878-2881 Ctjamptoei Coi i «St. John's church members knitting for poor By IRENE GENTLE The Champion W hen the nights are cold, it can make ail the differ- ence if hearts are warm. So the membera and fnends of Nassagaweya's St. John's Anglican Churcis have been showing their hesets ail year, one square at a time. Tisey'oe doing it by knitting adult-sized blan- kola to be distributed to the poor and isomeleas througis tise Wesley Mission in Hamiton. of We began about January tisis year," said one the project's principle knittera, Judith Reed. "It'a actually quite a bit of work." The blanketa are knitted square by square, witis about 56 needed to complete one cover. About a dozen people have put together almoat 20 blankets so far, wisich have been shipped out to Wealey for distribution. "We chose Hamilton because we're in tise diocese of Hamiton," said Ms Reed. Since the blankets are made frora donated or Ieft-over yarn, it seemed appropriate to constnsct them one square at a time. Tise result is an often brigistly-coloured patch- work blanket tisats botis hand-made and toasty. "I teli you aometising, tisese tisinga are warm," said Ms Reed. "Tisey wrap around your body and are really cozy." Tisey'd have to be. Tise initial idea beisind tise projeet was to hand the blankets out to those witis little means in tiseir own homes. I But the demand attise Wesley Mission cisanged tisas. On some nigists, up to 70 isomelesa people pile into tise mission in searcis of a warmer place to sleep. But witis mats available for only 50, many are forced to lie on tise floor when tise demand is isigiseat. At those Urnes, a St. John's blanket will pro- vide some amaîl comfofl througis tise nigist. "It really is an eye-opener," said Ms Reed. "But its better tisan being out in tise street." Tisose making tise blanketa manage by knitting wiserever possible. Ms Reed makes hers while manning tise Halton Railway Museum and wisile watcising TV. "I'm une of tisoae people who can knit witisout looking at wisat I'm doing," aise said. And tise St. John's minister also iselped keep tise project growing. We gos permission to knit aquares wisile we listened to tise sermon," said Ms Reed. Tisougis tackled largely by cisurcis members, tise project isas gained a non-denominatîonal fol- I owing. Not ail participants belong to tise Anglican cisurcis, and tise Wealey Mission is affihiated witis tise United Cisurcis. Photo by GRAHAM FAINE St. John's Anglican Church members Joy Dougan (I.ft) and Judith Reed are two of a team of parishionera and frienda knitting blankets b ke.p the noedy warm 1h18 winter. But it was recommended as being tise moat appropriate place for tise blankets. "It's cisartty," shrssgged Ms Reed. 'it doesn't matter." Tisougis tise blankets have already been dropped off to Hamilton - juat in time to iselp tise isomeleas who may have been displaced by tise immense dumping of anow tisis week - tise work continues. Ms Reed plans on making some scarvea and dropping tisem off over tise holiday seaaon. And in January, many will likely resume their knit- ting ail over again. "We hope to continue, yes," said Ms Reed. "We could go buy blanketa for $10 or $15 but tisey're not near as warm as tisese are." And a tnp to Wesley to drop off tise bounty served to eaae any concern about tise mission itaelf. "Tisey have showers and laundry and serve lunch every day and a snack at nigist for tise peo- pIe ataying tisere," said Ms Reed. "And I was 80 impressed with isow dean tise place is. It's immaculate." Sise was also isappy to learn tise mission isas computera available to iselp people witis job- searcises. "Tisat, to me, is really important," said Ms Reed. Anyone interested in iselping out witis knitting can caîl St. Joisn's Anglican Churcis at 854- 0785, or visit tise cisurcis to pick up needles and yarn. Jt'ô e&~aôtma~~ (~n t&e Jwa! Th~ tawn i~ bright with chri~tma~ li~ht~ and ~aund~ af e~lobratian. Tho window~ ar~ a wand~r, with thoir eh~rful decaratian. Pea~I~' heart~ are ha~q, and ja~j i~ in the air. It1~ Chri~trna~ an the tawn tanight; lt'~ Chri~tma~ ever!Jwhere! Our heartfelt thank~ ta ail aur friend~, whether far or near. We wi~h ~jau Merr~j ehri~tma~, ami a wanderful new From the staff of~tIt C4ItWJIC~U CbL~WPOfl 191 Main Street East, Milton 878-2341 8 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Decamber 19, 2000 u