b-*1è badiàaÎl târhpibh', Fdn9, Dècembei 15S, 210Ct BRAKESPECIAL SERVICE INCLUDES: * Installation of 1 set of brake pacis or shoes. *'Top up master cylinder e We inspect :Calipers, wheel cylinders, hoses Lines, brake hardware, wheel bearings, seals * Addltionai cost for reswlfaclng rotors & drums if required * Addttonal cost for vehicles othe than moat cars - light trucks speclfl.d. I l jOffer ends Jan 3131/2001__ ! ISHOP RcEINO R1en SCIGOL&9 Mark Ryaa Laframboija Pyrre Royal Report By Mark Laframboise and Ryan Pyne Christmas is coming ever faster and with just fivc school days hefore the break, students and staff alike are in the festive spirit. This coming Thursday, B.R. 's music department is presenting the annual Christmas Concert at 7:30 p.m. in the cafetorium. The senior, Junior and Jazz bands along with the Choir and guitariot are ready to delight you with festive sounds. Admission is $5 for aduits and $3 for students and B.R. Alumni. Seniors and children are froc. A portion of the proceeds will be donated te the Good Shepherd Center. Everyone is welcome te attend. A murder has occnrred in the halle of B.R. One unfortunate staff mcm- ber's life bas been taken by another. Local detective Kris Kringle and partner Bingo Brown are retnrning once again te solve this terrible occurrence, but with the Christmas holidays fast approaching, the help of staff and students is needed. Every morning starting Monday, December 18, first period classes will receive activities and chues that will belpi lead them te the victim, the murderer and the motive. The activity, which is mun by Student govemment, will wrap up next Friday at the annual Christmas assembly. This pat weekend, the Senior girls' Volîcybaîl team competed at the M.M. Robinson Toumament. The girls faced the Notre Dame and White Oaks squads before challenging the hoot team, M.M. Robinson, in the consolation finals. Aller splitting the first two matches, the girls lest in the tiebreaker. The Senior Boys' Baskethall team recently traveled te a tournament held at Notre Dame in Bnrlington. The teamt played bard and reached the consolation finals before losing te Loyola. Meanwhile, the Midget Beys' Basketball team defeated aur cross-town rivais E.C. Drury in an outstanding match. AIl of Bishop Reding's sports teame are showing potential for their regular seasons and toumnament play. B.R.'s Senior and lutermediate School Reach teares participated in their first tournaments this month. The Senior A team is sitting in fonrth place in their division with a 3-2 record and 1190 points. The B team currently bas 590 points. The Intermediate teams are aIse going very well with bath teams postiig records of 4-I. The A team is in sec- sud place in their division with 1450 points, while the B teamt current- ly holds third place with 1360 points. Good luck to aIl of B.R.'s teams as they continue their toumament play in the new year. To finish off the week bere is a quote from the Grinch. "The Grinch thonght of something he hadn't thought of before! Maybe Christmas, ho thought, 'deesu't come from n store.' 'Maybe Christmas . .. perhaps ... means a little bit more!'" DATELENE DRDRY &W E.C. DRUET loU SCHO0O6 Joanne Gunding Linds.y Harrold Hcy! Guesu wbat? lIts Friday!! Hope aIl you students enjoyed your snow day! Sa, how masy marc days until the Christmas bolidays start? Spartan athîctes are too busy ta tbink about that nigbt now! This week bas once again becs dominated by sparts. Drury hsd numerous games sud toumaments that ftlled up the week very quickly. 'Ssarting with boy's bankethaîl on Friday sud Saturday, Drury held its annual Sr. Basketball toumnament. Althougb aur guys came aut strong, tbey weren't quite as strong s the competi- lion. Hey what happened ta that 'ulammin' it down bard' thing? I guess tbey'll just bave ta work an that ose! Way ta play bard, guys! Cantinuing au tbraugh the wcek, Manday the girls' volley- baIl teamu opened their seasons playing their firus games against Georgetown. Altbaugh the matches wcre very close, Spartans came up just shart af victory. Playing again ou Wednesday, bowever, they praved their patential sud ended Up beating Iraquois Ridge 2-I. Way ta ga ladies! Also beld on Wednesday was the famaous Drury Invitatianal. Wrestlers daminated the mats in their grecs sud gald singles and won the apen divisian, That anc adds yes anasher victory ta the traphy case. Way ta ga baye! Anather taurnament this week was held on Tbursday far the Sr. girls valîcybaîl team. Altbough Dntry didu't hast is, the girls wcre able ta shaw ather teams what Spartan pride is really ail ahaut. After traveling an haur thraugh the snaw, these girls beated things up an the caurts sud came aut an tap. Cangrats an a great tournament sud such terrifie spirit! Trying ta, match that came scbaal spirit, the Jr. girls are bast- ing their awn tournament taday. Seboals fram aIl aver will ho participsting, so came an aut sud cheer an the team! After the flunry of tournaments we basted, a big tbanks goes out ta, aIl the people wba helped make themn passible sud ta tbase who came out ta suppart the tcams. Weil, that's it far this week! Here's sometbing ta think about this weekend: 'Lufe is a succession of lessons wbich must ho lived ta ho understood." Have a fahulous weekcnd everyonc! Gos out there sud enjoy the snow!! GRBADE "1A"P' NEWS AT 11Bie SCIGO0L1 Michelle Merkley EmiIy Willoughby With onty ose wcek rcmaioîsg of schaat before Christmas break students here at Mitton District are feeling the pressure of end of the year projects and assigoimeuts. At the same time we are also comiog up with ways ta have fus and get into the Christmas spirit. White waiting for Christmsas ta came, decarations wcrc pst up arossd the schoot ta make it more festive. Today, first period was extended an extra haîf as bour and stsdents decorated their ctassraom daars. The doors were decorated sn Christmas wrappisg paper and other Christmas decoratians. Each door was judgod and the winsor witt ho assausced saotime tater in the day. Also periads 3 sud 4 taday for the tirst time a chance was affored ta students wha tike ta skate. Students wore invited ta buy a ticket sud thon ga ta Jahn Tonetti Arena ta have an aftemoon fuît of fus. Tickets wero sotd att this weok and wcro $4 in advasce and $5 at the door. Every persan wha bougbt s ticket gat a froc bot chocatate. Noxt week as wetl is shaping up ta ho futl of fus Christmas ovouts. The wooR starts oft Manday with students boisg asked ta wesr rod sud grecs. Sa pull aut att of yaur red sud grecn clathos sud hetp aur schoat gos rcady for the botidays. If this doosu't get you roady for Christmas, an Tuosday sud Wodnesday sn period 3 Christmas movies wilt ho shows. Att of the ctsssics witt ho ptsyod in the cafeteria. Be sure ta came aut sud watch. As mssy of you also ksow, the westher has sot becs very sice lstoly. Os Tuosday December 12 thore wss a sn0W day sud att classes worc cascetled. Thon os Thursday December 14 ait of the buses woro cascelled. It is very important ta listes ta your radia on dsys when you tbisk that the schoot might ho closed. Severat of these radio stations are totd after 6 am. Some of those stations that carry this information are FM CHFI 98.1, Esergy 108 sud os AM CFRB 1010 sud Otdios 1150. Just s remindor ta grsds that snt week is Grad photos. Make sure you do sot miss your sppoistment hecause it is vory bard ta gos asothor spot. Welt there is asty 9 marc dsys teft ta finish your Christmas shopping. Hopefulty if you haven't finished yet yoo do sot have tao much marc ta do. Have a groat weekesd sud happy hustisg. *For most cars, Iight trucks