoesJamsary lOtb b eosd of Marcb 2001 Regiatration forins available ai Town Hall or ai local public schools MAIL FORMS and FERS prior to Iarnaary SOit TO: Mulion Youlh Baakeîball 420 Main SI. El Suite *558 Milion, ON., L9T 5G3 Or brfmg Regiatraflon Forma anifees os's flrst n<ght MondayJanuay Sth, 2001. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: (905) 691-1675 éAa~ ZS:I Milton Minor Hockey Association DATE DIVISION TEAN SCORE TEAN SCORE DEC Il PIEU!! GALIJIIER FOIS 16 DIMCW 5 SCOOTERS SNACK SNACKS O ABSOWTE T11ANSPOITM1ON IERC 3 TOUE DENTAL IIJP Il ROSI DIIOI FINANCIAI. 3 DECIl MINCI NOVICE GIOCUFE GADiN S 000015E lED 2 OIOCUFESLUE 3 O000UFER1.ACI( 2 DEC Il MLIII 1011108 51111'PERS 111111 MAlT 5 fEINT PLOMIOTI 3 001150010 13 KNOCKtSISPIITS il DECIl SiMili KEOCENIRE 5 SIJNNY0ASIS I ABSOLUE! 108115 2 NONS AlTO 51100E 2 KENTIJCIII PIED CIIIOKEN 4 101501. MElli. 4 NOMEOINEMA I lOUFE I DECIl ATOMI JIHNSONCONTRII.S 3 PUSIELAW I VMLEFOAAI 6 IIEMICAI T BIUAJI'SAITO 5 DONEMISIT O __ ______ - 1E 8 MiNOU INSISANCE 7 DEC 18 111111 5051111 MIlLE INSlJRAiICE 9 DOCIANO KITS I MNJONCIYRERDOOE 7 SOSMOURAT 5 NISIIAIPEJIROCANAOA 7 KUIKKCPY S - - - - - MINOR NOVICE MAJOR NOVICE G00DLI~ IRDEN GOODIjE îoî 110111 PLYMIUTN 111111110100 MIII VS VI GIIILIFi 01.001 10081.0E MLII GI1100D AiJII iN0Clti.iS8P0RTS 4:38 PM SOSPU Corrections t~OTUP~QflG~O TQn. PeeWee-Tonelli Arena 5A1UNoeR~ Game 1 - 11:00 a.m. FORD LINCOLN Game 2 - 3:00 p.m. c Game3-4:15p.m. rtesMAsi$ICNN.113Ft A a OIT A FRISH START. Get SOLUTIONS now for: CrediCardProbietni mss allais or Lavai Ose Repsisesiions Ma1or Cash FIaw Prablenri Wage Gamiîhmests Evicliosi Persiiesit Oui Caliectors Jsdgeaests, Law Suils Stadent mon Delisquent Taxes Evreclsîsres Divorce Reloted Financial Prsblnms flI PADDC>N + Sattkruptnynan beaesideit Caltas! Na ehaegefsssiiialcossaliaiioi,! YORKE INC. nssntlsetaesoPTcr 875-0811 225 Main Street East <Main & Martîn SI) Mîllon A beeer xolutioa!