6 - Trhe Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 19, 2000 *COMMENT Milton lias a lieart three times its size Last week's snow has helped it look a lot like Christmas outside. And indoors, local retailers are feeling festive thanks to higher than average seasonal sales. So ail that's missing is the generous spirit that has always made this town sparkle like a tinseled Christmas tree during the holiday season. Despite. the crowds that braved wet conditions to see Milton's Santa Claus Parade wend its way along Main Street, organizers report receiv- ing just haîf its usual amount of donations in 2000. Since those pay for the following year's parade, a lack of funds could put a real damper on the magical and family-oriented Christmas tradi- tion in 2001. Also suffering is The Champion's Salvation Armny Christmas Bureau Fund, which needs about $10,000 in order to meet its $25,000 goal. A business donation or two to shore up the on-going support of many kind- ly individuals could make ail the difference to a needy family as the countdown to Christmas begins in earnest. It isn't easy to ask for a helping hand when both lime and cash are at a premium. But Milton has always proved it has a heart three times its geographical size. And there are just a few days lefi to prove it again. ;; pw O UR READERS WRITE Trhank ri~, fnr nithIiA«hini Kllmer s remark shows real stand of many Tories article on Aborigin Dear Editor. 'Ibank you for publihng tise articleab Barbara Croall. seho, organized the firast Music Days activities at tise University of It's refreshing, in a news media doî lence, stock madke dips, division into o factions, to read of a womnanmaking suc] overcomne misunderstandings and embrar oneness of humankind. 1 look forward to, reading a report c upcoming-ttsue, 1a event Da dtr A remark captured on election night was aired by CBC on the program, 'The Dust a local womsn, Contenders', which showcased the riding annual Aborigirtsi of Halton during the election peraod. Toronto. The PC candidate, Tom Kilmer, when teated by wsr, vio- congratulating the Liberal winner, said: ,pasing parties an 'Hey, bid, we did it. We kept the bastards sa valiant effort to (from winming)." etise reality of th Halton was fortunately spared to be rep- resented by a person that uses such Ian- f this eveint in an guage to describe his political opponients. Apart from being offensive to, the sup- GracoGuldo porters of the Canadian Alliance, his Coxe Boulegvard remark shows the real stand of many Tories: they sec Alliance supporters as tise *THE CA4NADIAN CHAMPION The C editor. the tele; Box 248, 191 Maia St. E., Tie Canadien Champion, published eveey Tuesday and Priday ai 191 Main St. t., Milton, Set., L9T 4N9 (tox 248>, is one if The Metrilard Mai Milton. Ont. L9T 4N9 Prntng, PubIiising & Distributieg lis. group et suturbar cempanies whicli 248, includes: AjaiPckerng News ydvrtiier, Alliston Hirald/Courier. terrie e (90 )87 -23 1 Adeance, tarry's Bay This Week, ten tnteiprire, Brampton Guardian, office, 1 (905)~ >It ~o1 .U. urlirgien Pose, turiiegier Shopping News, City Parent, City if York Suardian, CrliîgwoidlViastga Cennectlor, tast York Mineur, eei Editorial Fax: 878-4943 Adveuare/Cuuntry tories, toriuke arardiar. Flamionuugh Post, Poeter Young, Georgetown lrdeperdertirtor Pee Preer, Hateur tusiness Timer Iluronia tusiness Timer, Kingston Tisi Week, Lindsay This Wttli, Markiam P d Advertising Fax: 876-2364 tEcnemîre & Sue. MidaritlPeretarguiiiene Micron, Mitre Shopping trac P u Mîrrîrrauga tusiness Timer, Missîsîtuga Ntar, tapante Gide, Classified: 875-3300 Nassagaweya News, Newmarkeiidurira tra-tarrer. Northumberland Nems, Nerti Teck Micron, Oakvîlie tearer, Oakuille Shopping Nens Oîrnîmers G t~ Ian Oliver Publisher Hockey Newi, Scîllia Tuîtay, OriawartthitbylClatngton/Prt'Penny This Week. Owet Sourd Tribue, Peterborugh This Week. Pîctîr Couuty aride, Neil Oliver A.e.nuciuue Pablurher tichîmond HillTheenhiilVaughar LiSerai, Scarsennugi Micron, Struttnilleleinidge Tribuet Wendy McNalb Advertiudng Maunuager Aiteertisirg s raccepteS or tie condition chat, rn the tet fa type- gephical errer, fiait portier efthSe adveeuisîrg space eccupked Sp te erre- Karen Smith Edierer ceeè us item, tegetier mith a rearirable allemanue tee signature, miii rt Se Steve Crozîer Circulaione Manauger 'ciarged tee, Sut tie balarie ot t aduertiiemeet mili Se paiS tee ai tie applicaiît rate. Tic puilisiier ceirrite riigit te cateouite adetise- fla..e a,,,,, meeti or declîne. reaaon for their demrise and they hate tbem. When political pundits calculate the number of votes and ridings bast due to a 'right wing split', or wben they suggest to *unite the right', they forget that man;y Tories would rather join the Liberals. Since moat PC policies are similar to the tonies of the Alliance, those policies don't affect their decision. Tbe litmus test is pro- vided by social conservative principles. Joe Clark and other 'progressives' would probably join the Liberals. Elsie Wayne and other social conservatives would prob- ably join the Alliance. If the Alliance members decide to main- tain or strengthen social conservative prin- Letters welcome onadian Champion welcomnes letters to the .etters must be signed and the address and )hone number of the writer included. letters to: The Canadian Champion, Box iliton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or leave themn at our [91 Main St. E., or fax to 878-4943. ciples, then the existing PC party isn'i a serious problemr for tbem. PC members are eroding support from both the Alliance and the Liberals. If the Alliance sticks to their principles of freedom and respect for every human being, then support for them will corne from the large mass of undecid- ed voters. People, especially in Ontario, who think that in order to attract a few more Tories the Alliance has to, abandon its social con- servative principles, forget that a consis- tent conservative platform is what enticed many more to leave the Tories and form a new party. The existence of a number of political parties in Canada isn't an impediment, but it's an expression of our diverse society. The difficulty is that we're not adequately represented by juat a 'left' and a 'rigbt'. We need to improve our representation system to give an effective voice in parlia- ment t0 other popular viewpoints and t0 disallow majority govemments when tbese bave gamnered lesa than haîf of the popular vote. Gluseppe Gori R.R. 4, Acton by Steve Nease l erg Casas 7he Ugon Canadien Charriolion is a R$CM" P-dWt a Thn Coles Production Manager