Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Dec 2000, p. 27

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The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, December 19, 2000--27 Wanted Wanteci Wanted Wanted Wanted Wante(1 Wantecl Services Sevices - Assistaint. Executive Services Fol-Time (31.S houirsweek) As Assistant, EeuveServices, pou will play an important raie in providing administrative and secretarial support ta the Executivç Services department. Yaa are a self-starter wha cakes initiative, can act independentlp and cao be flexible while warking within tight deadlines. l'au passess excellent judgrmene, and can wark effectivelp and sensitivelp with a varieey of externat organizations as well as the public. Your commitment ta excellence is evident in ail aspects of pour work. You possess a College diploma or equivalent; 5 pears' experience in a senior secretarialfadministrative support position, and have a high level of proficiencp with and knowledge of computers and related applications. You have excellent interpersonal, communication and organizational skills, experience working with management staff, and possess; a validi Ontario driver's licence. Experience in a social services setting would be an asset. We offer a competitive salarp, and as a full time emploper, pou would also be eligible for Peel Children's Centre's benefit and pension plans as wel as paid vacation aime and paid personal leave time. If pou would like ta plap a part in aur success, please forward an application, bpJanuary 12, 2001, quoting File ee059, ta: Human Resourcea Coordinator Peel Childrcota Centre 101 Queensway Weat, Suite 500 Miaaiaaauga, Ontaio L5B 2P7 Fax: (905) 273-3664 E-mail: hrdipeelcc.org Viait oua webaite: www.peelcc.org We appreciate pour interest however, onlp those applicanis selected for an interview will be contactedi. MATERIAL HAI4DLERS Purlty Life Heaith Producta in Acton, Canada's largeat supplier of natural health products bas two openings for material handrs in their waeehouse division. These positions are perma- nent and fulI-time- one -position is stea- dy days and the other position is steady afternoons <11:30 a.m. ta, 8:00 p.m.l Duties include stock handling and re- plenishment, cycle counting, picking ordrs and other relatrd dutirs. The successful candidates must have a valid driver's licenan, possess the ability to work in busy - environnaent, be numbers oriented and be able to do heavy lifting. Knowledge of As 400, Radio Beacon and forklift would bie as- arts. Previaus warehousr experience and lift-truck certification is prrferred. Please sendi pour resumne ta Pueity Life Hralth Producta, 6 Commerce Cees., Acton, ON, L7J 2X3, cleaely marked as «Matrial Handîr or fax ta (519)853- 4660 or email: jobs@purinylife.com lay DECEMBER 21, 2000 Warranty & Technical Assi. Cexeda's leader in Hot Tub manefaclering reqaires a snlf-molivafed, enlhuoieslic lnam plaper 10 work in our Oakvilln area disfribution centre. Assats for Iits position, (bol nol requisremno): " Background ln the hot tub & pool lndastry " Meehanical / olectrlcaî Itoowlsdge " Excellent paperworlt management " Gond communicatin obtus " Billogoal (French I Eogllsb) 03e will train the piblt candidate. Salery com- mensurefe vilb eeperience. Plues fax resiue te: 1-800-927-5777 HALTON HELPING HANDS Reliabl e, considéraie cloaning holp urgenlly reqeired for the Milton area. "Abilily loi mork vvilh neniors and physically dieabled people "Reliable Iransporlalion required "Flexible part lime houra Monday - Friday "Peid training & Iravel allowancex Caîl Carol or Pam aI 878-6403 or aend resume by Fax loi 844-5656 LOT MAI REQUIREB IMMEDIATELY Large GM flealership Many Responsibiate. stockine cars *moviog insensory *showroomn tare s omne vehicle ufeantn Woek Houms- 7:30am - 4:3Opnm Cati Kim Manes. Sales Mgr - 878-2355 or Fatx reteume te 878-~6 801 Main St. E. Milton, Ont L9T 3Z3 FFN wenssog so mark in a fast pacedZ0:::0:17? W are cenently accepasog applica- FflT.PflT Short Order Ceeks PFIT WaltersfWaitresses FIT Ulpu - 7amn Dtshwasher Apply in person. Fifth Wheel Truck Stop 40 Chisholm Dr. Milton "Free Trctfliflg" Maxim1 Modical Canada Ltd. a f eading manufacturer of non-Iatex medical exarsonafion glanes and distribulor of nannous medical denices, Pas immediale emploproant opporfunif ses for an experienced: MIX RGOM OPERATOR: Yoar dofien wli iocfude: making glona mie, refsieoiag required raw malerials, maiafaioîng a clean work aroa aod confînuooofy«monifoi- ing glane min and eiqoipment. MILLWRIMNT: Candidates muof be Iicenoed wil P a minimum of 3 pearo expe- noence in fhe repair and nef-up of high-opeed producfion equipmeof (packaging machine expesience in preferred) SENERAI. LABOUR: We are snekiog fulf fime and parl lime general labour Pef p in oui producfion departmeof. Yau musf Pave a minimum of Grade 12 educalion and have prevînon maoofacfuring expenleace. We offer a compefîfîne compensafion and benef ifo package. We are a 24-hour, 7 day a week operaln. If pou are ready no appfy ypour skif 10 and eaperience wîf b a oucceonfuf and growing organizafion, please mail pour reoume aad coernag Ielles in confidence, no late ns an December 21, 2000 10 the atfenonof i Human Resources, 2460 SouftP Sheridan Way, Misînnauga, ON L5J 2M4 os faex i la un ait 905-403-7040. We would lîka Io lhank ail applîcanîn far Ihaîn inlemenl, however only Ihone selecled for an interview will be confacnsi No feiephone inquirnes pieuse. TRANSMISSION RE & RE person reqaired full fime Mon. f0 Fri. Expetience necexaary. 878-8156. NO Feef Career Enplo- rations ia a 3-Week Course deaigned t0 help yea plen yoar ce- Seconidary Location "No Frills Outiet", The Afordable Vehmcf e Aflemnative 320 Steeles Ave. Milton 905-875-6820 Make it RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE For more informal 00/10 To lease or purchase Progressive regisea call Grece ait orcro rc Co nron 10 s 34991(905)878-11240. Hwy 25 S. aI Denry Rd. iedit pn Bng for: search~ing 878-2393 Commercial foir work, Carpenter! Labourer iremiember - Owo transportaion 1997 Pooliac Sunfire. reqairnd. ~ irtI green, lwo door, manu' Fao yoan resame toi ai, cee lied, E-lesled, ROOM in large home MILTON, Hwy. 401& ML Du anglots Cana bian $8000 O.BDO (905)875- axallahie 00W. AC, Hwy. 25. 2800 sq. ft (US)>631-7717 0010. satelitle TV, pool, dodo, off ice lor lease. Chabelan C ia ipon6 appi., parking. Use of Availabie Jan. 1/01. No Chambrlatin kItchon, FR, laendry, broinerspeasse. (905) FOUR bedroom contry smkra. 876-2555. OFFICE SPACE for homo on 12 acres.bae 502Slln Smni horse bamr, dea- Ave, W. Cal 905-272- hie garage, famiiy room 0648. PURHASMO SSITAN wsh lireplace. 10 mina. ROOM for reof. Avait- OFFICE SPACE fon PURHAMO A STAT<MILTON) norlh of town. able immedialely. Suit lease, 50-52 Sfeeies Dee Io a Maternily Leave, a National Steel $1600/monlh. Cal Gars quief working pornon. Ave, W. Cal 905-272- Diseribelor requines a lemporary person tn Thomas RE/MAX Bise Non smokor - 875-1806 068 osepurhasngdeprlmnî dues ay Spxrngs, 878-7777. afler 5 p.m. inude ducas el rcing a imen l ad inqeining wvilh vendons. The position as avaif ahle immedialely and the candidate may be required for up la one year. Candidaesjplease fax reseme la 90878-8085 OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Applîcanîs shauld bave an esfablîsbed knovlndgn of and ho noperinnced on geonsal office poedasos and dalles, sncladsng the propeefîn of office correspan- dence, dafa base mainfenance, dafa e nrp, fil sng OPO- fems, profossînl inferaction vif b clints and sup- plies, and probleso solning. Sfaffsng for bhis posiftion os faîl-lîme. The wosk envîroomeof is quief, nscnlp apposnfed and sel eqaipped. Salasp 10 compotlfInn, e beonf is plan is eveileble, and indoos beefed parking is prnnided. If 1h10 position appeefs o fayen pleae forward your reaieme and oefesy hiofony imsmediatly fa: Wesfern Dioplep Service Limifnd 277 Lakoonoro Road, Easf, Sosite 406 Oakaîllo, Ontario L6J 1P9 COME DRIVE A BUS 4 US OC OC OCARING home environ- C)o 0 00 00 0menf hao space f or pro- achnoler or lnfans. Cal i ~ .Technucian RAINBOW Village Day- office, 35 hov sI vnnk. and limifed pre-achanl Cail us now at: (905) 877-2251 Mammagrapbp and apacea anaîlable. 03e Or 87 91 KIS MD noperince have been providiog an Or1-7-94KISan advanfagn, eariy leaming program Laidlaw te an equal opportunty employer Fax relance ta- inclading compues, ARMIES Collision Centre' SF an Son hlr'sC tevtd We have an openini for a faf tIlme faf y qealfied M lIon's I cheice in f icenced chifd cane. fInfants Collision Technictan and one PainIer'n Hefper le acleol age. Three locationa. Family crédits. PI eaae caif 87-70 Subsidy upon quailying. 875-1955. 878-0537 2 BEDROOM $750/monlh pies hydre. Available Aag. 1ST. dewnlown Milon. Foîdge & slave. 878- 6050. MILLS IDE TOWURS 82 MILLSIIE DR.,, MILTON NOW LEASING 1 & 2 Bedreoma avaîleble on han saate, freshly deco- rnled, 2 npplianoea, on-site leendry, inclades ail ufiliflea <encept phono & cable.) No peta. References reqasred. Avaîlable Feb. 1. Slarling froso $940. Office Hoara are am-5pmn 905-876-1249 8p epposolmeal oniy ONE and Imo bedroom apartmenl. Af f inclusive. Ne pes. Cal 875-4989. ROCKWOOD, sanny one bedreoo apl., over- loeking park, ail inclu- sive, af se aveilable amail commercial npace. (519)856-4900 Classif ied Christmas DEABLINES Friday Dec. 22 Edition DEADLINE Wed. Dec. 20 -at 5pm- Tuesday Dec. 26 Edition DEADLINE Fni. Dec. 22 at larn Friday DOcn 29 Edition DEADLINE Thurs. Dec. 28 at 5p.m __ Tuesday Jan. 2 Edition DEADLINE Fri. Dec. 29 ai llam We wilI be CLOSED Monday Dec. 25 and Tuesday Dec. 26 and Mon Jan. 1.

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