The Canadiari Champion, Tuesday, December 19, 2000--31 0 c 2001 DOOGE UAMVAN eP0RT We pay the GS ad $ 0 ALL 200112000 take $5QQ ff* MODELS NO DOWNPAYMENT AND NO PAYMENTS FOR 90 DAYS Oit~ ~ ~~~~O monHsoSEtd20 oeso o 0mn nalNos , purchase financing for 48 mORt oOSEletd20 oeso o 0mnh nalNo *These are liîmted time offers that appiy ta rotait deliveries ai virtualiy ail 2001/2000 modela exclading, Dodge Viper, Chrysier Prowier and PT V U i T Cruiner. Cannot becombined wth any other otter except Grad Rebate. *Hunt Chrysier wili take $500 ofthe price ofselected in-stock V S T U T 2001/2000 modems, dedact any applicable retailer discoant, and then redoce tht price by a tarther 7%. The 7% "GST Break" does nat appiy te treight, retailer instaiied accessaries. warranties, taxes ar administration cents. Some conditions appiy, aee osieor complote details. w w w .h 0 1