24 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 19, 2000 Juveniles rediscover scoring Minor bantams red, hot touch and blast Newmarket in win over Georgetown By STEVE LeBLANC The Champio n Local juvenile fans were hoping for an end to their team's home-ice scoring troubles agsînst Newmarket Saturday. Tbey got their wish - and then somne. With just eight skaters suiting Up for the opposition. it was pretty evident [rom the onset that the hosts would have no problemn burying the biscuit or coming out on top. And by first intermission, the only ques- tion remaining was would the goal differential reach double digits? The AA Winterhawks weren't quise able to reply with a yes, although they did establish a new single- gamne scoring total - annihilating the Redmen 9-1. Milton's winning goal was delivered before the con- test was two mninutes olti. Roti Heinz did the honours, making bis first of two deposits on Use night with a bluefine shot white the visiting netmninder was partial- ly screened. From there Use locals tallied twice more through the balance of opening frame, eased up in the second and then lit the lamp four times in Use final stanza en route to Useir widest margin of victory this season. Jordan Jeans, still subbing as captain in suspendeti Steve Szafer's absence, enjoyed Use lion's sbire of the scoring pie with threc goals andi an sssist. He complet- ed the hst-trick with 2:05 left to play, connecting on a t-,<-nn-nno qhnrthnndi-A msçh with Derek Mewhinnev - who ended the game wiUs three helpers. Kaegan Shemiff potted a pair white Derek Bimnie, recently inserted up front to, add some speed white a few Winterhawk forwards nurse injuries, had a goal and two assists. Alto den ting the twine were Dave Komnack and Brent Smith. Newmarket's lone msrker came halfway through Use night on a powerplsy blueline bst Usat beat Josh Arnold on the glove side. Overaîl, the hometown cager was challengeti 17 times. The Redmen had tive chances with Use extra attack- er white their hoats had no powerplay opportunities. Riley McAneney and Chris Wulfers - in bis firat gamne back after being sidelined for two weeks with broised ribs - offered impressive penalty killing efforts for the Winterhawks. Four nights earlier in Peterborough, Milton perse- vered through a slow start to win 6-3. .Chris Kovachik waa steady between the pipes over the final two periods, during which bis teamimates out- gunned their eastemn rivals 5-1. Jeif Mitchell tallied twice and sdded an assist white McAneney also potted a pair. Singles weoe chipped in by Mewhinney and Rick Nadalin. The Winterhawks will be in Ajax tonight, looking to svenge an 8-2 defeat s couple of weeks ago. They will close out the calendar year at home againat Stouffvîlle Saturday. Game lime is 8:30 p.m. NflltoiVs AA anlnor bsans contin- uedtheisir red haot strefik by scofclling tost Georgetowsn 9-1 Friday, Bung ,ap the score slsect wilt a hadu ofgl M luanlasit was Mark Galick - war posivcontibutoni hclped the visitorst b tisair biggcit victo- ry this sason. Aiso standing tli with a goal anti threc assists was Mati Recti witelircc- point niiglsts were delivereti by Davidi Tlielcans anti Kyle Seott. Ticlamans tallieti twice anti adtiet an ist white Scott iat a couple of helpers to go aln ihhi gemarker. Newconicr John Murphy elsiipd ias witsa pair ofasssts. Netmnsr Robert Sihs sîutt bid was spoilet i ande the final nmte of play. Thse Wintastsa arc ant ispressive 5- 1-1 i hir list sevm gnas- Bak-bak wùt Miltoa's A minorjpeewces turacti back ensaeutive challenages lait weck witit eonviascing wlns over Hespeler -nd filom. The Millwelti Entarprisca Winterhawks got things rollissg by thumaping Hoapeler 6-2. SemI MeT*aeit led tlse way widi a two-goal effort wite coastibuting a goal andi an asslat ecl waoe Alex Marsha1 ansd Alias Yaobnarà AIso liglstlng the. lansp werc Conor Fer uson and Csis SlsoiaL Ftvm tser., the local lads humbled Elora '4-1 - tbanks teo siree-goul, one- ssst sowcaae by Mar".salTwo of is mankana camse wile shortitandati andi thse olter was tielivesati on ltae power- play. Ferguson wss te otlser scorer. Splitissg th. netriiindiasg dties over thte two-garne wln itrcak wcrc PaulI Harder andi Mike Sullivan. Glass sales to help MMHA Want to support Milton minor hockey anti get a special momento in retumn? The drop by Kelsey's Restaurant anti purchase one or aIl six limited-edition NHL alumni collectible glasses featuring Hall of Famers Frank Mahovlich, Guy Lafleur, Bobby HuIt, Phil Esposito. Brati Park anti Marcel Dionne. The glasses are part of a joint initiative - co-sponsored by Phil Esposito, Canadian Minor Hockey and the NHL Alumni Association - to raise funtis for minor hockey in Kelsey's cities acroas Canada and the U.S. Customers may purchase a glass individ- ually or in sets of six. Protecting your health. Barbara Beattie works with her detector dog Rookie and her colleagues at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. They help stop forbidden items from entering Canada that could damage our plants and animais or contaminate our food supply. This is just one of many services aimed at protecting the health of ail Canadians. To îearn more about the hundreds of services available f rom the Govermment of Canada: " Visit the Service Canada Access Centre nearest you " Visit wjww.canada.gc.ca " Cai 1800 O-Canada (1800 622-6232), TTY/TDD: 1800 465-7735 Canadâ Rep Hockey Milton*s AA sainer novices hav~e steppetiu th*ir efforts in reoai weeks anti are beginnasg tbs pois oani that werc preiously trourniglltafl Cisc ins point wis a respectable 3-1 tiefeat te G3eorgetown. The Winterhawls' loae goal was scosgti by Jeff lare wsle isrng ntmning by Trevor Rae-Hutit plus topalobOls tefen- sive play by Dutin hsto and Lauren Bafore îltt, te locals blanketi Oakvlllé40an the srenghof Spencer Abmhlaa'scrafty caige wott, antià lut- tick by Clare. Brandon Hsagat also scofedê Milton also edged Bulington 2-1 anti wate itoiset by Ancastar 3-0 ra<santly. Goals in lte sain wese poitad by Zakk Collins and icardo Rh*k. Losing thefr grp The Huanicane AAA major bastins' grip on fiait place ltis looianeti up a bit recently. Halton tiroppeti thrae of five gams anti faIt to 14-7-2 on tlsa year. Hlghlightasg tis streteit was a 2-0 wbltewass of Niagara Faits, in whleh Miltoasian Ryau Johsson easiieti the, Thete's oer vtry ame gaiiit Stoney Cratak 2-1) willltosseswere to Bramapton (2-1), Oakville (5-2) sud Welland (2-0). Otiser loeal colnpeting for th. 'Canes - wlso're rinkei 'fouartls overali in Western Ontailo anti eiglt across tlse province - are t>rew Evans, Christian Noni, lias Robtson anti Peter Schsultz.