But downtown merchants upset over the lack of accessibility on Main Street 3y CARRIE BRUNET rhe Champion 'lis the season for spend- ing, and Milton merchants are reaping the ben.efits. So far this year, Milton Mail bas seen a modeat increase in sales of 3 per cent, witb. electronies, jewelry and ladies' apparel leading tb way, according t0 mail manager Megan Richardson. 'We're boping Ibat will continue tbrougb Christmas," said Ms Ricbardson, adding that il was too soon t0 tell. "Ladies fashion is up substantial- ly," sbe said, pointing 10 an increase of il per cent. Jewelry sales bave increased 13 per cent wbiie electronica bave soared by 18 per cent. The montb of Deu'ember typical- ly represents a quarter of the mail's annuai sales, according 10 Ms Ricbardson. Traditionally, Milton Mail secs an influx of customners tbe week "People can't even walk out there, neyer mmid park ' LDA THOMAS prior 10 Christmas. Ms Richardson attributed that 10 residents shop- ping in larger centres such as Square One or Erin Milîs Town Centre in Mississauga. "Wben tbey've exbausted ail other venues thWy come to us," sbe said. Alto, the bad weatber tends 10 favour local shopping. "Snow keeps people in Milton," sbe said. However, small sbop owners on Main Street say tbe snowy weatber isn't conducive 10 shopping at ail. "~People can't even waik out there, neyer mind park," said Linda Thomas, owner of Lindon's gift and collectibles store. Because of the winter weather, Ms Thomas has found December sales to be down from November. "Who wouid want 10 come out if tbey don't bave 10?" she said. Zellers bas aiso been bit by the snowy weatber, according 10 man- ager Scott Weir. "~Sales are sligbtly down because of a couple snow days," Mr. Weir M Local Christmas sales up over last year: merchants (EO<LIDAY kATE SEREAK DO MOT PAY FOR N0 BAYS OR ONE FULLTEAR FiA cA0* to ~ TWO GREAT PROGRAMS TO CHOOSE FROM w PROGRAM 1 OR PROGRAM 2 SALIS HOIJRS SERVICE HOUR Fdsy ........ Tus-F -...... CHEVROLEFT-ODM DL Sasuiey .~SatsluYHWY. 25 S. AT DERRY RD., MILTON ** * Jet The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, December 19, 2000 - Mecrry Motorimng Dear Patrons, We're proud to know you as our good friends and customners. With sincere appreciation, we say, Thanks ami Haippy Holidays Holiday Hours Friday Dec. 22 8-4 Thursday Dec. 28 8-6 Saturday Dec. 23 Closed Friday Dec. 29 8-5 Monday Dec. 25 Closed Saturday Dec. 30 Closed Tuesday Dec. 26 Closed Monday Jan. i Closéd Wednesday Dec. 27 8-6 Tuesday Jan. 2 7-6 0 , t4 said. However, Mr. Weir said he's confident the store will benefit from an extra weekend before Christmas tbis year. The mail sees 19,000 customers (nearly two tbirds the population of Milton) over the course of a week, each spending on average $ 100. So what are people spending money on? Last years hot ticket items sucb as Furby ceded popuiarity to Playstation 2 and scooters, accord- ing to Canadian Tire manager David Shuvera. Demand for those items ha been bard to keep up with, he added. Fions Kennedy of Nature's Fire, a toy store on Main Street, said she's giad 10 see a shift in loy pur- chaaing back 10 basics. "Parents want hands on stuff for their kids,' sbe said. "And there is s0 mucb out tbere now." Some of tbe more popular items range from linger puppets to sci- ence kits. . "Ail tbe tbings we used 10 play witb as kids are making a come back,' Ms Kennedy said. For more adu!t options, remote car starter, )VDs and seasonal wear sud. knitts and gioves appear 10 bc popular items tbis year, according t0 Mr. Sbuvera and Mr. Weir.