'Have your cake and keep it off your hips, too By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Living large over the holidays doesn't have to mean get- ting large by the end of themn. In other words, people can have their cake and keep il off their hipa, too - if they're carefui and strate- gîze a hlie. That means flot starving in order îo save roomn for ail the delectable Christmaa treats available, accord- ing to Marion Healy, clinicai direc- tor for the Beverley His Weight management and Nutrition Centre. Instead, stay aatisfied and les likely to overindulge by eating reg- ular meais. Going to a goodie-laden party hungry is juat inviting a binge-session. Trying a bit of everything can be a luxurious indulgence over the bolidays, said Milton Leiaure Centre fitness supervisor Tracy Hasseifeldt. Juil keep the portions smail and don't go back for aeconds. And stay away from the food table while miàngling to keep temp- talion ai more than arm's length. Nibblng on somne vegetables can help counteract the urge to binge on fatty Christmas treata. Remember, sat ln moderation. And drink sensibly. Sugar and cream-filied drinks can be like meals in diaguise - only without the nutrients. Egg nog and speciai- îy coffees fit ibis description. Slightly better are high sugar-only drinks such as Khaiua, Grand Mamier, aweet wines and cham- pagne. Besi of ail are dry wines, ligbt beers and whiskeys such as scotch served on the rocks. But aside from the danger of drunkenneas, alcobol consumrption tends to slow the metabolismn and pack in the calories, so moderation is tihe bip's best friend. eaee KEEPING on page 19 Are. You Suff.aing From STRES? Chiropractie eare can Chemical - Too much caffeine, chemnicals cannot continue indefinately to be primed help you flot only to manage your stress % help you reduce your in food, prescription drugs. for action. Your system falîs prey to anxi- but also to reduce your level of stress. % own level of stress. Wh tH p esW e ety' iii health and chronic dîsease.B l n e r i Stress is a build up of ia apes 11' Chromec Stress yblnig& lgigth chronie anxiety in your You Face Stress? With chronic stress, yo- byn balacin &coin-g ii mind and tension in your 1.Frt orbd ucl rprs pletely relax - your muscles are always spine ... bihvlody tss s a itself for confrontation. This is the "cail to tense, energy is drained, and your body and Balncs RIe, B r ans ho ig h ale rer arms" - the alarm reaction. Messages mind become fatîgued, more susceptible to BaaiO1 OdBlnc, copld it aloerd stream from your brain to your endocrine colds, infections,. ulcers, digestive troubles, ALL SYSTEMS G ability to bandle the (omnlsstmiafgtorlgh" high blood pressure, asthma, arthritis, heartm stesosIf th . 0,,, ni o.r tn disease. and rmature agini!. A stressor is a challenge to your comfort or survival. They come in different forms. Physical - Extremes of heat or cold, rush- ing to catch a train, extended postural strain working at your computer, not enough rest. Mentallmotionai - Interpersonal differ- ences, an overly demanding boss, self- doubt, marital stress. normal. 2. Nf the stress continues, you go into the stage of resistance. Your body tries to adapt to the stress; it puts Up the barri- cades, so to speak. You mun from or fight the threat; you tense your muscles; you raise your fever; you struggle to prevail. 3. If the stress continues, you may pass to the stage of exhaustion. Your body The Subluxation As A Stresor The Vertebral Subluxation complex is a dangerous stressor that can damage your nerves, weaken your health and exhaust your energy stores. The Chiropractie Approaeh By removing vertebral subluxation fromn your body, chiropractie care cmi improve the funiction of your nervous systemn and Cali your local chfropractor for a spinal stress check-up today. A public awarenesa programn by your local chirapractic associato eiti 1O AllyMlo auyM P alC iorci eln n1e Mito ahrpati HOan Cetr *llo).cl aoti ahrpr i aetr Cetr 95 Mai S . Cete95M i :S.E 18 Ona Io Si S. 18 Onai te.20M ri i r na ef 30M i t r ai eTre Di J. te 1Oýtt Di . Hahi Joe Dr MuryMPal 8 6-0 8 D.DvdL Pii s 8 61 8 1