MILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY IPHARMACYAM sIMenndependent Pharmaiyl - 10% Senimr Dheaowi - M1 Dff P"u Acoepted - M»te DMg Woi AffN 47LarerAe "At Zak's We Cam 7-28 About Your H.1t1t E 70 Main S. E 876-2424 A Metroland Community Newspaper Vol. 141 No. 81 Fniday, December 22, 2000 28 Pages $ 1.0 (GST included) No appeal by Town ,Counci*l votes to accept decision in Drury land. battie By IRENE GENILE The Champion Despite pleas from the public to fight another day, Milton council opted to surrender. in its first officiai meeting, the new tawn council voted ta accept a recent Ontario Municipal Board (0MB) decision toa show a controversial development on almost 33 acres ai land by the E.C. Drury cmplex. That means 189 geared-to-seniors, detacbed condominiums could begin rising on the site many consider ta be a park. as early as next year. 'MTe caunicil decisian camne in spite of a pop talk from Mel Cutler, a spokesperson for the citizens group Friends of E.C. Drury Park, wbo insisted the battle wasn't avec yet. Tb7ere appears ta be a general miscon- ception following the 0MfB decision that this issue is over," said M. Cutier. "We've read the 0MB decision aver many times Popcorn recalled Rogers Videa has recalled specific batcb- es ai its Lite Butter Flavour Microwave Popping Corn suter a custamer in Ottawa claimed ta have found fragments ai glass in a bag. Rogers has recalled the 100 gram and 300 gram packages ai the popcomn with bar code numbers 305976 and 305978 in batches OCT210lN3, OCT2101N4 and OCT210IN8. These batches are known ta bave been distributed in Ontario. The store asks customers ta retum these batches ta their closest Rogers location for a full refund. In Milton, Rogers Videa is located at Ontario and Main streets. accurate." He urged counicil ta state an interest in the land, ta appeal the notion that the land was legally surplus, ta, refuse a patential Cbilds Drive access point and find a way ta buy the land. "We're bere to, request that You stick ta your guns," said Mr. Cutier. "We feel the Town sbould flot back down." He encouraged counicil ta, weigb its deci- sion carefully befare malcing it. "We ask that you make no hasty deci- sians because what you decide over the next few weeks will affect Milton forever," he said. Alto speaking in favour af an appeal was Chris Kenopic, executive director of the Ontario Association of the Deaf Imc. Tbough he hadn't attended the E.C. Drury School for the Deaf bimseif, Mr. .se COUNCILLORS on page 14 Comment........ 6 NS Report ....... 8 A&E .........15 DateUrne ......19 Sports ......22-24 Classifuled .... 25-26 1111am 1 R1IGO-TEC wauld like ta take ibis oppartunitY î<, thank ail aur custanlers and suppliers wha have made our success possible over these past b , tes years. We look forward ta contisuing our service witb you in the future. Happy Holîdays! MAL FO-T£ ECsmWiI, udUO 49 mO hie Or. Unit 7 MILTON,= ro tLOT3L <9M8>075-4080 - Coli <90SI875-000 WATS RIGO-TEC -wher. Its don. ,lght t>,. ftr timel <Re.Çindeer games Relnbow Village Deycare Centre kindergerten kids (tram leff) Amy Linteck, Choisie Gillespie and Corinne Llnteck don reindeer entiers prior to their ster tumn et Wednesday'5 Christmas Pegeant, held et the Milton Seniors' Actlvlty Centre.