TeCBadan'hmIOl Tu ay, Deceinher 19, 2000 - 25 Fr1qee skating now offered Milton' s arenas are now offering free public skating. At John Tonelli Sports Centre, public skating is available tbroughout Ibis month on Saturdays from 1: 15 to 2:45 p.m. wbile the saine goes for Memorial Arena- only on Sundays froro 110o 2:30 p.m. From there, free public skating will be held aI various limes lbrougb January as vieil as the March break. This winter treat cornes courtesy of Tim Hortons. Fax team reports and sports stor>' ideas ta Steve' LeBlanc at 878- 4943, or drop them, off at The Champion, 191 Main St. E. Photo by GRAH-AM FAINE Spartan Colin Burnhamn gels the upper hand on Miliîkan Mîlis' Joromy Slockton during E.C. Drury'a annual invitational tournament Wednesday. Bumnham gave a strang showlng but loat this 57.5 kllogram match. vNarrow titie win for Drury E.C. Drury Higb's wreslling team retained ils invita- lional lournamenl tille Wednesday. BuE unlike most yeais, holding onto the crown proved lo be an aclual challenge Ibia lime around. Thse Spartans' margin of victory dropped fromt 53 to 12 in a single season - witb up-and-coming Hageraville pusbing the hoats ail day long. Port Credit was close bebind for Ibird wbile round- ing out the top five squads were Georgetown and Milliken Milîs. Drury's lack of dominance Ebis year was due malnly to a sharp decline in golden performances. LasI tes- son, seven grapplers Iopped Ihel r weigbt classes wbile only Ewo did so Wednesday. Cbampionsbip efforts - their firsl ever aI the holi- day sbowcase - were delivered by senior co-captains Rory McDonel and Andy Wsdeson. McDonell took bis second fille of the year in tbe 141 pound division, prevailing in four straigbt matches to improve bis learo leading win total 10 17. Wadeson (127 Ibs.), also îurned back each and every challenger 10 lake bis first gold of the year, after securing silver at two previous meels. In tbe finals, be upstaged MatI Knock - one of few grade 10 wrestlers to ever medal at tbe holiday tourna- ment. Also laking runner-up statua were Adam Baxler and Jordan Lumb wbile bronze medals were oecorded by Cbris Holmes, Ryan Faria and Sean Burnbam. Rob Petberick, Jeff Roberge and Mike Roy rounded out tbe top five finiabers in the open division. Among the novices, Ben Beech led wilb gold - bis second Ibis year - wbile silver medals wenl 10 Dan Iwasa-Madge and Jay Harnel. Placing third were Adam Smith and Geoff Morgan. vHaydàr cracks NCAA's top-JO Darren (Mini) Haydar bas reacbed thse innermosl sancluro of college hockey scorers - the NCAA's Top 10. Thse Milton sbarpsbooter broke mbt the illhssrious club tbis pasl week wiîb a couple of Iwo-point efforts in back-to-back non-conference gamtes with bis New Hampshire Wildcals. At Harvard Thursday, Mini delivered the winning Ially 4:17 mbt tbe Ihird period - negotialing botb opposing defenceman before faking out the goalie wilb an upatairs backband. Then be and big broîber Jeff assisted on tbe final marker in UNH's 4-I viclory. Two nighls laler aI tbe Wbillmore Centre, New Hampshire's electrifying junior drew a pair of first- period helpers 10 guide tbe hosts past Princeton 6-3. Jeff also chipped in wilh an asalUL in the third. The younger Haydar -the 1997/98 Provincial Jr. A League Player of the Year and now properly of the NHL's Nashville Predators - is currently tied for 101h in the NCAA scoring race wiîh Il goals and 15 assists in 1l games. Wiîh nearly hall the season left, he bas a legitimale shol at equalling bis freshman total of 27 goals and 50 total points. Meanwbile, Jeff has been sbowing sîrongly as a îwo-way player wilh the Wildcals. He aiEs wiîh one goal and six assists. Nationally, UNH was ranked fiftb as of yeslerday. The Milton SKD Old Stars Hockey Club wishes 10 express ils ýappreciation 10 the rnany sponsors who have generously supported our golf and hockey toumnaments of 2000. Tbank You: Team Sponsor: SKD GROUP Corporate Sponsors AUSTEN & NOBLE INSURANCE MER FOUNOATION P&H FOODS (BUTTERBALL) ROBERT (PIE) LEE INSURANCE AGtNCY CASTROL ROYAL LEPAGE BILL URRIROXUL DIERE POUNelt ST. CLAIR PAINT IML L R VISKASEPNTC J E AIPRODUCTS jj c Hockey & Golf Sponsors B4RtAIN TIRE & AUTO SER V . MILLTOWN TIRE C 4115E MMORIALS ',4j~ MILTON MACHINE SHOP IR MORE THAN JUSI COP'Y PT G1-ý MUE TO GROUP v.NATIONAL SALES INC.j HU CHYSIER NORTH END NISSANt..' J. riEARLY PUNERAL HOME RICHARDSON CH L O0& KA ROMAC INC g MC G INSURANCE ~ s THE DICKEN 5' MC SIE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME l ' RgLAgAIgRCM< MIK BARBER ZÀIf9PHR Cy- CEN UIC ILR ROYAL BUILDING PRODUCTS Co-, ROYTECH VINYL MGl TAD N TREATPONT MH CRANE RENTAL APPLE O GLASS s W CES& ASSOCIATES APPLIE IRING MANU SECRITIES AZURIX TH AMERICA MARS L FARMS BEST P GINS SYSTEMS M LO S BILL MA RS MENS WEAR ~ ' Mit ELECT TOR BOB'S A SERVICE V1ILTON J BRUCE TRAVEL NNJSKET CANHO C NE RENTALS NAI L CHUEL GH A PPLE PARM N ME CAL CLARK '1PACCAR ERIT TRUCKLESN DIRECTT PRECI N FASTENERS FULTON ENTERPRISES INC. SLESSOR MOTORS HALTON AUTOMOTIVE SOLEX HALTON GROGNE CARE EOUIPMENT SPRINGRIESE FARMS HALTON POOL N'SPAS STAGE WEST HOME HARDWARE THE MEAT TERMINAL to the comuiy eý1M;_quîpmnest purchases for the Milton District Hospital, hursarie-s PLA1NUM ENEFCTO fordonaingover $100,000 for the purchase of medical equipmest. BRAKE ýSPEI SERVICE INCLUDES: a Installation of 1 set of brake pacis or shoes. e Top up master cylinder e W. Inspeet: Caflpers, wheel cylinders, hoses LUnes, brake hardware, wheeU bearings, seuls a Addltlonal cost for resurfacing rotors & drums If required * AdditIoflai coat fpkr vehicles othor A Tradition of Value & Trust since 1 th1ian most cars - lght trucks specilld. Cail Peter for deta il . CIAL 1967 il $1ur *For most cars, Iight trucks Offer ends Jan 311I2001 655 MAIN ST. E. MILTON www.gallingerford.com Peter Appt.@gallingerford.com x~I . 1 a