,Dateline1 Dateline la a f ree listing of coming events only. The column la available to local community groupa to assiat in promoting their futtire eventa. Only charitable or non-profit community groupa may uae this aervice. We can only guarantee one isaue of publicity closeat f0 the date of the occurrence although more inaertions are poaaible if demand as low. Noticea for Dateline ahoutd be hand- ed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed to P.O. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, faxed f0 (905) 878-4943, or e-mailed to mil- toned@haltonaearch.com. The final deadline la noon Friday for Tuesday'a edition and noon Wedneaday for Fniday's edition. Dateline items will not be acoepted by telephone. Tuesday Dec. 19 Knitting need flot be a solitary activity. Come out and join the Milton Knitters for social kssitting, technique swappiag and support. The group meets in the Community Room ast Loblaws froru 7 to 9 p.m. For details cati Anne at 878-7900. Analyze your skifls aad abilities at the Milton Resource Centre and discover liow they affect your career pafli. Sign up l'romi 9 a.mf. to 12 p.m. For more information dial 878-8418, ext. 218. Find support among peers in weigt loss with the Canadian Calorie Counters. Meetings take place every Tuesday, from 6:30 fo 8 p.m. at the MiltQa, Resource Centre. For detais cati Thomasena at 878- 5322 or Lenore at 878-0622. The Halton Catholir District School Board offers basic iteracy skills pro- grams te the devetopmentalty chai- lenged. Learners must be independent enough to benefit froru classroom instruc- tion. Classes take place at Bishop Reding Secondary Schoot, 1600 Main St. E. For detaits cati Helen at 257-3688. Wednesday Dec. 20 Enjoy social dining wifh Milton Meals on Wlseels at the Loblaws Community Room. Transportation and assistance can be arrsnged, if necesssry. The cost is $5 for a bot meal. Cati 878-6699 for details. La Leche League invites ncw muma tu join their breastfeedng clinic. The group meefs at 8 p.u. on Cheriali, 540 Chids Drive. For details cati 878-6348, 876-0772 or 876-3322. Past Timmys, pas t Tammys being sou ght The Easfer Seal Society of Ontario is tooking to the past f0 celebrate ifs future succesa in fuandraising. The society la seeking past 'Timmys' and 'Tammys' - flic annuat spokespeopte cliosen among beneficiaries of flic charit) for disabled children -f fo ake part in flua year's celebrations. ibis year marks flic SOfl anniveraary ol the Conn Smythe Sports Celebritiei Dinner and Auction for Ester Seat Kids The dinner has raised more flan $3.V~ million for flic Eser Seat Sociefy. Pas ambaaaadors witl lave tlie chance at bcinj a gucat of honour at fis year's banquet. If you're a former Timmy Or TammnY. o know someone wlo is, contact Etien Wei (416) 421-8377, ext. 336, or. totl-free att1 800-667-6252. Thursday Dec. 21 The VON liosts ifs foot care chiei at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childa Dr., from 1 to 4 p.m.. Visits to the ctinic are by appointruent only. Cati 875- 1681 for bookings. Friday Dec. 22 The Women of Note vocat ensemble hosts Songs of Comfort and Joy at noon at Knoxa Preabyterias Churdli. Tickets cost $10 at tlic door witli a portion donated to flic Salvation Army Chiristmas Bureau Fund. Sunday Dec. 24 Soufliside Community Churcli invites everyone fo ifs Christmas Eve service. The service starta at 6:30 p.m. at flic dburci iocafed at 2850 Derry Rd., hetween fie liosoital and fire station. Aromathei S8 Eyebrow ý I MILTONOS 88RO 8s8 si (905) 875-0508 d I E 550 Ontarlo St. S, Milton ________ Please fax Dateline item info to 878- 4943 in pleni>' of time before the event is to take p lace. OIL FURNACE SALE a $100 Off a 12 Months No lnterest or; a 4.9% Financing (Up to 5 Years) . 5 Vears Furnace Maintenance Plan (Value of over $650) a FREE Thermostat Collect AIR MILES' rewarci miles on ail your heating oil purchases. Call now to become a collector. ITS FREE. '~~~ (905) 878-6380 e 1-800-465-6071